The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 290 Completely Getting Rid of

How did I pick up girls in my last life?

In fact, he had more ways to deal with girls in this world, but he had forgotten all of that in the face of such a quick process.

His palms were a little wet, and he knew that the longer time passed, the worse it would be. After all, Li Kui inside was still talking, and there were anti-will outside, staring at him. I also have a problem here. Is this too much?

He simply frowned, shook off the woman's hands, and said seriously: "Let's break up. We are not suitable. You are a good person, and you will have better choices! I am not worthy of you."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

It can even be said that he fled.

The woman's face suddenly changed, and she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

She widened her eyes and opened her mouth, until she saw the resolute back and realized that she was dumped.

She shook her head in disbelief, and then looked around in confusion. The pointing and talking around seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back. She roared loudly in the direction where Alok left:

"Break up, break up. Do you think I care about you? Humph~~~~"

Then, she ran away angrily.

Frank, who was in the Dark Night Rose and Florian talking about the brilliant world, didn't know that when he sat in the bar, he would be blessed.

From now on, he would wear the tight hoop and become Sun Wukong. He would never be trapped by love again.

Of course, although he had just caught up (cheated), he still had to fight the final battle. Didn't he just decide today?

It can be regarded as a good deed done by Alok.

After hearing the roar, Frank mocked unknowingly: "Break up, break up? Who is so loud, like a tiger. If you are dumped, you have to see yourself clearly whether you are not suitable. Appearance, height, background, and most importantly, whether you can cooperate."

"Hehehe~~~~~" The three people laughed at the same time, which all men understand, and the atmosphere changed instantly.


After Alok fled, he felt a scrutinizing gaze on himself.

It was from an open-air restaurant on the roadside, and two people with nervous faces were sitting at the table outside the door.

Alok glanced at the two suspicious people and was sure that they were traitors.

But he still hurried and left here calmly.

He made a small movement with his right hand, pulling a small pale white memory light ball out of the world and holding it tightly in his hand.

Then it sank into Alok's palm and disappeared.

This is a memory fragment of a world, which is most suitable for tracking enemies.

In the astral vision, one of the two people is a second-level hunter, and the other is a second-level historian.

After a glance, Alok's face was solemn, which was very consistent with the image of a man who had just broken up.

He hurriedly got out of the encirclement of the anti-will.

It seems that Dark Night Rose is no longer safe. Go on the run and commit crimes.


Or find a safe house and use phantoms to commit crimes is also a good way.


Frank was still immersed in the various things Florian told him, but he did not forget the main purpose of today.


After chatting for a while, he looked outside the door and unexpectedly did not see Lisa, with a puzzled expression.

He turned his head to look at the door, apologized to Florian, and jumped off the high step.

"Strange. Didn't you ask Lisa to wait for me here?" Frank said puzzledly.

He walked out of the Dark Night Rose Bar, looked around, and still did not see Lisa. He scratched his head and said to himself:

"Did she leave for something urgent? Or did she feel that I chatted with my friends for too long and left in anger? Damn it."

He turned back to apologize to Florian, and then hurried to Lisa's house.

But this brought great trouble to the anti-will, making them doubt their eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, that guy has left and broke up with his girlfriend."

"If I'm not mistaken, that's true. Is he suspicious?"

"Of course, what do you think?"

"You mean~~~~ No, catch him quickly!!"


At this time, Alok had already escaped and was sitting leisurely in a restaurant at Pier 6.

After making a thorough interference, she transformed into a young gentleman, Alok.

Ordered a steaming chicken and potato pie and slowly finished the lunch. Then ordered a cup of afternoon hot tea. At his strong request, a small piece of lemon was added to the black tea from Eton to make the tea more diverse.

It looks like a leisurely afternoon.

However, this is just a superficial phenomenon. In fact, Alok is secretly doing something big here.

After thinking about it, he still feels that he can't completely let go of the traitors of the anti-will. Moreover, I can't swallow this breath.

In addition, he had to help Il attract hatred, and playing a game with the anti-will became his top priority.

However, the power of Alok alone was not enough to shake the tree. This was fully demonstrated in the previous time.

So, Alok decided to find a helper.

As for who?

Of course it is the old rival of the Anti-Will, the old rival of the Fallen God, the "Holy Temple".

And I, the follower of the goddess Delsha, cannot be called not for nothing.

Otherwise, it would be like working for nothing.

However, for those who want to find the Holy Temple in the vast sea of ​​people, one person becomes the key.


The lame assassin of the Holy Temple on the Drol.

This is probably the only person in the Holy Temple in the Damia area that Alok has come into contact with.

As for how to find Connor's trace, Alok can only think of finding Connor's memory in the world, plus the guidance of the "compass".

Then digging deep into this memory is what Alok is doing now.

Connor appeared on the Drol two months ago, so he must have disembarked. Then there must be traces of her at Pier 6 where the Drol once stayed.

So, Alok began to rely on his own judgment and began in-depth excavation work near Pier 6 in Damia.

Because Alok's mind did not have the scene of Connor at Pier 6, only some memories of Connor on the Dror, so he could only put this part of the memory into the compass to mark the world memory belonging to Connor.

To be honest, this job is quite a training of the strength of the will.

Although Alok has recently started deep meditation, the strength of the will is still a little behind, which makes him feel a little powerless when doing such excavation work.

He learned from Richie's method, transformed the memory removal into a shovel, and started the excavation work according to the location where the people on the Dror disembarked in his memory.

It was not a long time, and it was less than two months from the time the Dror docked to now. It shouldn't be that deep. He comforted himself like this. I hope I don't dig too long.

However, Alok dug in one place for an afternoon and couldn't find it. The tea in the teacup has lost its color, and the waiter's eyes have become puzzled and disgusted. Only then did he give up this position angrily.

After thinking for a while, he changed his position. In addition to the ladder at the bow of the Drol, there was also a staircase at the stern, which was where Florian came down.

After roughly looking at the position, Alok rolled up his sleeves and continued to work hard.

Not long after, before the tea in the cup was cold, Alok had already seen a little red light floating from the sea of ​​mental power.

He quickly put down the shovel in his hand and collected all these starlights.

Zizizizi, it can be seen that choosing the right place is important.

An afternoon of work wasted.

It can't be said that there was no gain. At least it made me understand this principle and exercise my mental power.

I checked the content of the red memory a little bit, which was the "video" of Connor hiding in the shadows and sneaking off the ship.

Alok nodded, turned off his astral vision, gently pinched the red ball with his right hand, and reached into his pocket with his left hand to take out the pocket watch and put it in it.

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