The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 308 The Origin of the Historian

"What?" Connor asked again.

Alok stopped helplessly and said coldly: "I don't want to repeat every question twice."

"Oh! Okay. I'll contact instructor Namusa now." Connor pouted, lowered his head and whispered.

"Wait a minute. Let's talk about it when we get back to the hotel." Alok took a step forward and replied.


After learning the information provided by Alok, Namusha broke into Alok's room in the middle of the night.

She sat on the sofa in Alok's room, crossing her slender legs. Sitting opposite Alok, who was wearing striped pajamas.

He rubbed his eyes and complained:

"It's rude to do this at night. Are assassins all nocturnal animals?"

"It seems really good."

"In view of the information you provided us, I have to come and communicate with you in detail." Namusa seemed not to mind breaking into Alok's dormitory in the middle of the night. Said casually.

"What exchange?" Alok yawned and asked softly.

Namusha was half lying on the sofa, holding the armrests on both sides with her hands: "About Mobius."

"Oh? That astrologer family? Is there a problem? Is it with the Anti-Will?" Alok said doubtfully.

"On the contrary. They are sworn enemies of Anti-Will." Namusha changed her foot and crossed her legs.

Alok thought for a while and replied: "Hmm~~~~Is this strange? Traitors can appear anywhere, let alone in a place far away from Listanwell like the Hutt Empire."

"Strange. Very strange." Namusa nodded and said seriously.

"Perhaps you don't know the origins of the three professions of traitor, astrologer, and historian. If you did, you would probably understand that this is a very strange thing."

"Why does this involve historians?" Alok was even more surprised.

"Because historians are a special type of traitor." Namusha looked directly into Alok's eyes meaningfully.

The expression on Elok's face instantly turned gloomy, and he was very angry at such remarks that slandered historians. You know, Rich is a historian.

So he said with murderous intent in his tone:

"Are you kidding me? Historians are one of the twenty-six professions. They are not classified as traitors."

"Hahaha~~ I like your expression, it's very much like my brother when he's angry." Namusha suddenly burst into laughter.

An intriguing expression appeared on her face, she stopped smiling, and said slowly: "Please don't be anxious. Listen to me and explain slowly."

"I hope your explanation makes sense." Alok's face was gloomy, as if a storm was about to come.

Namusa chuckled lightly and didn't care about Alok's threat. After all, he couldn't beat her. Said in detail:

"The extraordinary power controlled by the assassin comes from the shadow, and the extraordinary power of the traitor comes from the shadow. These are the powers of the astral plane. But the extraordinary power of the astrologer comes from time."

"Time is independent of the Trinity world, running alone without interference. This results in the extraordinary power of astrologers being separated from the entire world. I don't understand the characteristics of time very well. It is too abstract and is not my professional field. . But it’s roughly true.”

"When an astrologer becomes a high-level being, he will also inherit this part of time."

“And the historian’s source of power is history, the dark side of time.”

"When a high-level astrologer completely betrayed his profession and turned to the dark side of time. Then, hundreds of years ago, a 26th profession appeared. Historian."

"From this moment on, the historian was born, an independent traitor. He supported a profession on his own. There are skills from level one to level nine, but there is no god."

Having said this, Namusha paused, looked at Alok's gloomy face, and continued to say with a smile:

"The first historian, named De La Mobius, was originally a ninth-level astrologer. The younger brother of De Co Mobius, the current leader of the 'Ring Nebula'. He is not because of the shadow. It was erosion that betrayed time, but it was due to some other reasons that the Yu family completely betrayed time."

"But historians and astrologers may not betray completely and turn to their respective dark sides. Instead, they may choose to be corrupted by the shadow and become a traitor."

"So I say historians are a type of traitor, but not the kind you think."

"How's it going? Don't you think it's strange when you say this?" Namusa asked with an interesting expression.

The huge wave in Elok's heart subsided for a while, but he still didn't recover from such a huge impact.

Historians are a type of traitor. This is really unacceptable. In other words, father Richie is a traitor. Although he is the kind of traitor who is independent of the 'traitor' profession. But it’s also unpleasant.

In fact, this cannot be said. Since historians are already an independent profession separated from other professions, they cannot be said to be traitors. It just means that the power used is only the dark side power of time.

What's wrong with power? They are just objective existence in the world.

Right or wrong lies in the person or god who uses it.

If you think about it this way, it's much better.

However, I remember hearing the term dark side some time ago.


"The heart of the dark side of the world~~~"

His pupils suddenly narrowed.

The name of the fallen god.

Damn it!

However, time is independent of the world. No wonder it can be independent of the traitor profession and become the 26th new profession.

Fortunately. He breathed a sigh of relief.

But the complicated thoughts in his mind made him ignore Namusa's question and didn't have time to think about it.

Seeing that Alok hadn't said anything, Namusa continued:

"It is precisely because of this historical reason that the Mobius family hates betrayal. They hate any traitor very much. They are the mortal enemy of the anti-will."

"There is a good atmosphere of fighting betrayal within the Mobius family, and everyone hates betrayal. This makes it almost impossible for members of the Mobius family to become traitors."

"Although the Holy Temple also hates the Mobius family, it is very pleased with their behavior of fighting against the anti-will."

"What do you want to say?" Alok asked with a slightly calmer expression.

Namusa's smile widened, and she continued, "I want to say. Either this person is not from the Mobius family, or this person is a rare betrayer."

"That's right. I have seen a traitor who claimed to be an alchemist from the Miracle City Listanwell. In fact, she is just a charlatan. Anti-will likes to do such things." Alok nodded, thinking of the incident of Maryman in Dror City.

Namusa listened to Alok's words carefully, and the smile on his face disappeared. He turned back to the cold look when Alok first met him, nodded and said:

"It seems that you are more inclined to the second reason. But no matter which possibility it is, the Ring Nebula will be very concerned about this matter. They will handle it better than us."

"We will inform the Ring Nebula of this matter and pay close attention to the situation. And benefit from it." The sinister look on Namusa's face disappeared in an instant.

Alok glanced at Namusa, who was sitting with her legs crossed and muttering about conspiracy, and the waves in his heart subsided. He said:

"Good idea. You came here today to tell me about this?"

"This is the important information that the Lord of Favor brought to us. Shouldn't I discuss it with you?" Namusa smiled.

"You are informing me. It seems that you are in a good mood today and you are joking with me." Alok said unhappily.

"I am rarely happy when I heard about the embarrassing things of the Mobius family." Namusa smiled again.

Alok shrugged, looking indifferent, and said: "Okay. There is one more thing I want to tell you. I will leave Damia in a while. You must remember to return the compass to me."

Namusa spread her hands and refused directly: "I am afraid there is no way. We have to use it for a while. After all, it takes time to track down every traitor. I will return it to you when you come back."

She suddenly smiled, and then turned into a shadow directly from Alok's eyes, and ran away again.

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