"Well~~In my opinion, heritage is also a kind of hype. As long as its quality is not enough to support its price, it means that it contains hypocrisy." Alok said with some disgust.

"Uh~~What a radical view." Danis scratched his head and said.

The collision of ideas with Danis made Alok realize the gap between the two.

But Alok did not have too much prejudice against this difference, but this also led to the lack of friendship between the two.

The mutual interest relationship made the two move forward together.

Otherwise, Alok would probably go alone.


The wilderness in the Damia area cannot be considered wilderness. Manors, plantations, and farmers' fields form this beautiful landscape.

At first, when Alok came from Naviste, he did not have so many sighs, which may be because there was not much development there, but the west of Damia is indeed another scene.

If you can encounter any adventure in such a place, you will be unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Although the road became less populated and more undeveloped areas were found further back, a few people on the road could still be encountered occasionally.

Especially when approaching the Vatric Mountains, the road became wider again and more pedestrians appeared.

Although the land was not suitable for planting, it was not as prosperous as Damia, but it still did not make Alok feel empty.

Near noon, the two came to an open city built on the mountain. Danis said in detail as he walked:

"This is the best place to go to Chelansi. The front is our last stop in Damia. East Vatric City. East City for short."

"At first, East Vatric City was just a mountain village. Later, due to some strategic reasons, it became a city. The indigenous people in the mountains also began to try to do transportation business here for a living."

"Let's rest here for a day. Sell the horse by the way, and then rent two goats. Find an indigenous guide. Just give them a dozen gold coins and it will be done."

"I'll listen to you. You are a guide." Alok said weakly.

He was a little sleepy. The long-term rushing made him in a very bad state. The main reason was the mental fatigue caused by getting up early.

He yawned, stretched, and said, "Let's find a hotel to rest first. We haven't had a good rest for a week."

"Hehe. This is the price of rushing. I'm used to it." Danis replied with a smile. "I'll find a hotel and finish my work. Mr. Bierke, you can rest."

"You are indeed a qualified guide. However, I want to see what the goat looks like. I want to know how big it is?" Alok asked curiously.

"This is just the beginning. After doing the basic work of a guide, the key is the Cherancy side." Danis agreed with a smile.

"Let's go now. It will probably open your eyes. I even doubt whether it can be called a goat."

With a hint of expectation, Alok followed Danis to the foot of the Vatris Mountains, a goat farm opened by an unnamed aboriginal.

From a distance, Eluk could smell the smell of goats. He couldn't help but think of the delicious mutton hotpot. Or the delicious mutton soup made by Ir.

The huge horse shed, er~~ no, the goat shed. There was often a loud "baa~baa~" sound coming from it.

Let Alok confirm that it was indeed a goat.

When Danis walked into the goat farm, Alok looked at the two behemoths in front of him that were as tall as a man and four meters long, and questioned his worldview.

Is this really a goat?

He originally thought that it would be at most a little taller than him, who would have thought it would be such a behemoth.

He opened his mouth wide and was a little shocked by this.

After Danis had negotiated with the boss about the price of renting two goats and hiring a local guide, Alok was still thinking about a question.

How many meals can this be eaten if it is slaughtered?

Is it delicious?

Through careful observation, it is confirmed that this goat is a super species.

A super species with a professional psychologist.

What a strange species. He touched his chin and kept thinking. Why is there such a super species?

An animal knows psychology? ? ?

I want to ride a horse~~~ um~ no. I want to ride a sheep, and it squats down? Wherever I want it to go, it goes?

This sounds awesome.

Mind control, a breakthrough in brain-computer technology.

Oh my god...

"What are you thinking about?" Danis suddenly walked behind Alok and interrupted his thoughts.

This scared Alok so much that he turned his head and said frankly:

"I'm thinking. Why do animals know psychology."

Danis looked at Alok, then looked at the huge goat behind him, shrugged, and said:

"Who knows? This is a specialty here. It is said to be related to the special things in the Vatric Mountains."

"Oh? What's special? Is it affected by extraordinary factors?" Alok asked in confusion.

Danis nodded and replied:

"Yes. It is said that there are many restricted areas in the Vatric Mountains that cannot be entered at will. Even the locals are very taboo. Never enter a step. All those who enter are dead. No bones are left. It's miserable~~"

"Tsk tsk tsk~~~Okay. It seems that this mountain has some secrets." Alok shrugged and said.

"Maybe we can ask the local guide about the myths and legends. This may help us solve some questions."

"That makes sense. I forgot. It's rare to see someone as exploratory as Mr. Bilke." Danis said in surprise. But he was embarrassed to see Alok fall into deep thought.

Alok didn't continue to talk, he suddenly remembered the ancient name of psychologists, or another name.

It's called-dream maker, or hypnotist.

Maybe it's not a sheep that understands psychology, but hypnosis.

Hmm~~~ This doesn't seem to be very reliable.

Forget it, let's ask our guide tomorrow to solve this problem.

It's a rare pleasure to encounter such a problem during the journey. Otherwise, I've been crazy these days.

"Let's go and rest. When will we set off tomorrow?" Alok suddenly said.

Seeing that Alok had come to his senses, Danis said, "Tomorrow morning, when the sun rises, around six o'clock, we have to come here."

"Oh, I'm getting up earlier and earlier. I hate getting up." Alok complained and fell into despair.

Danis smiled but didn't answer. He had long known the laziness of this employer. It's not called laziness, but he just likes to travel at night.

Nobles all like to travel at night.

What can you do in broad daylight? Of course, nightlife is interesting.

In the upper class, noon is the beginning, otherwise why is the dress worn in the afternoon called a morning dress. Right~~~

He has long been accustomed to these things.

Although, he really couldn't understand what kind of person Mr. Bilke was.

He didn't know his profession or rank. But who cares, as long as he pays, he is a good employer.

He took Alok to a hotel that looked more formal and asked for two rooms.

This was the employer's previous request, and he kept it in mind.

Maybe he is used to living alone in a room, or maybe he doesn't care about the money.

Of course, the most likely thing is that he has some little secrets that he doesn't want me to know.

For example, he is short and sturdy.

He thought with a hint of teasing in his heart.


Eluoke does have some little secrets that he doesn't want others to know.

But it has nothing to do with short and sturdy.

After all, he has nothing in common with short and sturdy.

He just communicates with his sister Yi'er every day.

They introduce each other to the local customs and customs they encounter, and exchange extraordinary experiences. But they never talk about robbery and compensation.

This is a rare pleasure in Alok's journey.

As usual, he took out Yi'er's letter, and the beginning was still:

"My stupid brother Alok:

I hope you can walk easier on the road and don't get your feet stabbed by stones."

Uh~~ This is really a crow's mouth wish~~~

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