Wofk waved his hand and replied:

"Not entirely. The lake elves were only involved when the bloodline was detected in the temple. But the queen had taken this matter very seriously before. She even gave me and Ramiel the strictest orders. It seems that the queen knew something. of."

"What must turn Airok and Yvel into elves? As for why, how can I dare to ask?"

"I didn't dare to speak out, and I didn't dare to involve you, so I discussed it with Ramiel. Now it's perfectly solved. I can tell you as experience. You have to join in and contribute next time. "

Emil nodded and agreed: "Yeah~ No problem. This is the obligation as a spring water priest."

Seeing Emil agree, Wofk took a sip of tea and suddenly asked leisurely as if changing the subject:

"I wonder if you know the 'Mobius Cycle Prophecy'?"

"Is it that 'the world keeps circulating, the river of time is an endless ring, and we will repeat the same thing infinitely on it!'" Emil replied.

Wofk nodded and continued to ask:

"Then do you know about the 'Tasher Prophecy'?"

Emil was stunned for a moment and shook his head slightly, saying that he had never heard of it.

Wofk chuckled and said slowly: "This is the solution proposed by Tasher based on the 'Mobius Loop Prophecy'. How to untie the loop? All you need is a pair of scissors."

"I can't go on. If I go on, the Queen may not be able to protect me. You can understand it yourself. But don't tell anyone."

"Let's continue talking about El and Alok." He picked up the teacup and continued.

"I didn't pay much attention to it at first, until Mi'er found me and asked me to contact the lake elf, and then I realized that the matter seemed to have become serious. So I contacted the lake forest."

"An elf named Emily Starlight received me. She suggested to me that the lake elf should handle it. When I asked how to deal with it, she mysteriously told me to rely on magic."

"I asked in depth again, and she stopped talking. But what can be seen is that the matter went smoothly. Ivel was very cooperative and didn't even resist. Alok was a little wary, but it was obvious that his sister had been compromised. He is alone."

"Strange name. How did they do it. I mean the lake elves. Also, is there any connection between the two?" Emil sighed softly.

"Emily Starlight. It's really strange. As for the connection, who knows??" Wofk responded, blinking twice, looking a little innocent.

He suddenly put down the teacup in his hand, changed the subject and asked Emil:

"I heard your mother Li'er say 'the ceremony was performed by the goddess herself'?"

Emil nodded slightly and said while recalling:

"That's right. There was heavy fog all day that day, which is rare in the Dark Moon Forest. The temple was very empty. Even Grandpa Seedek, who is usually the most active at work, didn't go to work. There was only one elf named my mother."

"When I asked them to lie down on the altar of the ceremony, my mother pulled me and left the temple quickly. Later, I was blessed by the goddess. Eternal youth. But I don't want it either." Emil looked very innocent. look like.

But Wofk touched his hair, his expression looked like he had eaten fly dung, it was really Versailles.

"Okay. You're lucky. So what do you want?"

"What I want is~~~~what I want, just leave it alone." Emil almost let it slip and hurriedly stopped himself.

"Okay, okay. Dear Emil. Every elf has his own little secret." Wulfk joked.

"I'll continue to talk to you. Since this matter itself was an order from the Queen, we only raised this issue a little bit in the meeting. But later, Ramil and I felt something was not right, so we added something to them. Jin. Fortunately, the three of us cooperated well and successfully completed the task.”

He suddenly lay half on the chair and said casually:

"Ramel looks as sweet as honey, but is actually very clever. You should learn from her."

"Do you understand the situation? That's roughly it. Don't tell other elves, especially Airok and El."

"It's roughly clear. But I don't understand why we need to use strategies to turn Alok and El into elves." Emil nodded, but still asked doubtfully.

Wofk smiled softly, looked at Emil but did not answer her question, but said: "Go back quickly. You should be sleepy. You have been working all day, and it is already ten o'clock in the evening."

Emil looked at Wofk with some confusion, looked at the tea in his hand, and said:

"Okay. Speaker Wofk, since this is your secret, I won't pry. Then I'm going back. There's still a way to go, Xiao Hei will have to work hard."

