Eilok stopped talking. He was waiting for Albert Durham's answer.

The middle-aged detective finished a whole cigarette in one breath, frowned, and finally said after exhaling the thick smoke:

"A noble, a sheriff. Such a commission~~~~~"

Eilok interrupted him and said:

"I know such a commission is very difficult. And it may offend many people. But I am desperate. I will offer a suitable price."

"If you can find key evidence, 100 gold coins. If the evidence can directly prove who the murderer is. 300 gold coins."

Eilok looked into Albert Durham's eyes seriously.

His hand holding the cigarette shook violently. Then he took out another cigarette, lit it, and continued to take a big puff.

Eilok did not disturb him.

After a long time, Albert Durham put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray. At this time, the room was full of smoke.

"400 gold coins, fixed price."

Hearing this result, Alok nodded and responded directly:

"No problem!"

"Deposit 100."

He turned to look at Sebastian and said directly:

"Sebastian. Draft a contract."

Then, he said to Albert Drum:

"I will come again at this time in three days. Don't look for me."

He took out ten 10-deben banknotes from his pocket and handed them directly to the frowning Albert Drumtian.

Albert Drumtian didn't even count them and stuffed them into his pocket.

He knew it in his heart.

If he was exposed, Mr. Phasma would never stand up to speak for him.

This was actually buying his life.

Investigating a sheriff. A noble. It was unimaginable for him.

He did investigate some things about the nobles, but most of them were cheating, business intelligence and the like.

The nobles he came into contact with were also some nobles with little real power.

For example, a noble who is good at dealing drugs would not dare to take on such a commission even if he had ten thousand guts.

Damia's title of Viscount means that he is definitely a high-level figure. Investigating such a figure will definitely bring great risks to himself. What's more, he is a drug dealer. There must be a lot of bodyguards around him.

Maybe there are extraordinary people.

No, there must be.

He lit a cigarette again. Thinking about what to do next.

Although the existence of extraordinary people is not public, it is definitely not a secret in the eyes of people like him who have experienced all kinds of things.

But he does not want to become an extraordinary person. It is too dangerous.

She still has two children and a wife. There is also an elderly mother to take care of.

If he did not have a lot of debts owed by his younger brother to pay, he would not want to take such a task.

Although the current situation is also dangerous, there is still a great chance if it is handled well.

Extraordinary people often ignore those ordinary little people in a self-righteous way.

Half an hour later, he picked up the contract drafted by Sebastian and read it carefully, and then signed his name on the contract.

"Happy cooperation!" Alok smiled and said.

"Happy cooperation." Albert Drum responded in a low voice.


After leaving the small villa of the detective club, Alok stopped a carriage and told the driver to go to the junction of the Garosen District and the slums.

Although Alok did not remember the name of the street where he met Ir again, he still remembered the route.

When the two arrived near the destination, Alok ordered the driver to stop there for a while, and he used the replay of yesterday to start looking back at the origins and destinations of other extraordinary people who were present that day.

Interference appeared again. That memory disappeared. There were many things similar to the snowflake pattern on the TV left at the scene. So he hurriedly stopped the replay of yesterday.

He was not surprised by this, this was normal.

It was abnormal that he did not encounter interference like before.

"Little Bear." He opened his eyes and called the little bear still in Sebastian's hand.

"Take out my little drifting bottle."

After a while, the little bear woke up, shook his head vigorously from side to side, and then recalled the question that Alok asked.

"No problem, Captain." The little bear replied in a tender voice.

It grinned, opened the pocket on its chest, stretched out its right hand and took out a small drifting bottle from it.

Alok took the drifting bottle in his hand, and with the other hand, he pinched a milky white ball from his temple.

Silently, he used his "opening door" skill to open the bottle cap, and then put his memory ball into the bottle.

Finally, he put the bottle cap on. Put it in front of him.

He also didn't quite understand the working principle of this bottle. It was incredible that it could transmit information over such a long distance.

Il's beacon skill couldn't do it at all.

"Sir. How long do we have to wait?" The driver outside looked a little impatient, and the urging voice came.

"Wait a little longer. I'll pay your fare. This time is also included." Alok raised his voice and said something to calm the driver.

The drifting bottle in his hand suddenly lit up with a soft white light. But there was no change in temperature.

Alok knew that this was probably because Richie was reading his message.

It seems that in this regard, father Rich is more efficient than Il.

The white light flickered a few times and suddenly went out.

Just like the last scene, Alok was slightly relieved.

I don’t know what suggestions and countermeasures Rich has.

Removing interference is his strong point.

While he was thinking about this, he glanced at Sebastian.

But suddenly he saw Rich sitting next to Sebastian.

He was wearing a short-sleeved white shirt and gentleman trousers on the lower body. The gray-white wig was still on his head, and he looked the same as Alok had seen before.

He seemed to have been sitting there all the time, not attracting any attention at all.

In Alok’s subconscious, it seemed that Rich had been sitting there, so he was not surprised at all.

"Long time no see, father." Alok said naturally.

"Yes, yes. Where is Il?" Rich crossed his legs and squeezed Sebastian and asked.

Alok didn't know what to say to his father about this, so he said hesitantly:

"Well~~~She seems to have encountered some trouble."

Rich didn't seem so surprised, but said earnestly:

"Well~trouble, there is growth only when there is trouble. If you solve the trouble, you can grow a lot. If you need it, you can consult your elf friend about that problem."

"Hmm?" Alok didn't quite understand what Rich said, but he still agreed. "Okay, I know. Maybe I can ask Majik."

Rich curled his lips and said, "In this kind of problem, the opposite sex is more likely to know than the same sex."

Alok didn't understand. But he seemed to understand what Rich said.

He wanted me to ask Danielle and Ariel.


"I know. Thank you, father." Alok said gratefully.

"You're welcome. This is for Il." Rich waved his hand and said.

"Who is this?" He pointed to Sebastian beside him and asked.

Sebastian knew from Alok's words that this person was an elder, so he lowered his head and introduced himself hurriedly:

"Sebastian Tian. From Eaton. Now Mr. Phasma's legal advisor."

"Hmm~ Not a bad young man. Very motivated." Richie praised. Then he stretched out his right hand and took the initiative to shake hands with Sebastian, expressing his kindness.

Then, he shifted his gaze to Alok's face and said with a little blame:

"You have to treat Sebastian well. The salary you give is not enough for him to pay off the loan. Not to mention buying a house and getting married."

Alok was speechless and could only curl his lips and pretend nothing happened.

In a flash, Richie changed the subject, pointed outside and continued:

"Also, next time you do something like this, remember to make an interference first. Although your interference is a bit shoddy, it's better than nothing."

"Got it. Thank you for your teaching. You were not like this before." Alok complained.

"That's because I taught Il before."

"I see."

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