As Elok's total mental power continues to increase, the range of astral vision gradually expands.

Alok knows this very well.

Now he can see three to four hundred meters away.

This provides great convenience for their exploration.

They were flying two hundred meters in the air, and with the early warning from the claws in front, they would hardly encounter danger. But Alok didn't dare to be careless.

The source of danger in Mount Vatteris is not those extraordinary creatures. But erosion.

So far, Alok has not seen anything unusual in the sea of ​​spiritual power or the star realm.

Every time they fly a certain distance, they stop to rest. This is to preserve physical strength and restore mental strength.

He didn't want to keep using astral vision to keep his condition in a bad state.

During breaks, Elok will show off his painting skills. Draw ghost symbols on the map. Express the results of your own exploration.

"There is a cave ahead." Il suddenly said in mid-air, following Ailok.

"Really?" Alok asked, looking at the mountain peaks that suddenly rose in the distance.

"Are the Sunset Mountains ahead?"

"It seems so." El said, hovering.

"Then you have to be more careful. Let's go down first." Alok said solemnly. "Is Pawpaw in any danger?"

El agreed and said:

"Same as what I think. Clawpaw said there is some danger over there. I guess there may be supernatural beings."

The two quickly circled and landed outside the Sunset Mountains in tacit understanding.

The moment he landed, Airok first looked around, and after seeing that there was no danger, he turned off his astral vision and rested for a while. Then take out the map and a quill to mark the map.

And El placed a 'Witch's Eye' made of crystal, and cooperated with Elok to be on guard.

This is a tacit understanding between them.

Elk knew that flying in the sky and using his so-called method required a certain amount of mental energy. When on the ground, Elok seemed a little tired and would choose to close his eyes to rest or mark the map.

At this time, she will choose to be vigilant first. When he was a little tired, Alok was almost awake. When he was in the sky, he would choose to follow Elok and take a break while receiving the news from Claw Claw.

It was getting close to noon. After resting, Elok quickly replenished his energy, ate some cassava and drank some water. Get ready to go

Taking advantage of this time, El also took a break. Claw also replenishes energy.

"Calame's Tempest is given to you. It serves as a long-range turret." Airok arranged the equipment and handed the scepter to Il and said. "Let's go take a look at that mountain and explore what's going on in the cave."

Then, he took the lead in transforming into a spotted cat and walked towards the mountain peak.

But El turned into a bird flying in mid-air, following Airok.

There was no sound between them anymore, only silent communication using beacons in their hearts.

Not far from the cave, Airok did not stop, but said to El in his heart:

"I saw that cave. It does seem like there are extraordinary beings there. It's just a little strange."

It's a bit strange indeed.

Those densely packed star spirit bodies made Alok a little panicked.

But it doesn't look like the composition of the astral body of any profession. Appearing under astral vision, they are like cocoons one by one. Bound by black and purple ribbons.

This reminded him of the Magebinder.

It also reminds me of the astral spirit body in Vatteris’s nightmare. It's not exactly the same as the psychologist, but the colors are roughly correct.

"Maybe he's from the Mage Binder profession." Alok tried to say. "There are many. Hmm~~~I can't count them. The level is not high, I have to look at the illustrated book."

He calmed down and looked through the books in his memory.

The key thing to look for is the gregarious extraordinary species of Mage Binding.

But unfortunately, this illustrated book doesn't look complete at all. There are no similar records at all.

He slapped his head in disappointment. He said in his heart:

"It's not in the book. Damn it. Let's explore it. There are a lot of them. But the level is not high."

"Be careful. Sometimes numbers are weapons." There was concern in his heart.

"Yeah." He simply replied. Then, he raised his spirits again, took steps, and cautiously walked towards the looming cave.

But as he approached, the extraordinary species in the cave began to become restless.

The astral body began to tremble, as if it was preparing to break out of its shell.

Alok frowned. He cautiously released a phantom and went to the cave entrance to investigate the situation on his behalf. And he was hiding a little far away from the cave entrance.

The illusion gradually came closer, and the field of vision began to narrow. The dark hole is about ten meters high. The inside is covered with moss~~~

And the dense cobwebs on the ground.

Damn~~ I hate spiders.

Those cocoons began to break out of the shell, revealing the true appearance inside.

It was shining golden starlight. They eat away the outer layer of the cocoon, giving their astral bodies a strange purple tint.

gold? ?

psychologist? Astrologer?

Alok didn't dare to go further. He stood at the entrance of the cave and observed the situation inside the cave.

Suddenly, countless terrifying light spots lit up in the cave, among which a total of eight huge eyes were extremely bright.

The endless spiders quickly crawled out of the holes as if they were prey.

One fist-sized spider with bright purple color was stacked one after another, and the scene like a wave made Alok's spider phobia and intensive phobia act up.

He retreated urgently, shouting "Be careful" in his heart.

The owner of the eight eyes finally saw the true face, a huge spider with golden armor. But the profession is a complete magic binder. The astral body is completely purple. It is not like those small spiders with purple in gold.

About level three.

It has a terrifying face and countless barbs on its legs. It is huge, plus the length of its legs. Alok initially judged that it is at least two meters. Alok has never seen such a big spider. No wonder it is called extraordinary.


Then, he urgently used the skill combination of "Tear" and "Transformation".

In an instant, countless knife lights appeared from the air, like a silver-white flower.

Countless knife lights crushed countless small spiders around, but there was no way to deal with the armor of the big spider.

Really hard~~

Eilok sighed silently.

This tentative attack seemed to have angered the spiders.

They instantly sped up and rushed towards Elok.

Suddenly, countless spider silks flew in the air. They fell from the top of Elok's head. They surged from behind him.

Before he knew it, his phantom had been surrounded. And became a delicious meal for this group of spiders.

"Huh~~~ Stupid spiders. Not very intelligent. Let's see if I can collect some as pets. Uh~~~ Forget it. This is too scary." He complained to Il without any pressure in his heart.

But then, he completely changed his view of this group of spiders.

When they surged outside the cave. As if they knew where Elok was, they rushed towards him quickly.

This made Elok's brows tighten. He knew that things were not simple. I'm afraid the spider web had exposed his position. These territories are their sphere of influence.

Then, he was about to take off, but in a flash he saw those spiders piled up in tacit understanding. The giant spiders surrounding the center were wrapped layer by layer.

Forming a huge sphere composed of spiders.

As they got closer to Alok, their shapes became more and more regular. The spiders gathered together to form a behemoth that was at least ten meters tall and at least twenty meters long. .

This behemoth was in the form of a giant spider, but every part was made up of countless densely packed spiders.

This is simply the nemesis of intensive phobia~~~

It ran and whistled silently.

Alok didn't understand the spider language but roughly knew what it meant:

"Eat him!!"

And under the star vision.

Those star spirits shining with golden light also seemed to merge into a huge, mixed and huge star. He couldn't close his mouth because he had never seen such a situation before.

He could only sigh loudly:


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