Emil turned his head in confusion and left his cabin. Wulfk sighed softly.

The answer to this kind of question is to let him rot in his stomach.

You can't tell an elf with a pure heart that this is to shift the responsibility to El, so that Elok will not hold a grudge against the Dark Moon Forest. And his hatred will never appear on El.

Everyone knows that Prometheus' transformation ritual only transformed one person. Only one human has performed this ritual since ancient times.

No, there are three now.

Emile, you don't know, do you? The transformation ritual only needs one person.

If I tell Elok that because of the elves' selfish desires, they want you to become an elf, and you who are unwilling to accept the elf identity must be forced to accept it. Even your sister's special situation is used to threaten you.

No one will have a good impression of Dark Moon Forest.

What should I do? ? I'm really sorry for Il. . But fortunately, I am fearless because I am favored.

For a better tomorrow! !

This kind of thinking is too dangerous for an elf.

Oh, I really don't want to be the speaker. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I have to be the speaker for a long time. This place is so depressing.

My hair is all white, and my wife is still very beautiful.

Why can't I retire at the age of 200! !


"I think we have to change our biological clock again. Travel during the day and rest at night. It's really hard to see the surroundings at night, and there's no way to find out the situation. When can we reach the Big Tree Wall Village? It's so far away." Alok yawned and said while standing on a tree branch.

Il thought for a while, looked at Alok who was high up and said:

"That makes sense. You seem to have become smarter."

"It's not that I've become smarter. It's that you've become stupider." Alok sighed softly.

"We'll be there soon. Claw said it's just ahead." Il rolled his eyes and answered helplessly.

"Okay. How long did it take us to travel? Five days?" Alok turned his head and asked.

"Yes. It will be six days after today." Il answered weakly.

"How long have we been in the Dark Moon Forest?" Alok asked again.

"It's almost a month, what's wrong?" Il asked puzzledly.

Alok shook his head nonchalantly and said:

"Nothing. I'm calculating when my total mental power will reach the standard. It stands to reason that if I meditate deeply every day without interruption, I can reach the standard of the singularity in three months at the fastest. But I think I can be faster. Things seem to be going too smoothly."

"Really? It seems to be going too smoothly. I also think I should be quite fast." Il rolled his eyes and thought for a while.

Alok suddenly jumped down from the tree, turned his head to look at Il, and said: "In my experience, too smooth means something is not right."

Il asked jokingly:

"What experience do you have? Is it the experience of catching rabbits, Mr. Rabbit Thief?"

"No~~All experiences. For example, the experience of fighting with the anti-will, the experience of going out as a pirate." Alok recalled and said. He looked at Il seriously and asked:

"Don't you really think that things have become particularly smooth since we entered the Dark Moon Forest? Even a little hasty and anxious. Especially you."

"Really? This shouldn't be quite normal?" Il asked in surprise.

I saw that many readers were somewhat disgusted with Il when they read the previous part. Maybe they will feel relieved after reading this part.

I don’t know if readers can see some hidden plots from some obscure fragments before.

This plot actually talks about a conspiracy of the elves. I didn’t intend to write it so clearly at first, but after thinking about it, it’s better to write it clearly.

But in fact, there is no right or wrong, it’s just that both sides are for their own interests. .

I don’t want to make all the elves silly and innocent. It’s very boring. Otherwise, the elves can’t be so powerful. And in the whole plot, Ramil is the most scheming one. I don’t know if you can see it (●°u°●)”

This whole plot is another fragment of a big plot. There will be interpretations and extensions in the future.

Thank you for your support and encouragement! !

PS: (I like the character of Ramil. I mean the characterization. An elf who likes hunting and has a girlish heart. But since she started working, she has to focus on the elf population and do her best to serve the queen. It's not easy to go out, but she still has to think about the Darkmoon Village. Even so, she still has a childlike heart. Although she is scheming, it's all for the elves. From the perspective of the elves, who has the right to blame her?)

PS2: Little easter eggs, everyone should be able to see it. Emil likes Ramil. Daniel and Magik like each other.

PS3: I won't talk about the second easter egg. Everyone can find it by themselves!

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