According to Richie, the influence of the Heaven Organization is so great, it seems that my situation is worrying.

"Any more questions?" Richie asked again.

"Yes. Is Anti-Will a member of Heaven?" Alok asked solemnly.

"To tell you clearly, no." Richie confirmed.

"They are just mutually exploiting each other. Although Anti-Will's influence is not as great as Heaven, Dezaret will not succumb to desire. He will only use desire. And desire is also using Him."

"Since it is exploitation, it is absolutely impossible to be honest with each other. So, you don't need to worry too much about Heaven."

Although Richie said so, Alok still had some worries, frowning and said:

"But as soon as I and I appeared in the Kingdom Alliance, Cappadocia came to the door. This~~~"

Rich didn't expect that the heavy physical labor that Alok mentioned was actually a fight with Cappadocia. He thought it was some kind of extraordinary species. So he scratched his head at a loss, and then said a little uncertainly:

"Then you should be careful. Remember to protect Il."

"Uh~~ I thought you had some good suggestions." Alok said in surprise.

Rich spread his hands helplessly and replied: "I'm just an unemployed old man."

Alok rolled his eyes, pouted, and then ignored Rich's cuteness and said helplessly:

"There is one last question."

"I'm about to upgrade. The total amount of mental power is close to the standard, but the will core has not appeared yet, and there is no sign of the singularity. What should I do?"

Rich looked at Alok at a loss, and said innocently:

"Well~~~This... I have no experience. I'm not a legend. I can only wait a while."

"Okay. Then change this question. What are the recommended skills for level 4?" Alok took a few deep breaths helplessly and continued to ask.

"This one." Rich breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he came to his professional field and began to introduce the useful skills he knew to Alok.

"Historian's 'false history'. Spell 'historical nothingness'. Determine that an event that just happened did not happen. It is essentially deceiving the material world."

"There are many uses. The best one in the field of combat is to determine that the skill just cast by the target did not happen. Ignore an attack. Of course, there are many other applications. But I think you should explore it yourself. This is what a legend should do."

He smiled kindly and looked at Alok.

After seeing Alok's somewhat resentful eyes, he said:

"Another skill is the assassin's skill, called 'Shadow Slash', spell 'Shadow-Slash'. Cut off the target's shadow. Thus, ignore defense and kill the enemy directly. You can also cut off the shadow directly to control the enemy."

"This is the most offensive skill I have seen in level 4. Ignore defense, ignore armor, cut off the shadow directly, and the person will be cut in half."

"This~~~" Alok was a little shocked.

There is such a skill? Wouldn't the assassin kill one at level 4 with one sword?

"However, since it is so powerful, it must have flaws. Don't look like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world." Richie said with disdain.

"Shadow chopping, shadow chopping. You have to chop the shadow of others, and you can't cause damage to the target itself. So it must be done when there is a shadow. If it is cloudy and rainy, or the target is hiding in the shadow of a larger target, or in the dark, then this skill is not so powerful."

"And assassins are a profession that can only show their strength in the dark or in the shadow. If they are under the light, they are not powerful. So this skill is a bit contradictory. It's like an assassin's last-ditch skill." Richie said with some confusion.

Then, he shrugged again and continued to explain:

"But this fighting style is very suitable for assassins. They are a group of crazy people, crazy people who only want revenge. Last-ditch battle. Burning the boats is their style."

Eroque is quite satisfied with this skill, which makes up for his lack of attack power. Especially when facing a guy like a vampire who has transformed and has thick skin and flesh.

And this skill can be used with the "Glory of Light" that was reproduced yesterday to reveal the shadow, which is a perfect match.

"There is another problem. It is estimated that this skill consumes a lot of energy, so you have to be careful when using it. I have only seen it once in all these years. Assassins rarely use this skill." Richie added.

"Yeah." Alok simply responded. I don't care much about the huge consumption.

Anyway, I have a lot of skills that consume a lot of energy.

Whether it is "Resolution" or "Confusing Phantom", the consumption is very high.

Richie seemed a little sleepy, yawned and waved his hands, and then said to Alok:

"I don't have any recommendations for the third skill. You can check and fill in the gaps by yourself and learn whatever you like. If you feel that you are not strong enough or thick enough, learn the hunter's "Transformation". If you feel that you are not durable enough, learn the witch's "Siphon". "

"Hmm! Hmm???" Alok looked at Richie in confusion. But he found that Richie had disconnected.

Hmm? ? ? ? ? ? ?


"Who is Captain Jack?" Walsh stood at the bow facing the sunset, looking at Sebastian, and asked in confusion.

"I think most people on the ship know very little about their captain Jack."

"Captain Jack?" Sebastian looked in the direction of Damia, recalling something.

"Hmm?" Walsh looked at Sebastian curiously.

"A righteous knight, a wise gentleman, a man of firm convictions. He is willing to shoulder responsibilities, willing to sacrifice his own interests, and willing to stick to his dreams." Sebastian squinted his eyes, looked at the sunset, and said.

Listening to Sebastian's evaluation, Walsh said in surprise:

"This is different from Roger's second mate's evaluation. He said Jack is a criminal who does all kinds of evil, a stingy boss, a self-righteous bastard, and a model of the pirate world. He also said that Captain Jack is as vicious as his sister."

Sebastian chuckled, then said:

"Really? I haven't seen his sister, but I don't think she would be the same as Roger said. You can imagine that people are a mirror. What he sees in others is what he himself is like."

"New concept." Walsh shrugged and said. "I kind of want to meet this captain. He's a little mysterious."

Sebastian sighed and said with a sigh: "Maybe I can meet him in Damia, but the chance is slim."

"Why?" Walsh asked curiously.

"I don't know, I feel it." Sebastian said with a smile. "If there is a chance, we can try our luck at Dark Rose. He likes to sit at the bar and drink with the elves there."

"Elves?" Walsh continued to ask.

"Yes." Sebastian nodded.

"I don't really want to go back to Damia. Do we really have to go back?" Walsh suddenly asked.

"Of course." Sebastian nodded as a matter of course.

When he mentioned Damia, he always had a smile on his face. It was his memory. It was also the starting point of his dream.

"Don't you like Damia? How beautiful is it?" Sebastian asked doubtfully.

"Not really." Walsh smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Delta Asia Pacific is depressed."

"The pressure is indeed a little greater. But if you have a dream and work hard for it, it will be much better." Sebastian said casually.

Prince Wales forced a smile. He understood that the worries and dreams of different classes are different.

For the lowest class, eating enough may be the biggest dream. For the middle class, the biggest dream may be to be able to afford a house. But for the prince, there are other worries.

Not to mention the physical suffering that is more uncomfortable than hunger, but the mental depression is much greater than hunger.

But he still didn't understand Sebastian's ideal.

"Where are you from?" He changed the subject and asked.

"Eton." Sebastian replied.

"Eton? Well~~ I don't like it there either." Wales said in surprise.

"Why?" Sebastian looked at Wales and asked.

Wales shrugged, without a detailed answer, but replied lightly:

"I hate political marriages."

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