"I know, I know. Aqiu~~" Alok rubbed his nose.

Although the huge villa in the middle could be seen at a glance from the garden, Elok was still leading Alok back and forth on the gravel paths, making sure to make the right choice at every intersection.

Even though there were countless branches blocking some roads, Elok still took Alok through them instead of taking the shortcuts that seemed to lead all the way to the villa.

"Why don't we flash forward?" Alok held his breath for a while and said very depressedly.

Although this garden is very nice and interesting, Elok still doesn't like walking holding his breath.

"This is your first time, let me walk you through it to prevent you from making mistakes in the future." Il took the lead and said. "Flash is a good idea, that's what I do."

"Even if you can flash it, you have to understand the structure here, which can only be beneficial. As a pirate who has mastered the reappearance of yesterday, you should be able to remember it in one go."

"Of course I can remember it, but I still want to flash in." Alok said, scratching his head.

El looked back and said helplessly: "Okay, I'll tell you again later. It looks like you are allergic."

She lay down in front of Alok, looked at the red spots on his face, and continued:

"It doesn't look like your allergic reaction is serious. I'll have to look into plants that produce stronger pollen."

"Hmm~????" Alok looked at El with a look of astonishment.

Oh, I am a guinea pig for feelings! !

"Okay, okay, I'll just go back and give you some allergy medicine." El said comfortingly with a smile.

She smiled sweetly, moved her mouth slightly and recited a spell silently, and a flash appeared in front of the villa door.

There was a black line on Elok's head, and the blame had to flash directly, and he was perfunctory with me.

Shaking his head, he followed El's footsteps and came to the door of the villa.

After entering, there was a living room with a huge table. Alok looked around, touched his chin and said:

“Nice place, can be used as a conference room.”

"The laboratory is nearby." Elok gently pulled on Alok's sleeves, interrupting Alok's thoughts, and dragged him to continue walking to the laboratory.

Stepping into the laboratory, what you can see is a table attached to the wall surrounding the room, with some experimental equipment placed on it, such as balances, flasks, asbestos nets and the like.

Ello ignored these basic experimental equipment and pulled Alok towards the back of the room. There is also a door there to store some materials and frequently used books.

Il sat down on a stool next to the door and pulled Alok to sit next to him.

He found a pill and handed it to Alok, without even water. Have him swallow it raw to prevent further development of an allergic reaction.

There was also the open book in front of her. Elok took a look at it. The title of the chapter was "Shadow Curse and Application" in elvish.

"Shadow curse." He asked involuntarily.

El was making relevant preparations and replied: "Yes, that's why I asked you for help. In fact, if there is a weapon with a shadow slicing function, there is no need to ask you."

"What do you want to do?" Alok asked with some confusion.

Yi Er smiled evilly, turned around and said:

"To keep an eye on the Prince of Wales."

She held a small pair of tweezers in her hand, which was completely dark, even if the light shone on it, there would be no reflection.

Afterwards, Il cleaned the test bench in front of him, spread a clean white cloth on the test bench, and accurately lit the oil lamp next to it with a fireball, and said to Alok:

"Go and close the door and draw the curtains. This experiment requires a dark environment."

Alok was a little confused, but he still followed El's command and quickly completed these actions.

When he came back, he saw that El was holding a small humanoid wooden statue in his hand, but his eyes were on the shadow of the statue.

When I saw Elok come back, there was no light source around except the light from the oil lamp. So he began to perform witchcraft, holding the little statue with the witch's hands, making it look like it was floating in mid-air.

Her nerves became tense, one hand controlled the witch's hand, and the other hand nervously held the small black tweezers.

He whispered to Alok in a gentle tone:

"Quickly, use Shadow Cutting on the statue, but you must completely cut off the entire shadow without leaving any residue. Otherwise, the villain will be broken."

After hearing this, Alok began to stare, thinking about what to do.

To be honest, he has never conducted such an experiment, and Zhanying was always used by him to kill people.

