"The God of Hunting? What is the name of God?" Airok seemed to have thought of something and asked with some confusion.

"I don't know." El answered simply.

"Has Ramil told you about revenge and hunting the goddess?" Alok asked again.

"No." Elok replied looking at Alok. "Tell me about it."

Alok thought about it for a moment, considered his words and said objectively:

"The goddess of revenge and hunting - Sil Shah. The daughter of the Elf King Thesric, a god born out of the strong will for revenge. The ancestor of the Shah family. The product of the theory of mutual repulsion of alien spiritual powers. A twisted and sad god. ”

"But He died during the war between the three clans."

"Do you think this God of Hunting has something to do with Sir Shah??" El asked thoughtfully.

Alok nodded and continued his analysis:

"Maybe. The priesthood of hunting should belong to the hunter profession. And hunters and assassins are mutually exclusive. The current Nemesis, Del Shah, does not have the priesthood of hunting."

"There may be some reasons that separate the two priests. What Del Shah obtains is revenge, while what the God of Hunting obtains is hunting."

El frowned slightly and said while thinking:

"For example, a kind of spiritual power that repels each other? I remember Azera said that mutual repulsion and attraction are everywhere. Those that repel each other will tend to separate at any time, and those that attract each other will gather with each other all the time."

"Of course, that may be the root cause," Aylock agreed.

"In addition, werewolves are also hunters, and vampires may be closely related according to my guess. And we have just met the werewolves of the Wolfor family and the vampires of Cappadocia. It is also possible that this god is from the two races. One of the leaders.”

"How do you know that a vampire is a hunter?" Elli suddenly asked.

"Hmm~~guess!" Alok explained, patting his head.

"There are many disputes arising from promotion and resources. Competition between the same profession is the most intense and cruel. It often ends with a tragic defeat for one party."

"I have heard a story before, which originated from the dispute between the God Thief families. The Modo family and the Ilya family ended up with the victory of the Ilya family."

"The struggle between the werewolf family and Cappadocia has been so long and cruel. I cannot rule out that this is the reason."

"Understood." Ir nodded and said, like a good student who listened carefully to the class.

After a moment, she raised her head, dropped the topic, and asked:

"Shall we take a trip to Innius?"

"Of course. We haven't seen a living person for several months." Alok said matter-of-factly.

"Indeed. I haven't seen it since entering the Dark Moon Forest." El replied with a sigh.

Afterwards, the two of them embarked on their journey without staying any longer. Fly towards the markers on the map.

The alchemist just now slowly stood up from lying on the ground, held his hands tightly, closed his eyes and muttered silently:

"Forget me. Forget me~~~"

Then he repeated it for about half a minute and breathed a sigh of relief.

He opened his hands, took out the mask emblem with only half of his face hanging in his palm, and said to himself:

"Huh~~Dirochi's self-deception crest."


During the subsequent travels, Elok and Il no longer cast a wide net aimlessly, but accurately explored the marked locations on the map.

The corresponding extraordinary species was indeed found.

But what Elok couldn't figure out was how this map appeared in his mind.

Whose memory? ? ?

But he soon no longer cared about this matter, and he planned to go directly to the Kingdom of Innius after visiting the remaining areas, and then go to Darkmoon Village to hand in the mission.

Then use some of El's materials to exchange for some starlight coins to pay off. Then prepare to advance to level four.

In the past few days, Alok has felt that his total mental power has reached the standard. But we still couldn’t wait for the singularity to appear.

This troubled him a little.

Does the emergence of singularity also require skills? Or does it require a little chance? ?

It shouldn't be.

On the other hand, El is not quite the same as Elok, but he doesn't reach the point of condensing a singularity.

Her mental strength is not up to par yet, and her skills have not been fully learned.

The profession of witch is extremely troublesome.

Not only are there many skills, but it is extremely difficult to master them all. It either requires material production or deep skill.

In Elok's view, this is probably the most difficult profession to upgrade.

During these expeditions, we often encounter human explorers. Even more than the extraordinary ones.

We even saw a farm in the outermost area of ​​the Duori Mountains on the 18th day, breeding Kaliman bees and some extraordinary plant materials.

This made Alok think better. Compared with wild capture, breeding seems more professional, and it will not excessively destroy the natural balance.

Another thing that worries Elok is the adventurers who come here. Most of them come here for the materials, and then wantonly destroy the natural order and plunder the animals and plants here.

No wonder so many extraordinary species in the Sunset Mountains have disappeared here. As I expected, it was due to over-hunting by humans.

They will kill those extraordinary species and then take away all the materials they can use.

And some will take away useful parts of them.

Such as the wings of the Inuit tit.

Alok frowned and looked at the chickadee under his feet that had lost its wings and was struggling to stand up before falling down weakly.

After reading their memories, Alok was angry but also a little helpless.

Most of them are local extraordinary beings in the Kingdom of Innus.

Many of the Inuis Kingdom's industries rely on the extraordinary materials from the Sunset Mountains. This forced them to constantly explore the Sunset Mountains.

From extraordinary species of plants to animals, all are their hunting targets without exception.

They will sell these items to every country in the world. He even made private deals with the Khebli Empire.

As a result, other domestic industries have not shown much improvement. Probably only agriculture is pretty good and can support a large family.

But in terms of wealth, only those capitalists and nobles who monopolize the extraordinary materials industry are considered rich.

And most of these extraordinary people are just speculators. I hope to gain a glimmer of hope in the cracks of capital.

After all, those engaged in breeding made the bulk of the money.

Oh, and there are also profit margins.

With the gap between the rich and the poor in the country so wide, even extraordinary people can only survive in the cracks. If they are not found this time, there may be no next time.

Ultimately, this is an extremely complex issue.

The market demand for extraordinary materials itself is relatively large, and the domestic situation is not good, so they can only rely on this to make money.

If an extraordinary person were allowed to go home and farm, would he be willing?

Even if you want to, you have to do it when you are old.

As for why I don’t leave here, maybe I’m used to this kind of life.

In addition, there are some speculators from other areas, hoping to come to the Sunset Mountains to earn some materials.

For such people, Alok hates them deeply and will never show mercy.

"The men's material will be fucked, and the women's clothes will be taken off." Alok, wearing a three-cornered hat (the one worn by Captain Jack Sparrow), stood behind a third-level oceanographer, drew his sword and pointed it at him, threatening him.

"Who?" He suddenly turned around with great vigilance.

Then the whole body turned into water, and suddenly expanded into a huge ball shape. Rushing towards Alok.

Alok sighed helplessly in his heart:

Why can't we just surrender?

He suddenly took on the crescent moon's buff and hid in the moonlight to dodge the enemy's attack.

Then, he used the moonlight to teleport about five meters and then jumped out of the moonlight, waving a ray of light that contained the black waning moon.

The Glory of the Waning Moon accurately cuts off the water flow, but it seems to do little harm to the enemy.

Alok frowned.

But it's not a big problem.

A perfectly dispersed one fell from the sky and hit the ocean scholar on the face.

His water elemental body suddenly collapsed and then fell to the ground.

He wanted to continue to resist, but he saw Alok flashing in front of him, pointing the tip of his sword at him.

He decisively knelt on the ground and shouted: "I surrender, surrender and spare my life, it's the rules of the sea."

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