The sudden change of topic made El slightly stunned, put down the spoon in his hand, and looked at Richie.

"Really?" She thought for a moment and said, "I just feel that the power of the skill has become stronger. My fireball technique was not that powerful before."

This sentence caught the attention of Alok, who was enjoying mutton soup.

Are skills more powerful? I remember this was stated in the "Book of the Prophet". When fighting against alien forces, the power of skills will become more powerful.

Also, the sea of ​​mental power has become violent?

Thinking back to the first time I saw the sea of ​​spiritual power and the star world, the calm sea surface and the dots of stars.

Turn on astral vision and look now. It can’t be described as rough and turbulent. The seven-colored aurora also falls from the star realm.

I thought this was normal.

But Elok didn't comment. Listening quietly to the discussion between the two.

"Don't you really feel that the spiritual power is abnormal?" Richie asked.

El said helplessly:

"Dad, you know, I'm only at level one, and I can only see so much of the spiritual power. I really don't feel it."

She seemed to suddenly understand something and said:

"You mean, Heather's irritability is related to the abnormal irritability of the spiritual power sea?"

"I'm just saying, it's possible." Richie looked at Il and said. Then, he asked: "Can you show me the crystallization of Heather's will?"

Hearing this, Il looked at Alok, and then at Richie who was looking at him. He nodded and said:

"Yes, but I have already given it to Alok." She added: "Today we harvested two crystals of the will body. Another one, according to Alok, was on Heather's bones. Claw found it Then we took both pieces back and divided them up. Now Heather’s piece is on Alok’s body.”

He looked at El strangely and said with a reproachful tone:

"You are really greedy. Not only do you want skills, but you also want another will body crystal that is fused with the astral body crystal. You must know that after the will body crystal reappears yesterday, the memory and astral body will escape. It becomes A piece of pure will crystallized.”

Hearing this, Alok waved his hand nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter, I have the bigger one."

He smiled and indulged his sister's willfulness.

Then, he took out from his pocket the standard six-sided piece that had lost its seven-color luster, an octaahedral crystal of will, with obvious pollution on the crystal. The crystals that were supposed to be transparent were gray in some places, and simply turned black in other places.

He handed it to his father who was looking at him.

After receiving the will body crystal that Elok handed to him, Rich's expression became slightly solemn.

"Obviously, Heather has been eroded. This crystal of will body has also been contaminated."

He got up and walked to the tea cabinet in the living room, where he looked for an empty iron tea box. Put the crystal of Heather's will inside. Go back to the restaurant. He said in a very teacher-like manner:

"This is also your first time dealing with something with extraordinary properties like this. Remember, you need to find a sealed box to store such a thing, and then use your own spiritual power to seal it. Otherwise, it will fade away with the passage of time. And escape."

"I'll teach you a little trick called the Mental Power Network. It can seal similar things, such as crystals of the will body, items with extraordinary activity, and creatures with extraordinary power. And so on."

"Turn on the will body vision." He looked at the two of them.

Alok and Il listened carefully to their father's teachings and opened their will body vision at the same time.

Under astral vision, Elok could only see that the iron box in front of him was emitting a strong spiritual light, and some parts of the bright white turned into gray. Unlike the structure of a normal extraordinary astral body, the light is shrunk to the size of a thumb, but it shines with an extremely dazzling light. It's like the light is condensed.

There is also a place on the astral body that belongs to El that emits bright light. The light emits seven colors of light, which is more dazzling than the iron box in Richie's hand.

What is strange is that Alok did not see the astral body belonging to his father Richie.

He didn't care about this. Although he didn't know what level his father was, he was at least higher than Alok and El. Maybe there is some way to hide it with one's own astral body.

I only heard Rich saying:

"We mobilize the power of the will body, that is, mental power. We cover the entire iron box with it, leaving no gaps. This is as easy as opening up the vision of the will body. It just requires applying it directly on the iron box. "

"Then, we recite the incantation. Enlili~Oh Meisiman~" Richie said a word that Alok had never heard before.

Then, the light of the will body crystallized in the sea of ​​spiritual power disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Putting the iron box in his hand on the table, Richie solemnly said:

"This is an Azeroth cipher text, which means 'net'. But it must be pronounced in the way I said. Never, never read the 'net' in Azeroth text directly when using it."

"That's going to change unknowably."

"Please be careful. This is very important. If you read it wrongly, it will be very dangerous." Rich said solemnly again.

Then he handed the iron box to Alok, removed the mental power net on it, and lay down half on the chair.

"Practice it twice."

After being forced to interrupt and correct his pronunciation three times, Alok finally used this little trick.

After successfully blocking the brilliance of the will body crystal, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's so exciting, if you pronounce it wrongly, it's over.

Seeing that Alok had mastered this skill, Rich breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Very good. Remember to use him to deal with traces when cleaning the battlefield in the future to avoid being chased."

This sentence sounds more and more like a curse.

Later, Alok saw that El had also successfully sealed the crystal of her will body in a small and exquisite grid.

He stopped thinking about Richie's words and smiled slightly.


The next morning, Richie was still sitting at the dining table early and reading the newspaper in his hand.

He made a "tsk tsk tsk~" sound from his mouth.

"A huge fire broke out in Wilk District yesterday. It burned down a whole street. Fortunately, no one died. No one lived inside." He shook his head and took a sip of tea, and then said:

"It's been so many days without rain. It's really abnormal. It's too hot."

Il, who had just walked out of the kitchen, looked at each other when he heard this, opened the caviar in his hands and placed it on the table, saying:

"Dad, you are overthinking. Even if it rains, it will be very hot. And it will also become very muggy. If it rains heavily for a month like last year, your clothes will not be dry."

Richie was stunned for a moment, put down the newspaper, nodded, and agreed:

"That's right. This reminds me of that unbearable memory again. Oh~, my underwear was all wet at that time."

There was a look of reminiscence on his face, and a silly smile gradually appeared.

Twenty seconds later, he gradually came out of that state and took a sip of the fresh morning milk. continued:

"I'm going to Lake Sitori outside the city today. I may come a little later in the evening. You don't have to wait for me for dinner."

Looking at Richie in surprise, El said doubtfully:

"What are you doing there?"

Looking at the ceiling helplessly, Richie spread a small amount of caviar on the bread with a spoon and said:

"I heard that there is a ruins there. I want to go take a look. Collect historical information."

He glanced at the puzzled El again and explained:

“I was a historical consultant for the city of Dror, and they asked me to interpret it for them.”

"Okay, okay, I just want to go out and buy some clothes today. Summer is here." El replied nonchalantly.

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