The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 426 The Silent Underground Market

At night, it had just snowed heavily, and there were few people outside the "Party Bar", but most of them were extraordinary people.

The snow on the ground had been trampled on and turned into snow water, splashing on the boots of passers-by.

The carriages that passed by splashed muddy water mercilessly, which made the pedestrians on the roadside express their concern and comfort.

The snow on the roof began to melt a little and dripped down along the eaves.

There were no traces of cats and dogs on the road anymore, and I don't know how they will survive the winter.

Only passers-by of all kinds complained about the inconvenience caused by the heavy snow.

Among them were Alok and Il, who had changed their bodies.

Il's brows were furrowed. He walked on the road on tiptoe, fearing that the dirty snow water would splash on his newly bought leather boots.

But obviously, it was just a useless effort.

Even if she was careful, the passers-by around her would not care that the passer-by next to her had bought a new pair of leather boots.

At this time, Yi Er no longer had the excitement she had when she played in the snow yesterday, and her face was full of unhappiness.

"Damn it. It's so dirty." She walked forward while complaining.

"That's how it is when it snows. It will be fine in a few days. In the morning, the snow water will turn into ice, and you may fall badly when you go out. Be careful." Alok shrugged and comforted casually.

He crossed his arms and followed behind Yi Er without caring. He didn't care about his image. Anyway, finding a partner depends on appearance and strength. Isn't it more free and easy now?

"Party bar, haven't been here for a long time." Alok muttered softly while looking at the sign at the door. "The last time I came was to buy materials for you. The last time before that was an accidental encounter. The last time before that, yeah? Sorry, there's no more."

He followed Yi Er in skillfully. He strolled in like a regular customer visiting a nightclub.

The bar was crowded with people. Some people were drinking, shouting "I'm not drunk! I'm not drunk!"

Most of the people passing by were extraordinary people, with a clear purpose, going to the underground market to buy materials.

Continue to walk back, still in a semi-open state, but a feeling of being monitored arose in Alok's heart.

He stopped, turned on the astral vision and looked around.

The official extraordinary people of the government, such as knights, judges, and historians, seemed to be watching everything around.

You can see it at a glance.

The breath of being restricted by order came to his face.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "There are so many black skins."

Then, he pretended that nothing happened and followed Il's footsteps in a few big steps. At the same time, he informed Il in his heart:

"There are too many black skins in the market. We'd better be careful. Let's see the situation first. I always feel that things have changed."

"Huh?" Il paused slightly and looked back at Alok.

Seeing him folding his arms and looking nonchalant, I thought about it and pretended not to notice anything.

I continued to walk forward in many twists and turns. Finally, I arrived at the place that looked like a commercial street.

But the scene in front of me made Alok and Il look at each other. They felt that the situation had indeed changed unpredictably.

Most of the shops in this underground trading market have been closed, and the few remaining shops are huge and crowded.

For example, the shop selling clear leaves, and the idealist union.

And the smaller shops are all closed.

For example, the witch shop where Alok bought materials before, has a notice of closing down for rectification hanging at the door.

But it can be seen that it has been posted for a long time.

"Those with government backing will continue to open. Those without backing can only close down for rectification?" Alok said in his heart.

"That's right." Il also found a clue.

The shop selling clear leaves is probably opened by the temple. And the idealist union is the base of the black skin.

There are still a few remaining stores whose backers are unknown, but they are probably closely related to the royal family, nobles, and the military.

"It seems that our sales plan will not work here. I don't know what happened. I always feel that it is a bit dangerous. The prudent choice is to leave here directly." Alok pondered for a while and said.

"Don't rush to draw conclusions. Wait for me to ask." Yi Er was a little unwilling.

He has come here. And now he has changed his face. He is not afraid of being hunted.

Besides, it is just a normal sale. Is there any problem? ?

She looked around and walked towards the store that sold clear leaves that she used to go to most often.

And Alok habitually looked out for Yi Er.

Yi Er first walked around the store and observed the market situation, but found that the price of clear leaves had almost doubled.

She was jealous. But she also had some doubts.

What's going on?

Why did the price increase so much in a few months? Is it because of the increased transportation costs in winter?

That's not right. The price in Dror City did not increase last year.

Or do the elves no longer trade?

That's not right. I haven't heard of this in Darkmoon Forest.

She found a clerk, leaned in and asked softly:

"Do you still accept clear leaves here?"

The clerk was obviously stunned for a moment, then put on a smile and said with a smile: "Sorry, no. We have professional channels. We have better quality leaves. The medicinal effect is stronger than the leaves dropped in the wild."

Il was also obviously stunned for a moment.

If I hadn't stayed in Darkmoon Forest for a few months, I would have almost believed this nonsense.

The clear leaves on the counter were obviously of poor quality. They were inferior goods that fell from the Dark Moon Forest, just like before.

He actually said that the medicinal effect was stronger.

From what he said, these were not the same as those that fell from the wild. Could they be cultivated?

But the clear tree is a specialty of the Dark Moon Forest. It is an extraordinary species caused by the "erosion" of the Queen.

It extends continuously from the World Tree. It can never be cultivated by humans.

It is also because of this that humans will have side effects when taking clear leaves.

And this clerk is simply joking.

Il was almost ready to argue with this clerk who fooled him, but after thinking about it, he still resisted the urge.

Arguing with someone who lies with his eyes open will only drag him into the abyss of stupidity.

Maybe they are just deceiving customers. Playing a banner.

The face of an evil profiteer. She cursed secretly.

She glanced at the clear leaves on the counter again and frowned slightly.

She also felt that something was wrong. So she smiled and walked out of the store.

"Something is indeed wrong. You are right this time, Alok." Yi'er rarely acknowledged Alok's judgment.

In her heart, she told the whole story, including her analysis.

Alok rubbed his chin and glanced at several other shops.

He looked at Yi'er again and said:

"I think we don't need to go to other shops. It should be the same. Just go to the black market. You should know."

"I know one." Yi'er replied as if nothing had happened.

"Where?" Alok asked without any emotion.

"The slums."

"Lead the way." Alok said softly.

When Alok finished speaking, Yi'er turned around and left without looking back.

And Alok pressed his hat and followed leisurely. He looked no different from when he came.

After Il had just left, the clerk who had spoken to her hurried to the back of the store, found two black men from the Extraordinary Events Management Department sitting at the desk, and said with a smile:

"A strange superhuman just came. They want to sell us clear leaves. Hehe~~"

"What does he look like?" The two black men were obviously alert, and they put their originally raised feet on the ground, staring at the clerk and asked seriously.

The clerk recalled Il's appearance and described it to the black man:

"A woman, wearing a hat, a warm leather coat, and heavy makeup on her face. Her lips are blue, like she has used too much clear leaves. She is about 1.65 meters tall. She is wearing brand new leather boots on her feet."

"There is a male companion, wearing a leather coat and a bowler hat, probably in his twenties. I didn't look closely."

The two black men looked at each other and smiled.

One of them, who was slightly smaller, said: "I said there would be fish here. I'll go to the union first. Find a historian. It looks like we've got something today."

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