Ailok and Il sat opposite each other, looking at the direction of the star spirit. Beware of possible danger.

Perhaps because of the firelight, the star spirit started to move straight towards this side when it was about 200 meters away from Ailok.

This made Ailok's nerves tense suddenly, and he warned Il in his heart: "He is coming soon. You hide first."

"Okay." Il replied concisely.

She turned into an owl and flew to a distant branch to pay attention to the situation on Ailok's side.

In case of an emergency, it would be easy to take care of it.

And Ailok put the Crescent Mark at hand and pulled it out directly if something happened.

The speed of the star spirit was not fast, and it walked towards Ailok slowly but firmly.

In this strange atmosphere shrouded in darkness, time seemed to slow down.

Not long after, Ailok saw the whole picture of the thing.

It can't be called a thing. Let's call it a creature.

It is about one meter high and one meter long. It has sharp edges and four legs of different lengths, without joints, and it jumps crookedly on the ground.

It is all white and quite scary in the middle of the night.

One eye is big and the other is small. The nose is protruding, like Pinocchio. The mouth is wide open, revealing the jagged teeth inside.

It has no ears, but a tail standing straight on its back.

At first glance, Alok frowned immediately. This is not a natural creation of the gods. It is like a simple sketch drawn by a child.

The ferocious teeth do not make people feel any fear, but laughable.

There are no curves on its body, its body is square, and its legs are straight sticks.


Is it the legendary Laplace demon? ? ?

Isn’t it said that Laplace demon is one of the most terrifying extraordinary species? ? Why is it like this?

In the words of Mr. Luo: You don’t feel scary, but laughable. So this is not a crime.

But the Laplace demon suddenly froze in place when it saw Alok, and then jumped crookedly and hopped in front of Alok's two fires. It stared at Alok and spoke in Elvish language:

"An elf? I like elves."

The voice sounded like a child.

Alok left a drop of cold sweat, but he didn't feel any malice.

Such a scene didn't feel scary at all, but strange and weird.

Alok turned his head like a mechanical dance, looked at the weird creature, and replied in Elvish:

"Then what are you?"

"Me? I'm a horse." It turned around and answered very seriously.

"A horse?" Alok looked at the so-called horse carefully again and was stunned. He complained in his heart.

It doesn't look like a horse at all, it doesn't even have a neck.

But fortunately, it can communicate. It is definitely an intelligent life.

He showed a reluctant smile and continued to ask: "Then what is your name?"

"My name is horse." It replied.

Just called horse?

But it seems that its IQ is not high.

"Then why do you like elves?" Alok continued to ask.

"My name is Ma, an elf said so." It answered again.

An elf? ? ? Alok looked at this body that looked like a stick figure and felt unimaginable. He frowned in confusion and asked:

"What is the name of that elf?"

It turned its eyes around as if recalling, and then said:

"Her name is Elf. She has silver hair. She taught me a lot of things, including how to speak. I like her. Because of her, I know that my name is Ma. I answered so many questions for you, can you tell me what your name is???"

Alok recalled its words, answering its questions perfunctorily while looking for clues from its words.

"My name is Jack, but the name is just a code name. The essence of things is a trinity body. It has nothing to do with the name."

Elf, silver hair. An artist from the Donna family.

Its last sentence "Because of her, I know that my name is Ma."

This sentence should mean that this elf made her awaken her self-awareness. With self-cognition.

In other words, it was created.

Coupled with its weird appearance, I can't help but think of a picture.

A novice painter, an artist who doesn't know how to paint at all. Then he started to create this painting directly.

It can't be called a painting, it's called graffiti.

Then, a Laplace demon appeared.

No one knows how it was formed. I'm afraid you can only ask the elves in question.

And the artist elves of the Dona family that I know of.

And the only ones who have appeared in the Dark Moon Forest are probably Ramir and Ariel.

Ahem~~ I remember that Ariel's paintings are pretty good. But I can't be sure that his paintings were also good before.

When Alok was thinking about these, the "horse" slowly approached Alok. Responding softly to what Alok said before:

"You have a point. This is a theory I have never heard of. Everything attaches great importance to its name. It is a mark for them to determine their own position."

Alok chuckled and continued:

"It can be called an 'anchor'. A name is a kind of spiritual power, and this spiritual power can help those who need a name to anchor their own position. So that they will not get lost and forget who they are."

It seemed very confused, looking at Alok and asked again:

"Anchor. What is it?"

"The original explanation is that it is an iron knot that makes ships on the sea dock more firmly. It is a mark placed in the extraordinary realm to fix its own position, a kind of mental power label." Elok introduced briefly.

It was confused, but accepted Elok's answer, only raising more questions:

"What is a ship? What is the sea surface? What is an iron lump?"

"The sea is a large piece of water, a boat is a house-like thing made by humans that can float on the sea, and an iron lump is a large piece of mineral that is like a stone but stronger. It can sink to the bottom of the sea. "Alok continued to explain.

"Humans? Houses? Floating? Sinking? Minerals? What is this??" It seemed to be extremely curious about these things.

Elok kept explaining, getting more and more detailed and in-depth. But its problems are growing and seemingly endless. Even talking about philosophy and otherworldly things.

He frowned and decided to break the current situation.

How could a baby with an IQ of only five or six years old in my opinion talk to me about these things? And why did I talk to it for so long.

It's so curious.

Damn, something's wrong.

After reluctantly explaining a topic about "life, balance, equality, freedom, indulgence, restraint, nature...", the curious Laplace demon suddenly asked:

"But you said so, freedom, indulgence and restraint are contradictory. People can't have these things at the same time. How can we~~~"

He knew that no matter how he asked such questions, he would lead to contradictions and paradoxes, which was absolutely dangerous. He hurriedly interrupted the curious baby's next question and said:

"I've said so much, it's time for me to ask you. This is equality. Right."

"Why did you talk to me for so long??" Alok asked directly without waiting for its answer.

It sniffed Airok with its long nose and felt the smell of Airok.

"There's something about you that attracts me." It said in a milky voice. "What is that? Can you tell me?"

"What?" Alok looked at it in surprise, then looked around at himself.

He asked with some confusion: "I don't know either. What is it about me that attracts you?"

It jumped around Alok and said with doubt in its eyes: "You don't know, and neither do I. There is no answer to this question. It is worth exploring."

explore! Occultists exist to explore. It seems that it can be explained that Laplace's demon has such jealous and curious characteristics and hobbies.

"Then what do you think it might be? Speculation." Alok continued to ask.

"Are you talking about association? Hmm~~~I think it might be your will body." It speculated.

But such speculation left Alok a little confused.

My will body? ?

But according to the mutual exclusion of alien mental powers, pirates and occultists should be mutually exclusive.

On the contrary, it is the witch from Il who is attracted to each other.

How strange.

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