The sky was already very dark, but a shooting star with a beautiful arc appeared in the sky above Damia.

His silvery tail flame is like a gift from the stars described in the artist's poem.

It is precisely because of this gift that mankind has been able to develop and grow. It seems that this is the origin of all things.

But as that flash of silver came closer, many people felt a sense of fear. Maybe it would fall to Damia.

Getting closer and closer, shining brighter and brighter, Damia, which was in the darkness, was suddenly illuminated by silvery white light, as if it was daytime. The process lasted for a full ten seconds, and a loud noise came from the Garosan District of Dalmea.

A huge roar echoed through the sky, and a mushroom cloud rose in place. The shock wave shattered countless windows, and all residents near Levitt Riverside Road were alarmed.

The Department of Extraordinary Events was quickly alerted after hearing this.

In particular, the Extraordinary Incident Processing Department of Garousan District, which is located in the center, held a seminar as soon as possible.

"A meteor fell down at 13 Levitt Riverside Road. Do you think there is any supernatural power involved in this incident?" asked the fourth-level judge sergeant sitting at the end of the long table.

"How many casualties are there?" asked an eager-looking deputy next to him. But no one answered, and started to discuss other questions. He also quickly integrated into the atmosphere.

"It's normal for meteors to fall."

"No, do you think there will be meteors falling in a place like Damia? Where are you looking at?"

"That's where Viscount Ken Burke lives. I wonder if he was injured?"

"Personal casualties are the second priority. Is the Viscount injured?"

"If something like this happens, will it have a very negative impact on our processing department in Garouson District?"

"That's for sure. Have we not had enough negative effects recently? There are many people who are adding insult to injury."

"Especially because there have been so many scandals that have damaged our credibility."

"There are also some cadres who do not do their job properly. Arson cases and murder cases are not solved. And where is the Medal of Honor?"

"The impact of this incident is definitely negative for us, but if it is handled well, it can also be our turnaround card."

"That's right. We need to send a capable police chief to handle this incident."


"The question is, who is responsible for this incident?"


The topic of casualties was brushed aside, and no one was aware of this important matter. The rest of the time is spent blaming each other, deflecting blame, analyzing the consequences, and formulating the agenda for taking the blame.

Until Viscount Bock's people came here.

The fourth-level judge stood up from his seat, trotted to the front of the visitor, and asked with great care: "I wonder if His Excellency Viscount Bock was injured? We are also very sad that such an accident happened."

The waiter wearing a white wig first fully thanked the Sheriff for his concern, and then said business: "Thank you Sheriff Butch for your concern. Fortunately, the Viscount was not at the residence at the time, but unfortunately at that time Some people gathered there and held a banquet.”

"Oh, I didn't know at that time~~~~" Chief Butch asked nervously and doubtfully.

"It was a man named Captain Jack who borrowed the Viscount's house to hold such a banquet. The people attending the banquet were all his competitors. So~~~~~" the waiter said quickly, indicating something.

"You mean, this is a conspiracy by the man named Captain Jack to attack his competitors?" Sheriff Butch, who had some gray hair, said thoughtfully.

"Oh, hehehe. We just speculated that professional matters should be handled by professionals." The waiter shied away.

"Hmm~~~~" Butch pondered for a while, and finally said: "I understand. We will launch a detailed investigation based on the relevant circumstances. If it is true, we will exclude professionals from hunting down the captain named Jack. Here We are quite experienced in this aspect.”

"The Viscount also attaches great importance to this matter. After all, he is a person who has been deceived. He hates deception and betrayal very much. I think the Viscount will express his opinion on this matter." The waiter lowered his head slightly. Said pointedly.

"I will also inform the church, because this Captain Jack seems to be a favored person of the evil god. An assassin from the temple. Although he is not an assassin, he is a veritable assassin. A professional assassin."

Butch thought calmly for a moment, and seemed to understand the seriousness of the matter. He frowned and said with heroic words:

"I understand. Go back and tell His Excellency the Viscount that I will investigate this matter thoroughly. Criminals will never be allowed to show their claws on the land of the Hutt Empire."

After hearing the satisfactory answer, the waiter said politely: "That's good. I'll take my leave now."

"Well, please rest assured, Your Majesty the Viscount."

The two nodded to each other.

As the deceased left the venue, Butch's face instantly turned gloomy, and he said to one of his men:

"Everyone has heard it. This matter may have a greater impact on us than imagined, and the temple will also get involved. You probably don't want this. Viscount Bock is a nobleman with import and export rights. He has great influence on Damea and Garrosson is crucial.”

"Moreover, Viscount Bock is from the temple. We cannot let go on this matter. That means we have lost jurisdiction. Now, we need a warrior."

After a long silence, a loud voice rang out at the bottom of the long table: "I."

Butch looked over there and was somewhat surprised to see the new big guy stand up and say again:

"I'll go."

A smile appeared on Butch's face, and he said loudly: "The company needs warriors like you. You are a true knight of honor and the pride of Damia."

"I'll leave now." Florian said expressionlessly.

"The sooner the better. You will definitely do it beautifully. Your ability is beyond doubt." Butch encouraged.

Florian ignored Butch's words, walked out of his seat, and strode out of the venue in the mocking eyes of everyone except Butch.

Like a hero.


"Are we waiting here?"

In the Dusk Forest, Sebastian frowned, stared at Roger with wide eyes, and questioned.

"Of course, what do you think." Roger glanced at Sebastian with disdain.

"This is the safest place. I've told you so many times, don't go out and mess with Alok."

At this moment, Sebastian suddenly saw the brightest star suddenly light up in the night sky of Damia. It was as if it was daytime, which surprised him.

Could it be that meteor?

"It looks like the matter is almost over. Let's go." Roger also saw the meteor. He said it nonchalantly.

He looked at Sebastian's stunned expression and said:

"Don't make a fuss. Your Mr. Phasma has done something bigger than this."

"What?" Sebastian came back to his senses and looked at Roger and asked. "Let's go now, where are we going?"

"On the sea." Roger replied simply.

"What for?" Sebastian asked without giving up.

"Alok has said, listen to my arrangements. Don't ask anymore." Roger stood up from the thick seat formed by the roots and said.

Sebastian looked at Roger helplessly and said, "I remember Mr. Phasma's instructions that we are equals."

"But you have to listen to me." Roger looked at Sebastian with disdain and said. "I am the second officer. Now you are the third officer."

Sebastian frowned. Although he felt that what Roger said made no sense, it was true that Mr. Phasma did not ask him to do any other tasks, but just told him to follow Roger first.

So, he sighed and said helplessly, "Okay."

He paused and continued to ask:

"I want to know what other big things Mr. Phasma has done?"

Roger glanced at Sebastian, showed an evil smile, and said:

"Have you ever seen him harm a god?"

Sebastian's facial expression disappeared, and he looked at Roger seriously and asked in shock:


"Hahaha, don't know what you shouldn't know. This is a taboo on the extraordinary road." Roger said with a laugh.

He patted Sebastian's shoulder and walked out of the Dusk Forest with a big laugh.


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