"Who taught you these?" Alok suddenly asked in surprise.

Il shook his head, chuckled, and then said:

"No one taught me. This is from my understanding of change."

"Who taught you about the understanding of change?" Alok asked further.

"Ramiel." Il smiled lightly and continued to explain: "She has also been concentrating the core of her will recently. Maybe you can also talk to her."

"Compared to me, Ramiel understands these things more deeply."

"Okay. Ramiel." Alok muttered thoughtfully.

"It's almost night, brother. I'll go to make a fire, and then we'll get ready to go. You can rest for a while." Il stood up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, and said.

"Okay." Alok answered mechanically.

He seemed to suddenly remember something, and drew out a milky memory from his head, and said:

"By the way. I communicated with my father today about some things about Cappadocia and the Wolf family. Maybe you will be interested."

He handed this memory to Il, input it into her mind, and then smiled.

"Indeed. I'll take a look when I have time." Il said with some surprise.

Alok nodded, watching Il start to get busy, and he entered a state of meditation to replenish his mental strength.

After a short stop, dinner, and a sip of carrot soup, Alok frowned and started the night journey with Il.

But it was a coincidence.

This just happened to correspond to the elves' work and rest. There was no need to adjust the jet lag.

The Great Tree Wall Village was soon in front of us. The huge will of Lord Mafak was also in front of us.

No matter how many times he saw it, Alok was always shocked by it.

They took off their disguises, changed into elves, and came to the banyan tree that covered the sky with the faint moonlight.

The people in the Big Tree Wall Village were already familiar with the two, so there was no obstruction.

Alok and Il found some fruits and other things here to fill their stomachs, and then continued to head towards Dark Moon Village.

Although they only flew a short distance to the south, the climate change was obvious.

There was no feeling of autumn at all south of the Big Tree Wall Village. The weather was still hot and humid, it still rained every day during the day, and it was still refreshing and pleasant at night.

No wonder the elves like to come out at night. The weather may also be a reason.

It was not until the night of the third day that Alok and Il finally arrived at their home at the junction of Dark Moon Village and Spring Village.

Alok sat down on the wooden bed at home, feeling very comfortable.

"We have to remember to hand in the task and remember to pay back the money." Il stood in front of Alok, pinching his waist and said helplessly.

"No problem, no problem." Alok closed his eyes and answered indifferently.

"But when it comes to paying back the money, remember to use your half. 150 Starlight Coins, plus materials. Don't think about my money."

Ir rolled her eyes, pinched her waist and pouted, but after taking a deep breath, she said coquettishly:

"Oh~~~ We are all family. Why do we still need to divide you and me? Don't we split it in half?"

Alok immediately sat up from the bed, looked at Ir and said:

"What, split it in half. I don't care about the loss you cause. Besides, you are not without money now. Didn't we make so much money on the road? And those materials, selling them to the Temple of Life will not cheat you."

Ir pouted, tears in her eyes, and said aggrievedly:

"Forget it, my stupid brother. Let me, a helpless girl, bear these pains alone."

"Okay. No problem." Alok replied coldly.

How could he not know Ir's tricks? Playing stupid, acting coquettish, and deceiving, a trio.

A typical little witch. Don't be fooled.

As expected, she started to lie next. She embezzled my money and then said it didn't happen.

When you go out, you must keep your belongings safe.

"Go away. Alok. You deserve not to find a partner." Seeing that his plan didn't work at all, Il hammered Alok's door in anger and said angrily.

Sure enough, she changed her face faster than turning a page.

If I felt sorry for her and agreed to this plan, she would probably say "My dear brother, you are so kind."

Tsk~ woman.

"Okay. I will go to the Temple of Life to hand in the task during the day. I will give you half of the reward of 300 Starlight Coins." Alok said, ignoring Il's temper.

But when it comes to this, Il suddenly seems to be a different person. He smiled and approached Alok and said cleverly:

"It's better to leave it to me as a chore like handing in the task. I will definitely complete it well."

"No, thank you. I have to cut out my memory to complete the task. You can't do it." Alok rejected Il's proposal without hesitation.

But he made up a lie and the cutting of memory was done at the same time as he was drawing the map.

As expected, Il started to lie again.

"Tsk~~ I'm going to find Ramil." Il breathed out of his nose in anger, kicked Alok's calf lightly, turned around and left Alok's room.

Alok shrugged, rubbed his calf, and watched Il walk out of the door. He was not worried at all that she handed in the task in advance.

After all, the Temple of Life only opened during the day, and now I can’t find anyone there.


In Darkmoon Village. Ramil was sitting in his office, looking at the news on a piece of parchment and feeling bald.

This is a special retirement application submitted by his sister Ariel with the help of Majik Windrunner.

Retirement in other ways is quite easy. Once you retire, you will retire, and there will be no impact.

But Majik's position is quite difficult to deal with.

It’s not that everyone wants to grab it, it’s that everyone is unwilling to go.

Even if the life pastor who is stationed outside retires, it will not be a big problem. This position is originally stationed on a rotating basis, so it will be OK to find someone to replace him.

But Majik's position. . . .

Someone has to be found to replace him, otherwise Damiya's base will be gone, but it can't be forced. Who wants to go?

How long had Majik been there? More than a hundred years?

He has been there since I went to be a pastor. My sister has been there for so long and still hasn’t left.


Her expression was a little distorted and she was scratching her head.

Why don't you pass this task on to the old man like Wofk?

good idea!

He will definitely be able to handle it perfectly.

"Ding~ring~ring, ding~~"

Suddenly there was a sound of wind chimes at the door, interrupting her thoughts, but it also made her relax her brows.

It was her doorbell, a gadget Ramil loved.

Although she often misunderstood the doorbell ringing in the wind as an elf coming to see her.

Moreover, this situation is more common than the situation where elves come to the door.

But every time she would go to open the door and see what was outside. If it's air, take a deep breath.

Have fun doing it.

She always felt like it was like opening a blind box. You never know whether it is Feng or Emil behind the door.

She likes this feeling. Hate boring work.

Let me see who it is? Dear Emil?

No, she should be sleeping now.

Or which little rabbit? My bow and arrows are ready to go.

Or is it Wofk, an old antique? That wouldn't be much fun.

Or a burst of moonlight? Then I have to go find the Queen.

She slowly walked to the door with some anticipation and opened the door suddenly, hoping to be surprised.

When he saw it was El, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, he jumped up with excitement.

"Yeah~ El. You're back? This is great." She said excitedly, and then gave El a big hug.

Yes, that's right.

This was the surprise she was looking forward to. This feeling of opening a blind box.

The sudden hug made El feel a little overwhelmed.

Hmm~~ Ramiel is so enthusiastic.

"Yeah. Yes. We just came back." El replied after being pulled into the office by Ramil.

Before she set out from Darkmoon Village, she often came to Ramiel's place as a guest and often slept at Ramiel's house.

Ramil is very energetic, like a baby who never gets tired and never loses his curiosity.

She knows a lot, and hidden under Ramiel's sweet smile is her extensive knowledge.

Ramil knows a thing or two about almost everything.

El loves spending time with Ramiel.

The only drawback is that Ramil has to work all the time. Sometimes it seems busy.

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