"This is the exchange between us. We will have a share of the 15,000 gold coin bounty. The rest belongs to Roger." Alok continued.

"But now, Prince Walsh is a hot potato, no one cares about him. I think it may be difficult to get the money."

"But it's not completely impossible. When I go out to do some business, someone may take over."

"You are really whimsical." Ir rolled his eyes at Alok.

Alok chuckled and didn't care much about it. Instead, he said:

"This matter was actually Roger's business, but he dared to do it in my name, so he had to give me a protection fee."

"And as the price of surrender, I have to help him deal with this matter. But if this money is not easy to get, what does it have to do with us? We can just quit. Now we are the active party."

"In short, this is not a very urgent problem. I will keep Prince Wales on Roger's ship. After Roger gives me the money for the materials, it won't be too late for us to deal with it."

"That's a good idea." El agreed casually.

She suddenly looked at the ceiling that looked like a sea of ​​stars in the dark night rose, and said carefully:

"In fact, maybe we can also make this money. But I'm afraid that there is a curse on the money, or it is tracked. That will be difficult to deal with."

"I have this worry too." Alok nodded and replied. "I don't trust the royal family. Even if they really give the ransom, I don't believe they won't do anything. If the gains don't outweigh the losses, it will be a big deal."

"But, from what you said, do you have a solution?" Alok looked at Il's little face and asked in confusion.

"I have an idea. I have to go find my collection of books. I'll talk about it later." Il frowned and nodded.

She suddenly asked: "By the way, your fourth-level skill has a shadow cut? Can it cut shadows?"

"Yes. Why ask this?" Alok asked puzzledly.

"Nothing. Maybe it's useful." Il touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

Under Alok's puzzled expression, she suddenly pointed to her painting again. Said to Alok:

"Besides, maybe we can leave Prince Walsh in Roger's captain's ship. I don't trust him very much. If he runs away, or has any ideas, it will be a waste of effort."

Alok was slightly stunned, took a look at the painting full of indescribable colors, frowned slightly, and said:

"You mean, lock Prince Walsh in the painting first? Is it safe?"

"Of course, you have to believe in Ariel's level." Ir replied.

Alok thought for a while and felt that this method was better than locking Prince Walsh in the ghost ship.

So he nodded and agreed to this plan.

But he also raised further questions:

"How do we get him in? Do you want to go to the Ghost Ship with me? Take Prince Walsh away?"

"Besides, who will take care of Prince Walsh's life? How will he solve the problem of eating, drinking, defecating and urinating?"

Il thought about this question seriously, but in a flash, his brows relaxed, looking at Lilith who came out of the kitchen, and said with a smile:

"Tonight. I will go to the Ghost Ship with you. As for Prince Walsh's life problems, please turn around and look back."

Alok turned around in confusion, followed Il's gaze and saw Lilith who was carrying a book, with a hint of smile in her eyes. Replied:

"Good idea."

Then, El continued to look at Lilith and whispered:

"My laboratory will be built soon, and Lilith should help me. I will teach her about supernatural while helping her take care of Prince Wales. Kill two birds with one stone."

"You have to tell Sandro and tell him that I took Lilith away."

"No problem, these are all small things." Alok agreed.

It seems that the wisdom of two people is much greater than that of one person. It is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

He smiled and continued to talk about the third news of the day.

"There is also the last piece of news. But I have a little idea about this news. This is about our ultimate purpose of coming to Damia."

El looked around and found that no one noticed the two of them, so he whispered:


"Almost." Alok replied mysteriously. "It's about the Heaven Organization, Anti-Will, and the Law on the Protection of Rare Wild Animals and Plants."

"It's hard to imagine what the purpose of this law is. It was actually issued by the Heaven Organization so that Cappadocia could win the struggle for theocracy. It's the God of Desire who wants to obtain the divine power of hunters. It's the competition between the Queen and the God of Desire."

"Anti-Will has always been an ally of the Heaven Organization, and Anti-Will has also contributed to it. So, our goal has become clear."

"Do you want to oppose this law? Or even overturn it completely?" Il speculated with his own logical thinking.

"No, after issuing a law, you don't have to overturn it." Alok denied Il's speculation.

"I don't think this law is bad. It's just that the current executors are doing a bad job. I want rare wild animals and plants to be truly protected, rather than letting this law become a protective umbrella for some criminals to commit crimes blatantly."

"Now this law has not played the role it should have. It is completely a tool for the 'Paradise' organization to seek profits. It is a tool for the 'Anti-Will' to spread betrayal."

"So I want this law to really work. So as to restrict those criminals. Support the Queen, support the Werewolf family, fight against Heaven and Anti-Will."

After listening to Alok's words, Il fell into deep thought.

I have to admire Alok's sharp thinking and unique ideas.

This can not only directly destroy the enemy's plan and deal a heavy blow to the enemy; it can also support the Queen and help the Werewolf family.

She pondered for a while and found a key problem, so she asked directly:

"The question is, what should we do?"

Ailok suddenly laughed when he heard it, and said seriously:

"Good question. I haven't figured it out yet. But the first step, I think, should be to contact the Wolf family. At least contact Boyka. And tell them this information. Express our sincerity."

"In the future, cooperation between us will definitely be indispensable. It is our key combat power."

"The second step is to find a breakthrough point first, such as finding out which department is the executive department of the Protection Law. Only after finding it can we plan a targeted plan."

"I think it is most likely the Extraordinary Event Committee." El interrupted.

"It is possible, after all, it is the black skin who investigated us." Alok also thought it was possible. "But this will be a bit troublesome. Because the black skin is still very powerful. We need more allies."

"I have contacted the temple. They are elves themselves and are absolutely in favor of this plan. Another ally is the Wolf family. It is a strong lineup."

"However, let's not worry about this for now. At the same time, we also have to find the behind-the-scenes troublemakers of "Paradise" and "Anti-Will". The Anti-Will has been almost killed by the temple. The leader of Anti-Will, Ken Bock, is left. I always feel uneasy as long as he is not dead."

"The members of Paradise are hiding very deeply, and Pink Paradise should also be paid attention to. They are not easy to mess with. Many of them are mistresses of politicians and have great power. But if we can kill them, just kill them directly. Don't hold back."

Il nodded continuously after hearing this, and felt that Alok was good at making plans.

Although it is a bit problematic not to talk about that for the time being, it seems to be reasonable.

Because no one knows what the situation is now, let's talk about it after finding out the situation.

That Ken Bock really deserves to die. The plan to kill Ken Bock also appeals to me.

Ir has been unhappy with those indulgent people for a long time. Those who indulge in desires will sooner or later be devoured by desires and nothing will be left.

However, there is one thing that Alok did not mention, which is the key, so she reminded:

"Cappadocia must not be let go. Directly attacking vampires is more effective than attacking the periphery."

"Of course, kill one when you see one." Alok said viciously.

"Hahaha. Okay, my dear brother. Let's go to the ghost ship to meet the prince. Hehe~~~" Ir said with a sinister smile.

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