The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 388 Symphony of the Night (Part 2)

He was a little irritated, but soon calmed down. Then he created another clone.

What do I call this?

Give him a taste of his own medicine?

Or learn from him to defeat him?

No matter, I can do it, but you can't.

I hate this kind of battle.

The Crescent Mark was pulled out again, but Il's voice came from the bottom of my heart: "You go and deal with those low-level ones. I'll deal with this level 4."

"Hey, you're trying to steal the head." Alok protested silently.

Even so, he still groaned in dissatisfaction, and then followed Il's advice and chose to deal with the hunters who had just flown off the roof.

Maybe Il has a good way to deal with that cunning level 4 hunter.

In fact, if I come, I can beat it too.

He frowned helplessly, then used the dagger to flash again, appeared on the roof, and said to the hunters who had just jumped off the roof:

"Hey, are you looking for me?"

The hunters' eyes widened, thinking, are you kidding us? ?

But the flames of anger that suddenly ignited also burned in their hearts.

"What a pity. It's not easy to deal with level 4, but it's not a big problem for you." Ailuo said softly while the hunters hadn't come up and hadn't fired arrows.

A few useless arrows flew again, but fortunately Ailuo had already applied a layer of energy transfer shield on his body, which had a natural advantage over the hunters' long-range attacks.

He wanted to use some skills to counterattack at this moment when the enemy attacked.

But there seemed to be a trap set on the roof, which made Ailuo fall into silence in an instant.

This made him a little uncomfortable, but he decisively used the tough control removal skill to get out of control instantly.

Afterwards, four shadow daggers formed in the air.

Flying silently towards the hunters who thought they were still silent.

He chuckled, and then confronted the four arrows that flew again.

Let the four shadow daggers and the four arrows collide in the air.

But the result was that the shadow daggers penetrated the arrows and pierced the chests of the two level one hunters.

The other level two and level three hunters cleverly used the step back skill to escape.

Alok shrugged indifferently. He took out the silver pain that had not been used for a long time and fired two shots directly into the air.

The two hunters who were still inexperienced and slightly lower in level fell to the ground.

Then, Alok targeted the level three hunter, cut his throat again, and teleported behind him.

The fog attacked again, making him a little confused.

The moonlight reappeared, but it was stained with a touch of blood red.

"It shouldn't be my blood." Alok said softly.

He dispelled the mist and looked back at the panicked Level 2 Hunter. He saw his sharp teeth and scarlet pupils in the moonlight.

He smiled slightly and walked slowly to him. He said softly:

"A Cappadocia? I didn't want to be your enemy. You are so rude. If you were as polite as the werewolves of the Wolf family, I would never do it."

"Who are you?" He was so scared that he sat on the ground and asked a stupid question.

After hearing this, Alok laughed, patted his windbreaker, pointed at his triangular pirate hat, and waved the crescent mark. He took out the revolver and turned it three times in his hand.

"Look, isn't it obvious? Crazy Captain Jack. Free pirate."

"Let me go back. Cappadocia will not be your enemy. Crazy, no, no, no. Captain Jack." He stared and said in horror.

He seemed to be scared out of his wits.

But due to the characteristics of Cappadocia, he couldn't sweat coldly, otherwise his back would be soaked now.

He seemed to have no doubt about the truth of what Alok said. He firmly believed that Alok was really Jack.

Of course, this was true.

Alok nodded, as if thinking:

"Yeah, yeah~~~ you're right. It's a pity that it's a bit late. I don't want to be your enemy. But if you tell me some information about you, maybe I will consider letting you go."

"No, Cappadocia will not betray!" The vampire suddenly said excitedly, and he struggled to sit up straight.

"Don't be excited! Am I not negotiating with you? If you tell me a secret, I will let you go." Alok said very slowly.

"What secret?" He responded excitedly.

Elok spread his hands, holding a revolver in one hand and the Crescent Mark in the other, and said casually:

"Look. Isn't this something we can talk about? Right?"

He chuckled, looking very kind, and then leaned close to the ear of the Cappadocian and asked like a devil:

"Tell me, what does a Cappadocian see after death?"

As Elok finished speaking, a dagger pierced through the chest of the Cappadocian.

Elok smiled. He gently patted the non-existent dust on his body twice.

He hummed the elf's tune leisurely.

He thought silently in his heart:

Why do you think I talked to you for so long?

Of course, it was to wait for my sister Il to finish over there.

Fighting is too hard, but I like it.

He called out loudly:

"Il, Il?? Finished?"


On the other side.

Ir took the initiative to take on the task of dealing with the fourth level.

In fact, this task is about the same difficulty as dealing with the remaining four.

Although the fourth level is a qualitative change, it is just so-so compared to a group.

The point is that Ir saw that Alok was somewhat powerless against the fourth-level hunter. It seems that he cannot cause fatal damage.

But for a witch, this is not a problem.

She can choose to fight a tug-of-war.

She did not take out Karame's storm, which would make her not calm enough, and the powerful power would also make her blind.

Mainly, she wanted to experiment with her skills.

At the location where the light column hit twice in a row, Ir added a range silence of the witch. But it seemed to miss.

This is the defect of not having astral vision.

But fortunately, Ir immediately opened the will body vision, which is also a kind of combat assistance. Although it is a bit weak.

Then, he saw the target.

A young man covered in blood, shouting that he "wasted it just after drinking!"

Well, a Cappadocian, there is no escape.

He seemed to be in madness and confusion. His face became more and more ferocious, his mouth stretched to the roots of his ears, and sharp teeth protruded from his bloody mouth.

His body suddenly became taller, and his muscles bulged on his body. Countless lumps of flesh formed, which made Ir look a little disgusting.

His arms became thicker than Ir's waist, and only his legs were taller than Ir.

Ten-centimeter-long nails grew from his hands, becoming devilish claws.

Huge wings with a width of four meters grew out from his back, making him look like a ferocious bat.

I should have known not to change it earlier.

Damn it!!

She hurriedly threw a skill that she thought might be effective, "Dispel".

But unfortunately, it was just a self-righteous thought.

To be precise, this skill is called "Transformed Animal Hunter". It will selectively transform into the type you want to transform into.

Transforming into a werewolf and a bat is the same, but it is fundamentally different from the Transfiguration Spell.

The Transfiguration Spell is a deception of the material world, while transforming into a werewolf and a vampire is a change in the material world.

This kind of transformation cannot be dispelled.

Seeing that his skills were ineffective, Il was a little panicked. The big bat on the opposite side seemed to have discovered the change of his opponent, but he chose to attack indiscriminately in anger.

Cappadocia, who turned into a bat, seemed to have lost the ability to use magic and only knew irrational physical attacks.

This is also a flaw of the hunter.

Once you enter the state of transforming into an animal hunter, you will lose your mind.

This is different from the collapse of the will body. This is only limited irrationality, not the collapse of the entire consciousness.

To deal with this situation, werewolves and vampires took completely opposite paths.

The werewolves of the Wolf family will choose moderation and restraint, while the vampires of the Cappadocia family will unlimitedly exert their desires and satisfy their desire for blood and flesh.

But no matter which one, even werewolves, at this time, are dangerous guys.

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