He scratched his head, judged the angle of the light, pulled out the assassin's dagger and stabbed the air between the villain and the shadow.

The knife didn't touch anything in the air, but the shadow of the dagger streaked past the shadow of the statue.

El didn't even move his eyelids. At this moment, he saw the opportunity and pinched it in the air with the small tweezers.

Seeing that there was no change, El was not discouraged and said calmly: "Failed, try again."

Needless to say, Elok knew that he had failed.

Although I don’t know whether it was because I didn’t cut it off or because Il didn’t catch it. But he was still analyzing his own problems.

Maybe that's not the case?

Another stroke of the knife passed by, and El did the same action again, but still failed. But this time he had a different feeling than before, so he said:

"It should be that I didn't cut it right. Shadow Slash must cut the shadow. In this case, I have to control it well, so as not to destroy the material when touching the shadow. Let's do it again."

This time, he drew out the Crescent Mark, took a deep breath, and then slashed it with a simple knife, causing a ray of waning moonlight with the effect of slashing shadows to appear.

On the white cloth, the extremely faint shadow of the waning moonlight accurately cut to the feet of the portrait, passed along the edge of the shadow, and then accurately disappeared at the place controlled by Alok.

At this time, Il found an opportunity and clamped it with tweezers.

The tweezers on the white cloth accurately clamped the shadow.

Then Il threw the portrait into his pocket quickly with a calm expression. Only the tweezers were left in his hand.

In the air, there was nothing on the tweezers, but under the illumination of the oil lamp, a shadow clamped by the tweezers suddenly appeared on the white cloth.

Il smiled lightly and reached out to take a special transparent glass bottle without a label on the table. Slowly put the shadow into it.

Close your eyes and start chanting the mantra silently.

After a moment, she opened her eyes and said to Alok:

"The experiment is done."

Alok watched Il's step-by-step movements, pondered what Il had just said, "In order to take good care of Prince Wales", and asked:

"Well~~Actually, I was wondering, what would happen if a person lost his shadow?"

Hearing this, Il looked at the shadow in the bottle, took out the portrait again, put it on the table and said:

"At first, he will fall into a deep sleep, the material world will constantly reject this person, and then he will continue to disappear. Note that it is disappearance, evaporation from the world. I put this portrait here, and it will disappear in a while."

"After I cast the curse, he will wake up. He cannot appear in the range of light, otherwise he will continue to disappear. But living in the shadow has nothing to do with it."

"But the shadow will continue to move closer to its own body due to the law of gravity, and there will be no abnormality after the fusion. This requires me to find a container that can trap it. This is the key content of the curse."

Alok listened to Il's words while carefully observing the wooden portrait on the table.

In just a moment, the figure began to dim in the material world, and it felt a bit translucent. It really seemed to disappear.

Seeing Alok's shocked expression, Il took the little man back to the shadow. But the figure was no longer normal as before, and was still translucent.

She opened the mouth of the special glass bottle again, poured out the shadow, and placed the figure under the light source again.

The magical scene really happened. The shadow "flew" towards the figure at a high speed. No matter how Il swung her arms and made the figure move in the air, the shadow continued to chase the figure.

In the end, the two merged into one and became a whole. The figure also became solid.

"How about it. I plan to use this method to control Prince Wales." Il raised his eyebrows and asked.

Alok smiled and agreed: "Good idea. As long as you live indoors all the time, you won't die."

"But you have to pay attention to the lighting." Il added.

"When do you do it?" Alok asked.

El thought for a moment and replied, "In a few days, I saw Walsh and Lilith had a good chat these days. I don't want to disturb them. Lilith is upstairs now. Do you want to go and see?"

"No. I have to investigate the case. If you need anything, just tell me in time." Alok waved his hand and made a phone gesture with his hand.

Then, he seemed to suddenly remember something and asked:

"By the way, how is Boyka's contact? I almost forgot."

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