Clearly, Professor Palmer is a professor, not a politician.

He could understand the values ​​of politicians, but it was difficult for him to agree with them. He couldn't imagine that Alok would have such thoughts.

"The dead are insignificant. No one will think about the dead. They will only think about securing their positions." Count Otto continued.

Airok smiled when he heard this, thinking that Count Otto was a veteran in political struggles, and added:

"Gavin's death can also wake them up. Sometimes, force can solve many problems."

His words were not only told to Professor Palmer, but also to Count Otto about his own strength.

He is enough to threaten those police chiefs, those high-level customs officials, and also enough to threaten any noble, including himself.

This is an implicit reminder. It doesn't contain any threatening elements. Just let the concept of "Ellok is very powerful" be deeply rooted in my heart.

"That's right." Count Otto looked down, then thought of another question and asked doubtfully:

"Who is the person in that picture who brought the information?"

Seeing that Count Otto grasped the key point, Elok turned around and introduced in detail: "Ken Bock, Earl. A person from the Temple of Order. Secretly, he is also the person in charge of the Anti-Will in Damia. It is difficult to deal with."

Elok gave a fair assessment. Ellock was very impressed by Ken Bock, not because of how powerful he was, but because he was quite smart and very good at playing tricks.

This kind of person is much more difficult to deal with than a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs.

"I will deal with him." Alok said seriously.

Count Otto glanced at Airok, and then replied affirmatively:

"Okay. Now that we have these memories as capital, we can start the next step of the plan."

"Next, the professor and I will run to the homes of those nobles. The temple must also start preparations. We will handle these."

"And Florian," Alok reminded.

"Yes, and our president, Florian." Count Otto nodded. "I'll bail him out together."

Then, he looked at Alok again and asked:

"I wonder if there is any progress on your side? Do you have any plans to deal with those cults?"

Alok thought about his words and then said:

"The Wolfor family of werewolves has been contacted and will arrive in Meiya in about five or six days. They have a very keen sense of smell and have been fighting Cappadocia for a long time. They are quite familiar with Cappadocia."

"I am preparing to launch an operation against Will and Pink Heaven. But I haven't started planning yet. We have to wait until the Wolfor family arrives. At that time, I will unite with the Holy Church to launch a big wave."

"At that time, I will invite Professor Palmer to participate. I wonder what Professor Palmer wants?" He looked at Professor Palmer who was silent.

"Of course, no problem. As long as it doesn't violate the principles." Professor Palmer said very strictly.

"I don't know what the action is?" Count Otto asked.

"We'll talk about it then." Alok said mysteriously.

Count Otto took a sip of tea awkwardly, and then asked:

"Well, it seems the secret is tight. Let's talk about Prince of Wales."

Alok chuckled lightly and then said:

"My sister El is now in charge of looking after the Prince of Wales. He is doing very well now and has even been cured of his cabin fever. He can be 'rescued' by us at any time."

"Hahaha. Very good." Count Otto said with a smile.

"However, rescuing the Prince of Wales is our last step. After I sort out everything except the royal family, a great hero Florian will emerge."

"How is it? Airok?" Count Otto asked in a loud voice.

"Of course, cheers to the great hero." Alok raised the tea cup in his hand and said loudly.

"Hahaha, let's drink to our great hero." Count Otto said excitedly.


Through the crystal window, Prince Wales saw a guest coming into the garden outside.

The one wearing a brown leather coat with lapels should be Lilith's sister, and next to her is a blond woman wearing a plain dress.

She has a pair of big lake-blue eyes that flutter like butterfly wings.

The two held hands together and walked towards the villa together laughing, like a pair of good sisters.

In front of this window, he could occasionally glimpse the main entrance of the garden and see what guests came to this weird manor.

It can be regarded as limited leisure in boring days.

Fortunately, this window will not close for itself. It’s just that I can’t go out. I can still look at the changing scenery outside the window.

He picked up the diary at hand, opened the latest page, and wrote:

December 21st, today is a special day. A guest came to the manor. Lilith's sister's guest. I don’t know what changes it will bring to the manor.

I saw Lilith's sister at the window for the second time. She looks smart and lively, not evil.

I don't know what her relationship is to Roger, or what her relationship is to Captain Jack Sparrow.

It would be nice to have more days like this. Don't know how long it will be.

Who will I be sold to? ?

Lilith left here just before her sister arrived. She made obvious progress in her studies and was very excited.

She always said, "If I learn it, I can become someone like my sister."

I also hope she can succeed soon.

She seems to admire her sister more and more, but I still don't know her sister's name. I can only know from her that her sister is a very powerful extraordinary person.

I don't know what my fate will be in front of such a strong person?

I also want to be an extraordinary person! ! !

It feels so bad to have your fate controlled! ! !

I hope Lilith can control her own fate! ! ! My moonlight princess.


"How is it? My place is not bad, right?" Yier showed off to Rona.

She pointed to the animated creatures with fangs and claws in the garden, the constantly changing colors in the sky, and the purple creepers lying on the villa.

Rona was dazzled. She had never seen such a gorgeous place. It was like, like a dark fairy tale.

"It's really, so amazing." Rona exclaimed.

"Come on, I'll take you to the laboratory. These are not the main points." Ir waved his hand and pointed at the villa.

Passing through the magical witch garden, Ir and Rona came to the villa together. Little Bear was wandering in front of the villa in a daze. It was like he had lost his soul. His dull eyes were at a loss.

Ir pointed at Little Bear and said to Rona:

"You should know Little Bear. I borrowed it from Alok."

Rona's eyes suddenly lit up and said:

"Really an old acquaintance."

Ir showed a somewhat sinister smile, leaned close to Rona's ear, and whispered softly:

"Yes, you can squeeze it. Anyway, Alok never uses it."

"Hehe, that's right. Little Bear is a little silly." Rona also looked at Little Bear and laughed evilly.

The two smiled at each other.

Then, Yier walked up to the dull-eyed little bear and asked:

"Little bear? What are you doing? Have you finished the binding array?"

After a long time, the little bear finally reacted, looked up at Yier, and said with his head tilted:

"Hmm~~?? Me? I don't know what I'm doing."

"What about the binding array?" Yier suppressed his anxiety and asked softly.

"Binding array?? Hmm~~~ It's not done yet." The little bear raised his big watery eyes and answered calmly.

Yier barely resisted the urge to beat the little bear, smiled and said:

"Then you have to do it quickly."

"Hmm~~~ I know." The little bear nodded slowly, then lowered his head and continued to wander around the door of the villa.

Yier patted his forehead, looked at Rona helplessly, shook his head and said:

"It's too tiring to talk to the little bear. I don't know how Alok can bear it!"

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