The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 337: Follow the rules of the elves

This is Grand Duke List throwing me an olive branch.

Unfortunately, I have no expectations for any politician, capitalist or noble.

Saying that others are fools and tools, in fact, I am not much different.

Politicians who truly care about others have not yet been born.

It's just that now because I am weak, I hope to win over powerful assistants.

So, Alok snorted and said:

"It's a pity that everyone thinks I did something wrong."

"Hehe." He suddenly laughed out loud, and then said:

"The temple and the government are playing tricks on people. Plus those stupid newspapers, they always report with political interests. People always see a false appearance. They just want you to take the blame. It's just for their own interests."

"But truly wise people can always see the truth of things."

"Hahaha. Okay. I hope the Grand Duke is as you say." Alok agreed.

Then, he said self-deprecatingly: "But I am indeed a traitor. Who made me kill the officer with my own hands?"

"Those are just the dregs of society." The judge continued. "Taking military pay, you still want to exploit the people. You deserve to die."

"Hehe." Alok laughed silently.

Who wouldn't?

Taking the money given by the government, you still want to forge certificates, and then share the money with the liar.

Aren't you talking about yourself? ?

Alok looked at him with some disdain. But at least you are still polite.

"Now, there is a vacancy in the city of Siwatris. The Grand Duke is looking for someone to take over." The judge looked casual and said.

"Forget it. I have something to do now. I also prefer a little freedom." Alok rejected him directly.

Then he said: "But I thank the Grand Duke for his kindness and wisdom. Thank him for seeing the truth. I hope he will continue to do so."

The judge laughed a few times, and seeing Alok's decisive refusal, he stopped trying to persuade Alok and said:

"Hehe. Okay. Sean Holt. The Grand Duke appreciates you very much. Maybe there will be a chance to work together in the future. I wish you good luck."

He knew what Alok meant and rejected him. But he didn't want to worsen the relationship.

He stood up from his chair, raised his glass to Alok, and then left the bar happily.

Alok looked at his back and didn't expect this man to leave so decisively. On the contrary, he felt that this Grand Duke was not threatening or tempting, and was quite straightforward. It was just that his fate was not very good.

However, he still had to be on guard, so as not to wake up in the middle of the night and find himself surrounded.


He pulled the little bear up and went upstairs.

He came to Modo's room, knocked on the door, and said, "Modo. I have something to talk to you about."

When the door opened, Alok didn't go in, but said directly, "I plan to travel tonight."

The purpose of Alok seeking a guide was to buy some intelligence and understand the local situation, so as not to step into danger in such a chaotic situation.

"It's safer to take the official road, and it's too dangerous in the wild. Robbery and murder often happen here." Modo half-squinted his eyes. He returned to the bed listlessly and said.

"However, you have to pay a toll to take the main road. The frequent murders and robberies here are closely related to those who collect tolls."

"I see. Thank you, Modo. Our deal is done." Alok lowered his head, took out ten gold coins from his pocket, walked to his bed, and put them on the bedside table.

"But there is still one day. I can take you to the Dark Moon Forest tomorrow." Modo replied with a little surprise.

"No need." Alok shook his head and chuckled.

Then, he pressed the brim of his hat and turned to leave.


He turned into a pure black raven and fluttered. Under the cover of the night, he flew towards the Dark Moon Forest.

In the sky, the Dark Moon Forest that Alok saw was not a dark forest, but an ocean of soft blue and silver light.

Especially when the height reached the height of the clouds, look down again. The patches of silver and blue were connected into one, like a whole net, surrounding the entire forest.

The outer area of ​​the forest was less shiny, and the farther you looked, the more connected it was.

The scene on the sea of ​​spiritual power was even more shocking.

The high waves seemed to be able to shatter all spirits. In front of this wave, Alok only felt his insignificance and powerlessness.

The wave seemed to be directly connected to the starry sky.

If you haven't experienced it, it's hard to imagine the shock, the powerlessness in the face of such a scene.

Even when facing the "abyss" in Mount Vatris, Alok was not as shocked as this.

The last time I saw a similar but not so grand scene was in the city of Drol.

At that time, I saw God.

And here, this is the elf's barrier. It is more majestic than the List Barrier.

This is the first time Alok has seen the dark green sea of ​​spiritual power. The previous ones were all black, reflecting the shining stars of the starry sky.

But this wave is not offensive.

Or rather, the offensiveness is restrained.

They stayed at the border of the Dark Moon Forest. It just surged up like a right angle, but did not hit it hard, just waiting and guarding.

Getting closer and closer to the wave, only the last bit of distance was left. Alok did not hesitate and plunged in.

That feeling was like passing through a layer of water, and there was still a beautiful garden below.

It made him feel like a new world after a dark period.

He looked back and found that the waves had disappeared, leaving only the gorgeous starry sky and the calm sea. It seemed that only his sudden input caused a wave.

A huge bright moon hung in the starry sky, shining on the entire spiritual power sea. Alok couldn't open his eyes.

A gust of wind suddenly blew in the air, as if whispering in Alok's ear: "...%*\u0026) # ..."

When Alok realized that this was the elf text asking him to come down quickly for inspection, he quickly folded his wings and circled and landed on a stone path in the forest. After becoming the body of Alok Phasma, wait for the elf's inspection.

There is nothing to be afraid of. You have to abide by other people's rules, otherwise how can you stay in the Dark Moon Forest and trick others into helping Il perform the transformation ceremony? ?

How can you stay here for a while longer to condense the core of your will? ?

On the stone-paved roadside, there were night-light grasses emitting a faint blue light. Ailuo looked around with the help of this light.

On both sides were two rows of stone double-story buildings.

The building was very distinctive, built on the trunk of a huge banyan tree, with roots hanging down like light strips, and neatly stacked stones.

The tops of some stone houses were just the crown of the huge banyan tree, and there were tree houses woven with vines on the crown, with some faint blue light coming out of them.

"Who are you?" A slender male elf who jumped down from the crown asked vigilantly.

He held a slender bow in his hand and a full quiver behind him.

Although the elf used the elven language, Ailuo was able to communicate after preliminary learning of the elven language.

"As a human being, my name is Ailuo." Ailuo said in his poor elven language.

Fortunately, the elven language is a language that connects to extraordinary power. Even if it is unpleasant to hear, as long as it is said correctly, people can understand what it means.

"Erok?" The elf frowned and thought for a while.

Then he suddenly realized: "Are you the human that Magik said?"

He looked at Elrok and it was like seeing a protected animal, and then he shouted loudly: "Everyone come and see. Jessir. Booker."

Uh~~~~ What happened? ?

Why did things change so suddenly, and always in an unpredictable and unpredictable direction.

Being watched by people as a protected animal is not a pleasant thing, especially when the people around are curious and excited. And these elves all have professional levels. Although they may not be very high, they are also terrifying when added together.

Are the extraordinary people of the elves so common? ?

Elro was stunned on the spot, completely at a loss.

With his mouth slightly open, he looked at the elves around him who were watching more and more.

Uh~ Wasn't it an inspection? Why did it become like this? ? ?

If the elf lady pulled my clothes and twisted them as an inspection.

Can I pass it? ?

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