The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 48 The 48th Palm The Undead in the Cave (Please recommend and collect!!!!!)

Also tapped his chest four times to draw a scale shape, and Alok responded with the same blessing:

"May order be with you."

Although Alok is not a believer in the God of Order, this is a compulsory course in the Hutt Empire.

Under the influence of his parents, Alok also learned to deal with it perfunctorily.

Anyway, I don't believe in religion.

My sister doesn't believe in religion either. Only my father Richie, the old antique, will go to the Temple of Order to worship on Sundays.

Seeing the driver hurriedly drive away, Alok put on his hat and waved to the sky.

Roger landed accurately in front of Alok's face and fluttered a few times. It looked like a seagull harassing pedestrians.

But he said quickly: "Still in the east, follow me."

Then he flew low again under Alok's expulsion.

Looking around, Alok found that no one was watching him, so he adjusted his jacket to cover the gun bag under his armpit. He lowered his head, pressed the brim of his tricorn hat, and watched the seagulls in the sky with his peripheral vision, and walked forward quickly.

Gradually moving away from the human habitation, the heavy rain has been pouring down. The vision is almost completely blocked.

Roger also landed on Alok's shoulder. Instead of leading the way in the sky, he verbally commanded Alok.

After all, flying in a rainstorm is very tiring.

Fortunately, Alok was wearing a leather jacket, leather pants, leather boots, and a leather suitcase today, which made him not afraid of the rainstorm. It was just that the heavy rain fell on the tricorn hat, causing some water to accumulate in the brim of the hat. Alok felt top-heavy.

Following Roger's instructions, he continued to move forward.

Finally reaching the edge of a cliff, Alok stopped. Roger spoke in the rainstorm:

"It's in the cave below."

Slowly approaching the cliff, Alok was speechless.

Let me climb down?

Helplessly looked at Roger on his shoulder. The frown had already expressed his meaning.

Patting his head with his wings, Roger said, "Oops, I forgot. I always flew there. I used to drive over the sea."

"Should I jump? How many meters is it? 50 meters? If you want to fall to my death, just tell me." Alok said angrily.

"Climb down, that's the only way." Roger spread his wings helplessly and waved them.

"Should we wait a while? The wind and waves are too strong now." Alok looked at the storm in front of him and said carefully.

"Today is a full moon, and noon is the lowest tide. It's easier for us to go down now. If we wait until the rain stops, who knows when it will be. We may not be able to find the door if we go down." Roger explained.

"Then wait until tomorrow." Alok said again.

"Tomorrow will be a heavy rain too." Roger said again.

Looking at the seagull, Alok held back the question of how you know.

You still have to trust professionals.

Meteorologists, is there anyone who knows the weather better than this profession?

"Are you in a hurry?" Alok asked again.

Fluttering his wings twice, Roger hurriedly replied: "Nonsense, my money is all up there."

What. Your money.

Oh, you want me to work for you.

I'll throw it.

Alok looked at Roger angrily and wanted to say something.

But after thinking about it. This seems to be working for Ir. Forget it.

Sooner or later, it will be our own money, why divide it between you and me, it's too polite.

Helpless, we have come here, just climb. Alok made a decision, put down the box in his hand, woke up the little bear pretending to be dead, patted his head, and said: "Please save it for me first. Give it to me later."

"No problem, master."

I saw him open his big mouth on his chest again, and swallowed the box that was three or four times larger than his body in one mouthful, which was unreasonable.

Pinning the little bear to his waist, silently moving his hands and feet, Alok slowly came to the edge of the cliff.

Sighing silently, Alok used his hands and feet to climb down carefully.

Fortunately, due to years of weathering, this stone wall is not a straight and smooth stone wall.

This gives Alok a good grip.

But weathering can also make stones fragile.


Alok's left hand grabbed a weathered rock and made a sound of being overwhelmed.

A rock slipped and Alok was startled, and quickly grabbed a solid-looking protrusion next to him.

Fortunately. If it weren't for the passive agility improvement brought by my energy transfer, I might have fallen down now.

After stepping on the air again, Alok was scared and broke into a cold sweat.

Take a deep breath and calm yourself down.

You have to test whether each stone is solid before you use force. Climb down steadily.

Twenty minutes later.

Alok was relieved when his feet stepped on the solid rock.

It was really dangerous just now, and I almost stepped on the air.

Rock climbing in this weather is really a bad decision.

Of course, I also thought of the last insurance, guarding plus energy transfer to actively reduce damage.

Even if I fall, I won't die on the spot.

But if I fall into the sea over there, I can't swim very well. I don't know if I can survive in the storm.

The storm continued, and suddenly a big wave came and made Alok fall.

Roger had already landed in a place that looked safe. Seeing this, he laughed and fell to the ground, and was also hit by the big wave with his feet facing up.

He mocked me, he deserved it.

Not only is it pouring with rain now, but the wind is also stronger than before. Have to speak louder to be heard.

But if you open your mouth wide, rainwater will pour into your mouth.

So Elok covered his mouth and shouted: "Lead the way quickly, stop being annoying. I don't want to get wet in the rain."

After hearing this, Roger also got up from the ground and shook the water off his body. Although this is of little use.

He led Alok close to the stone wall and continued walking eastward.

After walking about thirty meters, I saw a cave thirty meters high. The waves are constantly scouring the stone walls on both sides.

But at least there is still a path that can be passed.

It’s just that you have to move forward in waist-deep water.

Walk forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

The rushing sound of the tide continued, and the cold air in the cave gradually made Airok wary.

He moved his shoulders, took out the musket under his arm with his right hand, and held it in his hand.

The sea water had become so deep that it could only cover his feet, and his steps changed from fast to slow. Quietly turn on astral vision.

I saw two points of light shining in the distance. One is a mix of dark gray and eerie green. The other is pure gray.

Unlike the shadow that represents the assassin, the gray has a bit of decay.

In addition, there are some dim pale white figures wandering around, those are will body beings.

They are probably those skeletons that Roger mentioned.

But the mixed light seemed to shine a little brighter than Elok's.

Could it be a second-level transcendent?

Then I have to back down.

But we also have a Level 2 Mage Binding, so that’s not a big problem.

And we're in the dark.

He stopped and squatted on the ground where the sea water just covered his feet, hiding his body behind a small rock. He looked at the little bear on his waist. It was a small ball of purple light wrapped by tentacles.

The brightness is about the same as the one in front.

Is this the color of the astral body that represents Mage Binding?

This is too disgusting and terrifying.

Holding back his nausea, he said softly to the little bear:

"It looks like there is a second-level transcendent. Plus a first-level transcendent."

"No way, how do you know? I've come here several times, but I've never seen a transcendent person appear." Roger also whispered.

Glancing at Roger, Alok didn't explain.

The little bear jumped off Elok's body and touched his head with his bandaged right hand, but not the top of his head. said:

"Probably an undead scholar. Bring a supernatural undead."

"It's possible, otherwise there wouldn't be so many undead gatherings suddenly." Roger said in a speculative tone.

Sticking his head out, Airok took another look, pointed in the direction of the two stars, and asked, "Is that ship there?"

"Yes, there are still about two hundred meters." Roger replied quietly.

Patting the bear, Alok said again: "There are indeed some skeletons, I saw them. I'll use that skill to kill them."

Seeing that Elok was about to continue moving forward, Roger stopped him with his wings and said: "No, that's for the undead without owners. If you go like this, you will only alarm the undead scholar. Of course, if there is one."

"Then is there any way to kill them quietly?" Lowering his head again, Alok looked at the little bear and added: "Killing them will make it easier for us to get closer to the target."

"give it to me."

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