The difficulty in dealing with psychologists is not how to fight, but how to recognize when you are in danger.

Most psychologists do not confront their enemies directly. Cleverly using others and being the mastermind behind the scenes are the real tricks of the profession.

"Psychologists always like to hide in the dark, observe silently, and then push things to develop in the direction they want."

Which book is this written in?

That’s right, The Beginner’s Book.


A sudden knock on the door interrupted Alok's thoughts. He looked back at the door and turned on his astral vision to confirm that the person outside the door was Danis. He immediately spoke:


He stuffed the letter back into El's pocket, then pressed his hat, picked up the bear from the door, and opened the door.

"Shall we leave now?" Alok said casually.

Danis lowered his head slightly, held on to the door frame, and responded in a low voice:

"That's right. This way we can reach the first complete resting point in the evening. Nights in the Valteris Mountains are too dangerous."

"I heard there will be heavy fog? Is that true?" Alok asked casually as he walked out of the door.

Danis and Elok walked side by side and said in surprise: "Deep fog? I've never heard of it. I only know that you must fall asleep quickly at night. Otherwise, there will be strange things."

"Oh? Is there such a thing? It's really strange." Alok was even more confused.

This is different from what El said!

Who should you trust? Maybe you have to go in and take a look to find out. Maybe El and I walked to different places?

"Yes, the customs in the mountains are always weird." Danis nodded and replied. His tone was a little weird as he explained:

"They regard the Vateris Mountains as a living creature, a living creature with a soul. They worship it many times a year to appease the spirit of the mountain."

Hmm~~? ~?

It feels like a primitive nature worshiping tribe to me. But if some extraordinary factors are involved, things may not be so simple.

When facing ignorant people, force is often the only way to deter them and gain more worship and faith. This is caused by human beings' worship of the strong.

The patron saint, or spirit, of a mountain requires you to worship it frequently to spread the worship of the strong. Because of such interest conditions, it will protect one party's safety.

Of course, it doesn’t necessarily mean blessing. It can also be crushing and destroying. This is the difference between gods and demons.

This is probably the worship of nature, but if supernatural factors are added to it, for example, the principle of gravity.

Could it be that there is some mysterious being in the field of psychologists in the mountains?

For example, that mountain spirit.

Hey~~forget it. It's just a mountain range with extraordinary elements. it's not a big deal.

Didn’t El fly there by himself?

As Elok walked on the road, he kept thinking about these questions, but because his understanding of the extraordinary was not enough to answer them, he seemed to have no clue.

"What are the customs in the mountains?" He suddenly asked curiously.

"Huh? Custom? Mr. Bierke, you are always so eager to explore." Danis said with some surprise.

"Curiosity is the best mentality for a person to make progress." Alok answered with a smile. "Of course, excessive curiosity is the end of life. Especially in the supernatural world."

"But isn't listening to the local customs the meaning of traveling?" He looked very relaxed and not worried at all about the upcoming dangerous road.

Danis shrugged and agreed: "That's right. You are more like a traveling philosopher."

He raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance turning white, then walked and said:

"I can tell you about the customs in the mountains that I know. As well as the various strange legends in the Vatteris Mountains."

"It is said that in the Vateris Mountains, you must find a special resting spot to rest, which is probably the residence of some locals, or a less dangerous place that has been explored. Otherwise, it is very dangerous to find a place to sleep in the wild. At night There will be some weird phenomena that I can’t explain clearly.”

"The second thing is that you must go to bed as soon as possible at night. After it becomes completely dark, you must fall asleep. The locals will use a method of sleeping aid."

"What method?" Alok asked curiously.

"Look into the goat's eyes at nightfall." Danis gave his answer. But Alok was completely at a loss.

"What?" Alok exclaimed.

"Look into the goat's eyes and you will fall asleep quickly." Danis repeated again.

Alok was suddenly confused by this situation.

This is completely opposite to what El said. Erke said, never look into the eyes of a goat.

And, according to him, nights in the mountains are dangerous. He had to fall asleep, but El was still flying in the sky at night and saw heavy fog. Then we landed to rest.


No matter what, I prefer to believe El.

I'm not going to look into the eyes of that goat named Vatteris Nightmare.

"What a strange custom, maybe it has something to do with the specialness of that extraordinary species." Alok said with a laugh.

Faced with such a contradictory situation, he suddenly felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

The development of the situation suddenly went in an uncontrollable direction.

"Maybe. But I think it has something to do with the 'spirit' in the mountains." Danis said mysteriously. "Although I don't know what that spirit is, he may really exist."

"Hmm~~ The extraordinary mystery is beyond our imagination." Alok frowned and said. "Are there any other taboos?"

"Of course, there are too many." Danis said with a smile. "But as long as you listen to the local guide, these can be avoided."

"For example, don't get up in the middle of the night, and go to sleep quickly if you wake up. If you stay awake in the dark, you will disappear when the day comes."

His expression changed quickly, a little weird and mysterious, and his words made people goosebumps.

"Also, the central hinterland of the Vatris Mountains is the area where the 'spirits' are located, and you can't disturb them. You have to bypass them."

"Anyway, no one has been there, and no one has seen that sacred mountain. But the locals are extremely taboo. They hardly mention this matter, as if even if we know about it, it will disturb the spirits on the mountain."

Alok's brows are getting tighter and tighter. Things seem to be a little unexpected.

He is increasingly unable to explain the strange phenomena here.

Various contradictions seem to make him fall into a vortex.

"What if you meditate while sleeping? Will it be counted as sleeping?" Alok suddenly asked.

Danis thought for a moment and replied, "I don't know about this, but meditating in such a dangerous place is not a good idea."

"That's true." Alok responded with some concern.

"You seem to know a lot about the things here?" Alok asked with a little doubt.

Danis tilted his head and looked at Alok, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and replied, "Because I am curious too."

After a chuckle, Alok said, "This is a quality that a reporter should have."

. . . . . . .

The place where Alok lived at night was not far from the goat shed, but not too close, in order to avoid the weird "baa~baa~baa~" sound of the goats.

These goats are very lively and seem to be very energetic. They are always moving around, shouting, and shaking their bodies from time to time.

Ten minutes later, Alok arrived in front of the goat shed again.

There were already several people waiting here, probably the local guides.

Danis walked towards one of them and greeted him familiarly. But Alok saw Danis give him a gold coin.

It seems that this guide is doing a good job.

"Dod. Meet us. Our guide in the future." Danis introduced with a smile.

Alok stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Dod, expressing his friendliness.

He was a short mountain man with sallow skin. The wrinkles on his face showed that he was at least fifty years old.

What Alok could not have imagined was that this mountain man was a first or second level extraordinary person, a psychologist.

As for why Alok could not be sure.

It was because his astral body was very chaotic, or in other words, it was not as regular as the astral bodies of ordinary extraordinary people.

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