"Write your name on the title page, and information about your occupation's skills and many other important information will appear. Please keep and use it properly. Don't lose it.

There is information about the pirate profession, you can also take a look.

Also, I'm not sure if it would be effective on a second person. But must give it a try.

Ahem~~There is a fifth thing, sorry it’s a bit long.

I wonder if I can borrow your pocket to carry some of my luggage or something. You don’t know, but carrying the suitcase is too heavy.


He wrote a lot in one breath, and finally stopped and waited for the ink to dry before gently folding the letter paper.

Call the little bear over and take out the "Book of the Prophet", the four Elvish books and the small box containing the clear leaves stored in his belly.

Then he took out the fresh clear leaves from the third floor of Dark Night Rose from his pocket.

And put all four things on the table.

He lowered his head to comfort the little bear and recited El's transformation spell again.

He stuffed the letter and all four items into it, taking up a lot of space in his pocket.

Having done this, he breathed a sigh of relief. But he began to worry about whether El could read and learn Elven literature in that situation. I am also worried about what to do if the Book of the Prophet is lost. I worry about El's safety from time to time.

I'm really worried about El.

Now wait for El's information, Florian's information, Roger's information, and Albert Drum's information.

Oh~~~Isn’t that a little too much?

Not a big deal, the more the merrier.

He smiled with relief and stood up from his seat. Then walk out of the room. Come downstairs.

I sat on the bar and watched Sebastian's performance with my chin propped up, and ordered two glasses of Damea beer. Quietly looking at the people around him.

Seas played a moonlight ditty. Soft music is very suitable for a quiet bar like Dark Night Rose. Suitable for young couples on a date.

He can be regarded as working illegally here. The kind that doesn't give you money yet. Alok couldn't help but think.

He turned around and saw that Majik had appeared at the bar. Cleaning the wooden wine glass, he followed Sebastian's rhythm and hummed an elven tune.

Since Elok's study of Elven literature has improved somewhat, he could tell that it was a song about longing for his distant lover. He showed a funny smile and said:

"I didn't expect you to hum this kind of song, Majik. Where is your lover? Is it Coco Tuohai?"

Majik laughed a few times and joked to Alok: "Lake Sitori."

"Okay, okay. That's Navist's lake. The only elves there are...Pastor Andil. It's really unexpected." Alok said immediately and joked.

"Don't say that. I don't dare to chase Pastor Andier." Majik replied quickly.

"What? Is it because Pastor Andile is too beautiful? Or is it because Pastor Andile dances so well?" Alok smiled and continued to joke.

Majik laughed a few more times and explained: "Hahaha. It's because she is so famous for being naughty. When she was young, she always used her identity and strength to bully her male compatriots."

"It's really unexpected. But Pastor Andil is indeed very~~~ very individual." Alok was a little surprised and looked for a more euphemistic word to describe it.

"But she was really beautiful," Maggie recalled admiring.

"It seems like she is still your dream girl. Hahaha~~~" Alok joked again.

Majik reluctantly retracted his gaze that looked at the ceiling, glanced at Alok's breezy face, and joked:

"You look very good today. Your mood has always been up and down in the past few days. This is very bad for your physical and mental health. Being calm and quiet is best for longevity. If you are always crying and laughing, it is easy to die suddenly. ”

"I'm not that easy to die. Who told me to always experience the ups and downs of life these days. I really want to go to the Dark Moon Forest to enjoy a vacation." Alok responded with a sigh.

"Do you have channels?" he asked casually.

"What? Do you really want to go? The elves welcome you. Just go directly?" Majik said casually. "I remember that you have the protection of life in you."

"It's not me." Alok explained, and then continued frankly:

"My sister may go to the Dark Moon Forest."

Majik thought for a moment, put down the wooden wine glass in his hand, and said:

"Follow the smugglers. Or you can go by yourself, but you must first obtain the consent of the elven guards before you can enter the Dark Moon Forest."

He put his hands on the bar and continued: "Those are the most difficult elves to deal with. The Windrunner family."

Alok glanced at Majik in confusion.

If he remembered correctly, Majik's last name should be Windrunner.

"Aren't you from the Windrunner family?" Alok expressed his doubts.

"That's right. I'm not a guard. But if you want to enter, it's right to come to me." Majik said.

"But I have to ask Nature."

"My sister believes in life more devoutly than I do. And this news was told to me by Danielle. I think the goddess agrees," Elok said.

"Hmm~~That doesn't seem to be a problem. In fact, it's not a big problem in itself." Majik used the wooden wine glass to pour a large glass of Elok's specialty Dark Moon Night Beer.

"I asked you. Thanks to your friend for solving the problem of my stage vacancy. The last singer stopped working with me for some reason."

"You have to thank Sebas for this." Alok looked at the musicians on the stage and replied.

"If it continues, I will come to you again. I believe you will help me." Alok said again.

"Of course, of course, remember to bring your sister here." Majik agreed.

"Then thank you in advance." Alok laughed.

He raised his glass and took a big drink with Majik. Enjoy the music that Sebastian just started.


The next day, Alok was still wavering between going out to do things and sitting in the Dark Night Rose waiting for news.

However, there was no need for him to continue to worry about this, as things soon came to the door.

"Hey, Captain Jack." Roger's somewhat bohemian voice appeared in the Night Rose Bar.

As soon as he walked in from the door, he saw Alok sitting on the bar in a daze.

After shouting loudly, he sat next to Alok.

"What? My second mate Roger. Is there a breakthrough? Is my 1,000 gold coins in place?" Alok didn't look directly at Roger. He could only tell from the change in his voice that it was Roger.

"What are you talking about? Of course I came to you because I have more important information. So 1,000 gold coins are nothing." Roger laughed awkwardly.

He ordered a glass of Damea beer and continued:

"Although these two days were short, I still found a key piece of information."

"Tell me what it is." Alok was a little uninterested in Roger's bold words.

I remember he said the same thing last time.

Roger looked around a few times, then sneakily approached Alok's ear and whispered:

"I found a drug ship. I thought, there's an incredible amount of drugs there. How about that?"

"Oh?" Alok was a little interested in Wolfberry and asked, "Where is it? Tell me in detail."

"That's an alchemy ship. It can be disguised as a completely different ship. It's not the same every time, so it's so hidden. It's on Pier 3, right in front of me." Roger raised his eyebrows. continued.

"I have never seen its original appearance, but I made a small mark for it. It will allow me to find it."

Roger paused for a moment and said seductively:

"Should we go and do it? I guess there will be a lot of money on it. 1,000 gold coins is not a problem."

After pondering for a moment, Alok raised his head, looked at Roger, and asked softly:

"Are there any extraordinary beings on board?"

"I don't know about that. Such professional knowledge depends on you. You can always know these things in advance." Roger shook his head slightly and said.

Lowering his head, Alok fell into deep thought.

At such a critical moment, will Anti-Will once again set up a trap waiting for me to step into?

While he was deep in thought. Suddenly, a sound of tapping on the table interrupted his thoughts.

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