The music stopped at the right time.

Alok breathed a sigh of relief, and finally he didn't have the urge to sleep.

The little episode just now caused a little flaw in this operation, and the gunshot shouldn't have been heard.

But Alok himself didn't regret it.

It seems that the reason for the change in Il's appearance has been found, and he has to confirm it with Daniel and Ariel.

The sound of Sebastian's violin made the residents around him fall asleep, and they might not hear the gunshot, but the sound of the pistol would still be heard far away.

However, in the slums of Damia, shooting and murder are not uncommon.

But we still have to walk quickly.

He looked around, waiting for Sebastian to come up and play a funeral song to accelerate the precipitation of the meteorologist's will crystal, while searching for relevant clues and valuable things in this room.

However, apart from the pistol, there is really nothing that can be regarded as valuable.

Maybe it's the economic pressure caused by long-term use of clear leaves.

He picked up the pistol that fell on the ground. He looked at it carefully.

An old-fashioned short-handled musket with a wooden grip and a black gun body. It looked very old, but it was well maintained. It seemed that its owner would often oil it.

Sebastian walked in from the door with a sneaky move at this time, and his eyebrows jumped when he saw the bloody scene.

He resisted the feeling of disgust and glanced at Alok who was squatting on the ground.

Then he consciously played the music.

Before the song was over, the crystal of the will of the meteorologist who died first had been precipitated, but the body at Alok's feet did not precipitate crystals, which surprised Sebastian.

Alok picked up the crystal and searched for a piece of parchment on the body.

He stopped Sebastian's impulse to continue playing. He strode over the body under his feet, took Sebastian, who was still a little puzzled, to the door, and imposed a comprehensive interference.

Finally, he handed the musket in his hand to Sebastian, and also gave him a few bullets found on the body, and said:

"Here, your trophy. You can use it for self-defense. Hide it on your body."

"Alok, you have to practice shooting in the future." Alok said as he lowered his head and walked on the street.

"Got it, boss." Sebastian said calmly.

He walked a few steps quickly to catch up with Alok in front of him, and hid the pistol at his waist.

After walking a few steps, he felt the coldness at his waist and felt a little awkward, so he handed the musket and violin to Little Bear. He casually carried the dark blue handbag and continued to follow Alok.

Walking on the street, Alok took out the small drift bottle again, took out the red memory from it, and carefully peeled off another light spot.

That was a third-level extraordinary person, according to Alok's speculation, he should be a "criminal".

There are only a few extraordinary professions that Alok has not seen. Only the extinct ‘light messenger’ of the Hutt Empire, the legendary thief profession ‘criminal’ and the priest of the God of Harvest and Earth ‘farmer’ were left.

In Alok’s memory, the astral body of the extraordinary person emitted a dim colorful light. The possibility of farmers and light messengers can be basically ruled out.

Then he began to repeat the operation and input the light spot into the compass. And put away the drift bottle.

Following the guidance of the compass, he walked quickly on the territory of the Garosen District.

Finally, Alok stopped in front of a rare luxury entertainment venue in the Garosen District.

Obviously, the criminal did not have the consciousness of being a criminal.

If not unexpected, he should be on the woman’s belly now.

Alok sneered. But he was not going to do it directly.

Such a place is crowded with people, and the pink astral bodies upstairs indicate that there are people from the pink paradise. It is considered the most dangerous area.

However, Alok has always followed the view that he can use his brain and not do it. Unless he can only do it. For example, when he burned down the base of the drug dealers. It was really satisfying.

He secretly memorized the location, and then hurried past the door of the nightclub called "Hao Hai Wan Jia".

"Do you know where the police headquarters in Garosen District is?" Alok lowered his head and asked Sebastian in a low voice.

Sebastian quickened his pace, caught up with Alok, and whispered: "I know, it's still some distance from here."

"Then lead the way. Let's go to the police station." Alok nodded and spoke very quickly.

Sebastian didn't ask more questions, knowing that he might not get an answer even if he asked.

Now the whole thing seems to be under Alok's control, and he is the only one who knows the whole situation.

Including Roger, Florian, and I, all of them only know part of it.

But it's enough to complete my part.

Sebastian made some inferences when he went to the police station this time.

This must be to find the big guy Florian. The matter is nothing more than the so-called anti-will personnel.

However, he didn't want to ask more questions, he believed Mr. Alok Fasma.

Following Mr. Phasma's habit, he led the way only until he could see the police station from a distance.

He pointed to the four-story white marble building over there and said:

"That's it."

Hearing this, Alok, who was hurriedly following Sebastian, took a look from a distance.

This is already the boundary of the Garousan District close to the Kafka District. It is much more prosperous than the edge of the Garousan District just now.

Many middle-class people will live here, and there will be some villas along the river, which are sold to wealthy people whose financial strength is not too high.

Alok looked back around a few times, pointed to the commercial street in the distance, and said:

"Let's go change some clothes."

At a glance, he found a ready-made clothing store, and Alok walked in with Sebas.

Although he was blocked by the security guard at the door, Alok solved this minor problem with a single amnestic resection.

By the time the two security guards reacted, Alok and Sebas were already standing in front of the counter.

Alok ignored the looks of disdain from those around him, and then took Sebas to randomly choose two morning dresses.

"Check out." Alok said urgently.

He didn't want to spend too much time on this matter. At this stage, time is obviously much more valuable than money for me.

Unfortunately, the clerk's attitude was really bad. The disgusting tone, arrogant attitude, and gesture of not wanting to serve him made Alok feel a rare feeling of disgust.

He frowned, then took away the two gowns and used an amnestic technique to remove a piece of the group's memory.

After sighing, he took Sebas into the dressing room at the back, took off the tags and put on the dress.

"Don't worry about it. Just put it on. Isn't it better not to pay?" Alok said, looking at the somewhat helpless Sebas.

He took the lead in changing his clothes and hiding his equipment. Then looking at Sebas who had not yet moved, he urged:

"Time is limited. Hurry."

Then, he straightened his tie, held up his hat, and walked out of the locker room confidently.

The attitude of the clerk just now made a 360-degree turn. He looked at Alok and called him daddy. A trace of disgust rose up in Elok's heart again.

He shook off the female clerk's hand and came to the door of the store without saying a word.

The security guard at the door opened the store door for him personally and bowed to serve him. Before leaving, he said:

"Thank you for your patronage."

The corners of Elok's mouth twitched slightly, and he barely resisted the urge to kick him out. He came outside the store and waited for Sebas to come out.

Five minutes later, Sebas walked out gracefully carrying the bear.

He was wearing the dress that Alok had picked out, which made him look like that.

As the saying goes, a man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle.

Alok nodded with satisfaction and asked the little bear to take out his cane to match his clothes.

Then he straightened his back and held the cane in his hand, completely serving as a decoration and never letting the cane touch the ground. Go straight to the police station door.

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