The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 324 The Goddess of Dreams (Part 2)

Richie shrugged and said helplessly: "He was on an adventure at Mount Walteris, and he sent me this memory. I guess the uniqueness of the dreamer lies there."

He conjured a small fragment of memory from his hand and unfolded it to form a picture.

The strange sight of the spiritual sea and the material world overlapping makes Diana unable to calm down.

The key to becoming a god is right in front of her, how can she not be extremely excited? ?

"That's right!" Diana said affirmatively.

But her expression became a little strange, she looked at Richie and asked:

"Your son seems a little weird. There is something wrong with this memory. How can a person, a low-level transcendent, see the star realm and such a wide range of spiritual power sea. Even me~~~"

"Even we can't see it. That's why he can find the difference here." Rich continued.

"You? You are still far behind. Can you compare with a dreamer in the visual range of the spiritual sea??" Diana suddenly mocked.

Richie quickly started playing haha ​​and said: "Huh?~~~~Haha. Sorry. I don't deserve it!"

Then, he tried to ask: "How is it? Alok is exploring Mount Walteris. Is that okay????"

Diana didn't care what Richie wanted to say at all, she interrupted him directly and said instead:

"Yes, yes. I owe you a favor. When I become a god, I will turn my dreams into reality. As long as you help me, I will forgive you. How about it? This condition is not too much."

"This is atonement for you!!! Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. You originally wanted to tell this news to that 'behaviorist' Deloach!!"

"If I hadn't heard you finally read my name and stopped you midway. What do you think I would have done? Become a victim of Deloch? And then let you solve the problem completely?"

"Tch~ don't even think about it. Don't even think about leaving me. I still want to dream for a few more years!" Diana's expression became extremely aggrieved again, and she looked at Richie lovingly.

She took a few deep breaths to get out of this extreme emotion again.

Richie's eyes widened and he couldn't believe his ears. Shocked and said:

"Are you plotting against me? You are plotting against me to make me subconsciously say your name silently!"

Is this still the beautiful, gentle, pure, dream goddess of every man in the Hutt Empire? ?

"Who are you looking for??" Richie asked.

"Then don't worry about it. It's not that witch anyway." Diana knew that Richie had seen through her little scheme, but she refused to say anything.

"Damn it, then I have a condition." Richie said a little helplessly, a little giving up on treatment.

Diana glanced at Richie, swung on the swing and said, "Tell me."

"Apply dream protection to the two of them. Especially Alok. He is still on Mount Walteris. Even I feel dangerous there." Richie's face didn't look good. It seemed that he knew who had tricked him.

"No problem. No problem. When I become a god, it won't be a problem. They have to call me mother." Diana's mood became very good. Swing on the swing and sway with Richie.

Richie gritted his teeth a little. But there was a hint of helplessness in his expression: "You really made a good calculation. Kill two birds with one stone, no, kill three birds with one stone."

Diana looked at Richie with a proud face, and soon started laughing.

Although he didn't speak, the smile that would make any man intoxicated made Richie completely helpless.


Roger is already a veritable captain. Although he claimed to be the second officer, the crew members all knew that the captain of the "Ghost Ship" was actually Roger.

A Meteorologist III.

Coupled with the fact that the new version of the Ghost Pirate Ship can transform, this ship can hide itself well on the sea.

They have reached the Gulf of Destruction east of the Hutt Empire. Here is an endless sea, with no stopping points around to resupply.

Roger planned to do his old job in the small coastal cities of the Kingdom Alliance and on the routes to Damea.

Sebastian always liked to stand on the bow of the boat, looking at the distant scenery and playing the violin from time to time. Sometimes I also learn a new instrument - ukulele. A short and sharp plucked instrument.

Especially pirates.

"Captain. Where are we heading now?" A pirate wearing a turban and a one-handed sword hanging on his waist asked Roger sitting in the captain's cabin.

Roger's mood became bad as the captain heard this, and he threatened: "I told you a hundred times, call me Roger the second mate. If you are wrong, I will cut out your tongue."

The pirate obviously learned his lesson, but he still didn't call Roger second mate. Instead, he changed his words: "Okay, head. So where are we going now?"

"Of course we're looking for supplies! Stupid thing. Let's find a place to stop first." Roger said angrily.

He seemed to have forgotten how Repton had squeezed him when he was his captain. Of course, it is also possible that he remembers it very clearly, and then takes double revenge on the current crew members.

"Captain. There is a boat ahead!!~~"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from outside the captain's room door, making Roger lament again about these pig teammates.

"Call me second mate, it's second mate.!! Stupid pig." He corrected loudly.

"Yes, yes, stupid pig!" The person who had just entered suddenly did not dare to speak loudly. Said somewhat messily.

Roger was so angry that his eyeballs almost popped out. He breathed out of one nostril and ordered loudly: "What? Damn it. Now I order you to lead the charge. Let's go and rob that ship!"

"Remember, don't kill women, don't kill the elderly, don't kill children!! Do you understand? We only want money, don't focus on how to kill people. We only want money." He stood up from the captain's chair and shouted loudly.

"Got it, Captain." The two of them swallowed their saliva and replied.

"Then let's go now." Roger took out a shotgun and touched the dagger at his side. He strode to the deck.

. . . . . . .

In the Vatric Mountains, when night fell again, the star realm gradually covered the earth again.

Today, we are still camping in the wild. This is also a small col. It seems that this kind of place should be a relatively safe area.

There are many traces of other people camping here, which does not seem to be a temporary search. It's a pity that no other pedestrians were seen here.

According to Duode, every mountain dweller has some safe routes that they know, not just this one. And they will try their best to avoid gathering together to cross the mountain.

That will also make the danger uncontrollable.

This is Duode's original words.

According to Alok's understanding, this should mean that the more people there are, the more dangerous it is. When there are few people, it's not too much trouble to sleep at night, but when there are more people, it's not possible.

Strange logic. The more people there are, the safer it should be.

The fog gradually descended, and Alok still couldn't see anything, so he could only plan to fall asleep in a hurry.

I don't know where my father, Lord Richie, went. Didn't he say he was going to ask an old friend? Why hasn't he replied yet? Could he have gone to meet his lover in private?

He thought angrily.

This feeling of wanting to find out the truth but not being able to do so is really uncomfortable.

Can I only rely on sleep to pass the time?

Forget it, it's better to be safe and sleep. Don't find out that you are missing the next day. It will be troublesome.

Well, maybe you will die directly.

It's better not to think about this kind of crow's mouth problem.

Last time, he was a bad mouth, and ended up in that misty treasure. This mouth is simply amazing.

He sighed softly, put the little bear aside, and then lay flat on a flat stone.

He prayed silently to the goddess in his dream, hoping to fall asleep.

With yesterday's experience, he knew the horror of this spell this time. He was prepared, but he still lost consciousness in an instant.

When Alok woke up in a vineyard, he began to wander around in his dream unconsciously.

This is "Meige Manor".

Why are you here? Do you want to drink?

Who cares, have a glass. .

Continue to walk forward, Elizabeth Lake has turned into orange champagne. The strong aroma of grapes that hit him made him take a deep breath.

He looked at the person who suddenly appeared beside him, but he was not surprised.

Because nothing in a dream would be unexpected.

"Dode. Want a glass? The most famous Meige Manor champagne in the Hutt Empire?" He suddenly raised a glass full of champagne in his hand and asked.

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