With a trace of solemnity on his face, Patches turned his head seriously and asked:

"Since you are the maid in charge of the reception room this afternoon, you should know about this cup of tea."

He pointed to the tea cup on the table and continued to ask:

"So, when was the last time you entered the drawing room?"

"Next, afternoon." Miley said in a panic with cold sweat on her cheeks and tears soaked in the corners of her eyes.

"For whom?" Patches asked.

"I, I, I don't, don't know!" Miley recalled seriously but did not come to a conclusion.

The memory of that time seems to have disappeared. She couldn't remember how she poured the cup of tea, and even her memory of the afternoon seemed vague.

Patches looked at Miley seriously, and after a long time, he turned his head to look at his colleagues next to him expressionlessly.

One of the psychologists shook his head very slightly. This means there is little to be gained, and what Miley should be saying is true.

The historian's police officer did the same to Patches. The same is true from a memory perspective.

This made Patches even more convinced that the murderer was a historian.

Suddenly, a policeman ran over from the door, his face solemn and his steps hurried. When he saw Captain Patches, he quickly came to Patches' side and whispered:

"Chief Gavin gets off work on time today and has no assignments."

Just such a sentence made Patches' mood sink to the bottom.

He glanced at the blood on the floor and the red blood splattered on the wall, and couldn't help but sigh.

After a moment, he seemed to have figured out something, waved his hand, and ordered to everyone:

"Inspect the scene and take the servant back to the police station for detailed questioning."

"By the way, why didn't you see Sheriff Gavin's wife and children?" Patches suddenly asked.

"They are in the back and don't dare to come over." Another judge colleague pointed behind everyone and explained.

Patches glanced at it, then frowned slightly and said:

"Go and tell them there is no need to panic. Things will soon come to light. Leave them alone. We found the servants okay and will soon release them."

"I know. Captain." Everyone replied.

Patches turned his head again, his voice became lower, and he solemnly said to the others in the team:

"Also, we should evacuate as soon as possible after the investigation. Send someone to keep an eye on this place."

"Understood!" Everyone replied in unison.

Afterwards, everyone started to get busy and continued the investigation mission.

Only the other judge stood there without moving. He approached Patches and asked in a low voice:

"Did the captain discover something?"

Patches looked around and said in a very low voice:

"It's not about finding something, it's about safety. If the murderer can easily deal with Chief Gavin, he can also easily deal with us!"

"If the murderer is one of these people, then~~~"


The next day.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

A pure white carriage appeared on Rose Street.

The two white horses pulling the carriage were as white as snow, making passers-by on the street look back.

"You are worthy of being Damiya!!" A person with a strong local accent couldn't help but sigh.

He saw a princess-like figure slowly walking out of the bar called Dark Night Rose. A young man wearing a gentleman's dress, a bowler hat and holding a silver cane was beside her. The two of them are like lovers, making people feel that they are a match made in heaven.

They slowly boarded the carriage, and the two white horses walked at the same pace along the neat and new streets of Rose Street, heading towards the Kafka District.

In the carriage, Alok and El were sitting opposite each other. Behind the silence, their thoughts were swirling.

Secretly telling wisecracks.

"I'm finally going to meet Lorna. Tsk~~ I don't know what you, as a boyfriend, think about?" Elle leaned on the armrests on both sides of the carriage and raised his eyebrows at Alok.

"Boyfriend, are you kidding me?" Alok stared at El and responded fiercely.

El looked out the window with his face raised, not knowing who he was talking to:

"Hey~~ Some people just don't know how lucky they are. Lorna is beautiful, with fair skin and long legs. Her father is Count Otto, and she is the only daughter. If you marry her, you might be able to inherit the title of earl! It's just that Make a lot of money, okay?”

Alok glanced at El with disdain, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said:

"The title of earl? Do I still care about this?? Then if I marry Ramiel, will I be able to inherit the Star Sacrifice??"

Hearing this, El was startled at first, then looked at Alok and asked doubtfully:

"Ramel? Hmm~~ It's really good to marry Ramiel. He's smart, witty, and has a lively personality. He's beautiful, and most importantly, he has a big cat. As the most powerful people in the entire Dark Moon Elves, they can still maintain their integrity. Childlike innocence. But why do you think of Ramiel?”

Suddenly, she said as if she had a sudden realization:

"Oh~~~~I understand!!!! Sure enough, my dear brother has high standards."

Alok looked at El with a confused face, and couldn't help complaining:

"What are you thinking in your little head??? Is it a mess?? I'm just giving you an example."

"Then why don't you give examples of others? It shows that this is what you think!!! Otherwise, why don't you say Lilith? Why don't you say Emile? Why don't you say Ariel? Why don't you say Danielle?? You I definitely like Ramil!" El said firmly.

"Damn it, El, you've changed. Those people have nothing to say. I'm just giving you an example of the most powerful person." Alok was furious and defended.

Ello waved his hand casually, interrupted Alok's quibbling, and said:

"Okay, okay, you don't need to say anything. Next time I see Ramiel, I will speak for you. Also, don't mention Ramiel in front of Lorna for a while. I will also help you win over Lorna."

"What are you talking about? Fighting for a ghost? I'm just going to talk about business." Alok was suddenly a little afraid that Il would talk nonsense in front of Rona. Stop quickly.

Il looked at Alok with an expression that said, "You know what clothes are?" and explained:

"Use emotions to connect business, and use blood to strengthen the relationship between the two parties. This is the safest way to form an alliance. It is best to have a child as soon as possible. In this case, it will be perfect."

"A perfect ghost. Are you here to raise him?" There was a black line above Alok's head.

Il spread his hands and said to Alok:

"Don't be afraid. For a noble, raising a child is as simple as having a meal. Countless servants will take care of it for you. Not to mention a big noble like Count Otto."

"It's true that a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory. You and Lorna don't cause trouble for a while. We haven't done our business yet." Alok cursed indistinctly, and then said with a serious expression.

"I wouldn't be afraid of you any other way. Do you think you can scare me? Lorna and I will spend a lot of time together in the future!!" El pinched his waist, rolled his eyes, looked out the window, and said angrily.

Alok took a deep breath, his expression twitching. After hearing El's last words, he suddenly seemed to think of something and said:

"Hmm~~??? Then it's over for you and Lorna to be together? Why bother dragging me along???"

Yiluo was immediately impressed by Elok's wonderful brain circuits, stared at Kazilan's big eyes and said:

"Me? Are you kidding me? I'm a girl!!! Count Otto can break my legs even if Lorna agrees! We are just friends!"

"Me too!" Alok responded, rolling his eyes.

"What? You've become a girl too? Why didn't I know?" Il pretended to look at Alok with shock on his face.

"I mean, I don't do it either! We're just friends!" Alok replied, rolling his eyes. "Political marriages are the most annoying thing!"

"Tch~" Il glanced at Alok with disdain. "You'll make excuses. That's what unrecognized couples say."

Elok couldn't help but look at El, his whole face twisted together, and asked:

"Where did you learn all this?"

"It's in my laboratory!" Yi Er replied nonchalantly.

"In the laboratory? I'm asking who you learned it from. I'm going to kill him!" Alok's mouth twitched and he said frantically.

On the other hand, El said nonchalantly:

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be so excited. You don't dare to kill him even if I tell you."

"Who? Let me see?" Alok didn't believe it.

"Prince of Wales!" El's mouth raised an evil angle.

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