At Kateman Bourne's signal, the waiter behind Roger took the letter with a red cross and passed it to him.

The moment he took the letter, Kateman Bourne glanced at it with some disdain, somewhat despising the so-called sincerity. Even the deity didn't come, so how could he talk about sincerity?

And now, we have other options. Why bother?

However, when he saw the name and logo on the letter, he was slightly startled, but he quickly calmed down, flipped through it, and asked:

"My sincerity? My sincerity is based on your sincerity."

"All your information is already used intelligence, what's the point of taking it out?"

Roger couldn't help but sneer and replied: "So it's sincerity, not price."

"Where's your sincerity?" Roger asked again.

The table suddenly fell into a brief silence, Kateman Bourne stared at Roger's eyes motionlessly. And Roger looked at him.

Finally, Kateman Bourne said calmly:

"Ken Bock came to me yesterday. There are not many opportunities left."

"Oh?" Roger was quite surprised by Kateman Bourne's honesty.

His brain was spinning rapidly, hoping to analyze the purpose of Anti-Will's finding Kateman Bourne, so as to counterattack in a targeted manner.

He also wanted to analyze what Kateman Bourne was thinking? What consensus had been reached between Anti-Will and Kateman Bourne?

Was it the hope to win over? To make Kateman Bourne a traitor?

This was probably the only reason Roger could think of.

The reasons for what Anti-Will did were all due to this.

This was determined by the nature of this cult.

And what was Kateman Bourne thinking? Nothing more than getting more benefits, which is the consistent characteristic of businessmen. They don't care about the lives of the people. Once the profits have doubled, they can even use their lives as capital.

As for what consensus was reached?

Was it a consensus on the distribution of benefits? Or to bow to Anti-Will?

In my opinion, it is impossible to be the latter. That means losing his business, and losing everything as a businessman.

And he can tell me in such an occasion, instead of hiding it. What does this mean for Kateman Bourne's thoughts?

He is still hesitating!!!

If he makes up his mind, he will either be frank with me or avoid talking about it.

Roger looked at Kateman Bourne's calm face, knowing that there were turbulent waves and hesitation hidden under the calm.

"Mr. Kateman Bourne, you are also from the East Continent. I believe you have heard of the anti-will. You are also very clear about their style of doing things. I have to remind you that once the star spirit body is eroded, it cannot be reversed."

"Once you betray, you are no longer you."

Kateman Bourne's face did not change, and he said calmly: "Seeing your blue hair, you are from the Storm Empire. I have lived in the East Continent for nearly forty years."

He paused for a moment and said slowly: "I have dealt with the anti-will more than once or twice."

"It can be seen that you are very experienced." Roger nodded at the right time. "When facing them, it is important to have a correct mentality and remain restrained in the face of temptation."

"And the best way is to stay away from them." Roger added at last.

Silence once again permeated the table, and only the swaying candlelight was still proving the flow of time.

Kateman Bourne broke the silence, but only moved his mouth slightly, and said:

"But you are planning to attack them?"

"Some things must be done." Roger also sat there motionless, with a hint of desolation in his tone.

After saying this, he stretched out his right hand and took out the information from the inner pocket of his dress.

"A roster." He held up the letter paper and said calmly.

Kateman Bourne almost couldn't control his body shaking.

Those who know the characteristics of the traitor profession know what this means.

Once the first non-traitor knows that a person is a traitor, it means exposure.

Although this sounds simple, it is difficult to accomplish.

There must be reliable evidence to prove it. For example, the investigation of the temple.

Although a roster cannot prove that everyone in it is a traitor, it has a goal. That's the meaning.

In addition, it also means that you have the initiative when dealing with Anti-Will.

He has not given up the idea of ​​cooperating with Anti-Will. Surviving on the tightrope has been his specialty for many years. Sitting on the fence is also his survival rule.

Everything is for the sake of profit is his lifelong creed as a businessman.

The list of beauties must be obtained. It is not a bad idea to cooperate with Anti-Will, just need to control yourself and don't be eroded, then it will be troublesome.

"Make an offer." Kateman Bourne changed his posture, put his hands on the table in front of his chest, and crossed his fingers.

"No, no, no. Not an offer. It's cooperation." Roger smiled. "Although everything in the eyes of businessmen can be measured by money, for more benefits, my boss decided to only cooperate in this deal."

"Hasn't our cooperation project always been to exclude Anti-Will?" Roger asked back.

The scene was silent again.

Kateman Bourne was thinking about how to balance the relationship between Jack and Anti-Will to gain greater benefits for himself.

He didn't want to be a traitor and have his fate manipulated, nor did he want to be an enemy of a powerful cult, nor did he want to give up the drug market in Damia.

It is indeed very attractive to control the entire Damia market, but he really can't take it. He needs the strength of Anti-Will.

If it is according to my idea, it would probably be a better choice to let the three companies form an interest group. This is a win-win situation.

I control most of the market share, Anti-Will provides armed protection, and Jack acts as the front row to attract the firepower of other drug dealers who want to impact the Damia drug market.

But according to Roger, they and Anti-Will are like water and fire, and it seems that they can't work together. There is only struggle between them.

It's a little difficult. But it's also an opportunity. It's a chance for me to escape from the traitor trap of Anti-Will.

This struggle can be temporarily postponed. After the interest group of Damia is formed, the contradiction between the two will naturally arise, and I will become safer.

But the danger of doing so is like walking on a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will be attacked from both sides.

Agree first. Get that piece of information.

If you don't let go. I have a lot of people here.

He made up his mind and said:

"There are other projects in our cooperation. We will jointly obtain half of Damia's drug share."

What does this mean? Don't want to fight with Anti-Will?

Roger reacted slightly and said: "But the premise is to beat Anti-Will out to get it. You don't think my boss is joking when he said to you about pacifying Anti-Will."

"Or do you think we are not strong enough to do such a thing?"

Kateman Bourne knocked on the table a few times, pretending to be thinking, and after a moment, he replied:

"I don't mean that. Killing these traitors within a day is enough to prove our strength. But it is still a little insufficient to kill them. We are still unprepared."

After Kateman Bourne finished speaking, Roger sneered and replied directly:

"We are ready at any time. There are not many opportunities. Don't wait until you harvest the spoils before you can make up your mind."

"What opportunity?" Kateman Bourne asked calmly.

"Tomorrow night. No. 13 Levitt Riverside Road." Roger said with his head down.

Before Kateman Bourne could respond. At this moment, the door of the restaurant was suddenly pushed open, and the waiter who had blocked Roger in front of the door just now appeared again, and walked steadily to Kateman Bourne's side and whispered a few words.

Kateman Bourne's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Roger in shock.

This made Roger confused. But he still pretended to be confident, calm and composed.

As the black invitation was handed to Kateman Bourne, the waiter left. He could no longer hold back his shock, and said with a trembling tone:

"How did you know?"

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