The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 319 The fusion of imagery and concreteness

This is just his inference, whether it is true or not remains to be verified.

He is dreaming now. Maybe it is just a dream.

"What are you doing?" Alok tried to ask softly.

"Me? I am avoiding those scary monsters." Brock seemed to be a little scared suddenly. Looking around.

Then he leaned close to Alok's ear and whispered: "Every time my father comes back, those monsters will appear. My father asked me to stay in the house and not come out, but those monsters will come out to find me. If they find me, I will be dead."

"Of course I will not stay there stupidly, but please don't tell my father."

"Oh? Really?" Alok replied in surprise. "Are those monsters like goats, but with black flames burning all over their bodies?"

Brock squatted down in fear, looked around, and whispered: "Yes, yes. Have you seen them? They are so scary. I saw them eat those people with my own eyes. Just, just when they stared at them with green eyes."

"Really? That's really scary. Fortunately, I didn't look into their eyes." Alok agreed.

He looked around and searched around.

Looking for the location of the three nightmares. But there was nothing to find.

Instead, Dud and his wife were found by Alok.

They looked very stiff. With their eyes closed, their hands clasped on their chests, they lay against the wall. Like corpses.

Most of the villagers around were the same, and some even trembled. Alok felt that it was really unusual.

The little bear was right next to him. But Danis disappeared.

No trace.

He swallowed his saliva. Could it be that what Broki said was not false? Did those nightmares really eat him when they looked at people?

Or, in other words, it swallowed up his will.

And in the sea of ​​spiritual power, this is equivalent to disappearing.

What about the material world? What about Mount Vatricis? I hope he is fine and doesn't become a vegetable.

I dare not imagine.

The way Danis walked like a zombie just now really looked like unconscious behavior, that is, the will was not functioning. And when the fog dissipated, he simply disappeared.

This is too scary. Fortunately, I didn't look at the eyes of the nightmare.

I remember that Yier said that looking at the eyes of the nightmare would enter a special dream. I don't know what the dream is. I hope his will is doing well in it and doesn't have any nightmares.

Could it be~~~

My guide won't be in trouble~~!

Damn~~ I don't want to walk the back road alone.

His scalp was a little numb, and he was really a little afraid of this sudden weirdness.

He looked at Bloch, who became a little agitated, and then looked at his sleeping parents, ready to ask for more information. Asked softly:

"When those monsters came, what was your father doing?"

"He was dreaming." Bloch looked around, as if avoiding those nightmares.

"Dreaming?" Alok glanced at Duode, who was still lying upright. He exclaimed softly. Then he asked again:

"What about now? What is your father doing?"

"He is also dreaming. They are all dreaming." Bloch didn't look at Alok, and became more and more impatient.

"What about us? Aren't we dreaming?" Alok frowned, feeling that things were getting weirder.

"We? We are avoiding those monsters. Let's go, they are coming soon." Bloch suddenly said hurriedly.

She suddenly grabbed Alok's left hand and pulled Alok forward with force.

The force was so great that Alok couldn't shake it, as if he was being pushed by a bulldozer. In an instant, he was dragged away by Bloch.

Six bright green lights were seen slowly lighting up in the distance.

After a careful look, he turned back to think about it. That was not a light, but the bell-like eyes of Nightmare.

Alok's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he ran faster without Brochi saying anything.

He turned back and ran away with Brochi in a hurry, not daring to look back at the dark green pupils.

Nightmare was silent, but very fast, just like walking on flat ground in the mountains, and the sea of ​​mental power was also their home ground.

Fortunately, Brochi seemed to have a lot of experience in dodging. Not only was he amazingly strong, he also ran very fast. He soon got out of Nightmare's sight.

Although there was no obstruction in the sea of ​​mental power, there was also a visible distance, which Alok knew very well. Brochi used this to get rid of Nightmare.

They found another sea of ​​mental power and stopped. Broki patted his chest lightly and said in fear:

"Those are monsters. They are really scary. If you get caught, you will definitely be eaten. That's it. You will definitely die."

"Are those monsters the dangers at night?" Alok asked with a frown.

Broki blinked his huge eyes and shook his head and said: "Those are the dangers when Dad comes back. The danger at night is the strange fish under the sea. We have to be careful too, they will come out and bite us."

"I just saw my brother being bitten by that strange fish."

Alok replied in surprise: "Really? Impossible, I look fine."

"That's right, so I think the monsters that Dad brought back are more terrifying. They will eat people." Broki replied in a low voice.

Strange fish. .

Are there fish in the spiritual sea? ?

Or is this just a concrete manifestation of the image. Representing some other dangers.

This is how children talk. You can't understand their world. But you can infer some other information from their words.

Moreover, the magic in the Vatris Mountains also supports the children's wild imagination.

The danger from the sea of ​​spiritual power makes me think of erosion first. And, just now, I was indeed eroded. I can see it from my dream.

This seems to confirm what Bloch said that I was bitten by a fish just now.

He looked at the calm sea surface under his feet. The mirror-like sea surface reflected the light of the starry world.

In addition, he also saw the reflection on the sea surface. His head with only eyeballs left.

The eyeball only had a huge pupil standing in the middle of Alok's head, which was somewhat similar to Bloch's, but very different.

Outside the dark pupil was a golden twisted line. From time to time, some colorful light would appear. Deep as if it could see through everything.

He was startled and couldn't believe his eyes. He stretched out his hand to wipe his eyes but became unable to start.

What is this? Have I always been like this?

Fortunately, fortunately, I am dreaming, not reality.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief, after all, dreams are full of everything.

At this moment, Alok suddenly found that the world in front of him became hazy, and he looked up at the sky.

It was foggy.

Blochi suddenly became very impatient and said very quickly:

"It's over, time is up. We have to go back to sleep. Otherwise, otherwise, we can't get out."

"But there are those monsters there." Alok reminded in a low voice.

"Yes, we can't go back. Then, then. Let's sleep here. Go to sleep quickly." Blochi was like an ant on a hot pot, speaking incoherently and impatiently.

"It's too dangerous in the fog, there are so many fish."

"Aren't we sleeping? Aren't we dreaming?" Alok asked in surprise.

Brock glanced at Alok, frowning as if he was looking at a stupid brother, and said, "Of course not. We are avoiding danger."

"What?" Alok's eyebrows jumped unconsciously. He was shocked.

We are not sleeping, nor are we dreaming.

In other words, this is reality? ?

How is this possible?

This is even more unacceptable than the sea of ​​spiritual power turning into the material world.

The material world turns into the sea of ​​spiritual power? ? ?

I turned into a one-eyed man? Such a weird one-eyed man.

The goat turned into a real nightmare? Erosion turned into a big fish?

This is unimaginable in dreams! !

No, it can only be imagined in dreams.

It completely subverted my three views! !

This has nothing to do with all the legends I have heard. Il didn't say that this place is so weird.

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