After three rounds of drinking, Florian also opened his heart, sat opposite Elok and complained loudly:

"You don't know. These idiots from Damia are really bullying a person from a foreign country."

"Not only did they ask me to go to the most miserable area of ​​Garosson, but they also asked me to do the most dangerous job. What a bunch of stupid pigs. I will die on the road sooner or later."

"If I hadn't just arrived and didn't know anyone, I would have punched them on the chin. Then I would have stepped on their heads into the pig pen."

Alok patted Florian's tall shoulder and comforted: "This is what everyone will experience. If it doesn't matter, it's mostly like this."

"That's right." Florian took a long sip of wine depressedly.

"What about you? Have you found your sister?" He looked up at Alok and asked.

After sighing deeply, Alok said helplessly:

"My progress is not going well either. It's like El has disappeared. No news from him."

"But at least there is a clue. I was planning to ask you for help just now."

"We won't talk about that today. We'll talk about it later. Put those aside for now."

Florian was surprised and said with some blame: "Why are you so polite to me? If you have anything to say, tell me. If I can help you, will I not help you?"

"Hi~ It's nothing," Alok said casually.

He clinked glasses with Florian again, took a big sip, and continued:

"You should know why I came to Damia, otherwise I would be more comfortable staying in Dror City."

"Of course I know. Your sister, Miss Witch. And anti-will." Florian replied inarticulately. Somewhat incoherent.

But the meaning was conveyed clearly. Alok continued:

"That's right. In fact, these two are the same."

"I came two weeks earlier than you, but the progress is not obvious. There is no accurate news at all. Everything is just speculation and luck on my part."

"I'm just trying to find some clues about counter-will through Heipi's intelligence."

"Although I know this seems to be against the rules, it also helps the empire. It maintains order. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone."

Florian took another sip of beer, narrowed his eyes slightly and considered it: "It is indeed a violation of confidentiality regulations. But what you said makes sense. You have to tell me in more detail."

"No problem," Alok replied. "In the past two weeks, I speculated on the possible methods of anti-will through certain information."

"Due to its depraved nature, I set out to investigate the most depraved aspects of Dalmea."

"My intelligence shows that the amount of drugs used in Dalmeia has increased, and the number of drug smuggling ships coming from the Eastern Continent, the anti-will base camp, has increased several times."

“Cult Pink Heaven and Counter Will have always gone hand in hand.”

"I haven't been able to fully investigate the casino and its entertainment venues. However, the largest casino and entertainment venue in Deltaia, the 'Bright World', which I have investigated, does not seem to be suspicious."

"As to other possible ways, I haven't begun investigating."

He stopped speculating and let Florian think first.

He wanted to hear Florian's insights rather than transmit his own to others.

Hearing this, Florian showed a thoughtful expression as expected, lowered his head slightly, and tapped his fingers on the wine glass in his hand.

"What you mean is that anti-will controls others by corrupting them to achieve their own goals. To please the evil god."

Alok nodded, thinking about his words, and finally said:

"This is indeed a possibility, but it can only be said to be the purpose of the Anti-Will Church, or the purpose of some of its people. As for the others, I think it is more determined by the fallen essential attributes of the 'fallen' god. His strength comes from the Fall.”

Seemingly not satisfied with his own explanation, Elok added another example:

"Just like the essential attribute of the God of Order is rules, He must maintain order and formulate rules. The 'Fallen God' must make people fall in order to have more faith and have more power."

He paused deliberately to let Florian digest what he said. Seeing Florian's expression of thinking and understanding, he then said:

"The second reason is the reason of the sea of ​​mental power. The sea of ​​mental power erodes everyone all the time, not just extraordinary people. Ordinary people are the same."

"Similarly, everyone is exuding their own spirit into the sea of ​​spiritual power all the time, influencing and eroding other people."

"Where anti-will exists, more degenerate mental power will naturally be transmitted into the sea of ​​mental power. When these mental powers begin to affect and erode others, people will involuntarily tend to degenerate."

Hearing this, Florian fell into thinking for a long time. He shook his head slightly and asked:

"I've never heard of what you're talking about. Where did you get it?"

Alok smiled slightly and said:

"Lestanwell's books contain a lot of advanced knowledge. And my father is from the north."

Florian once again showed a thoughtful expression, and after a moment he said:

"If you follow what you said, the difficulty of finding counter-will will be greatly increased. Coupled with the survey results you just mentioned, it also confirms this problem."

"Are you trying to find depraved trends starting with pink paradise and drugs?"

Alok was slightly shocked. He didn't expect that the stupid-looking big man could think of his own thoughts. He admitted frankly:

"That is indeed the idea. But where there is corruption, it seems unlikely that there will be counter-will."

"I went to the Brilliant World and the Great Hall. It is quite decadent, but it is the property of the temple. I went to the dock to investigate drug dealers, but there was no evidence that it was related to the Anti-Will. I also wandered around the Elizabeth District. . But this is not a place where anti-will can stay.”

"But the trend of depravity in these places does exist."

He sighed deeply, looked at Florian, and said seriously: "So. I want to see if there are any clues on Heipi's side to connect with Jie."

"I understand." Florian nodded. He took another sip of beer, cleared his thoughts, and said:

"According to what you said, the anti-will hiddenness must be very deep. But why can't the clues you saw be the clues of anti-will?"

"Since there is a trend of degeneration, why can't the temple's property be a stronghold against the will?"

“Why are unsuspected drug dealers not anti-will agents?”

"Even middle-class people living in Elizabeth will be corrupted by money. They are also potential believers."

"But if we don't have enough manpower, we don't have to worry about everything when we investigate. We just need to find the most critical and most promising link and don't let it go. If we encounter a problem that cannot be solved, we can change the angle."

Alok was thoughtful at times, suddenly enlightened at other times, looking at the wine glass on the table, frowning slightly and thinking seriously about Florian's words.

It is true that the dazzling world is the property of the temple, but it is impossible for the God of Order to watch here all the time.

And the method of identifying traitors seems to be something only God can master.

The same goes for the Grand Theater.

As for those drug dealers, they may be peripheral members of the anti-will, and they may not even know about the anti-will. He only knew how to work for others, and was eventually betrayed by Anti-Will.

As for the problem of money corruption mentioned by Florian, Privacy Alok is not just thinking about the problem of money seducing people into corruption like a drug. But it provides an idea.

Let Alok think of some other ways.

There is not just one way to fall. There is not necessarily one reason that makes a person fall.

Perhaps it was vanity coupled with the desire to win, plus money that combined to cause the fall.

Maybe it's the desire for strength combined with the desire for power, coupled with the twisted psychology of being oppressed for a long time.

We don’t need to find them all. We just need to catch the little tail of the anti-will, and then chase them until we catch up with them.

"I understand. Thank you, Florian. Sure enough, my thinking is much smoother." Alok said sincerely.

"It seems like you have an idea. What is it?" Florian picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Alok, and took a big sip.

Alok thought for a while, made a decision, and said firmly:

"I want to catch the drug line until I catch the tail of the anti-will!!"

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