late at night.

Archduke Dror's estate in Damia was still brightly lit. There was a tense atmosphere.

The manor's reception room has been sealed off. Several black men were looking for some evidence at the scene. This also includes a historian.

The restaurant next to the reception room became the current reception room, where Count Otto, Professor Palmer, and Florian were sitting. There is also a black-skinned leader beside them.

"Your Majesty, please believe us. We will definitely give you an explanation." The fourth-level judge seemed very sincere.

Count Otto, on the other hand, was quite angry. Although he didn't feel angry at all. But be sure to show it.

"The murderer must be found!! I was just catching up with my fellow countrymen. I didn't even take a sip of water. Chief Lloyd"

The gunshot wound on his left shoulder had been initially bandaged and wrapped in a white cloth, with his left hand hanging on his chest.

Throw a coat over your body to protect yourself from the winter cold.

"Please rest assured. We are professionals. Lord Earl." The man known as Sheriff Lloyd said sincerely again. "Please be sure to heal your injuries and protect your own safety."

He paused, as if hesitating, and then said:

"Let's do this. I'll send someone to be your guard. Your safety in Dalmea will be taken care of by our Extraordinary Incident Processing Department."

"It is enough for my safety to be protected by Professor Palmer. Your most critical task is to find the murderer and bring him to justice. Ask me to watch the execution. I want to know him personally!" Count Otto tried his best. performing.

There is no protection here, it's just surveillance.

He definitely didn't want Black Pi to monitor his actions.

Of course you know what you did. Black Pi also knows.

Let them see that they are not a sheep in a tiger's mouth? ?

What should I do next? Are you being watched everywhere you go? ? That would be passive.

He must be very angry and desperate.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be so anxious. It is only a matter of time. No one in Damia can escape the pursuit of the Department of Extraordinary Events." Sheriff Lloyd patted his chest and assured.

Everyone here knows that this is just talk. To describe it in one word, it is "hypocrisy."

But no one said anything. Just support each other.

"Your Majesty, the injury is serious. I think we should send you to the hospital first. A good rest is more important than anything else." Lloyd said again.

"If I don't go, I won't go. I can be assassinated at home. If I go to the wilderness I don't even know, who knows if I will be assassinated again? Are you taking responsibility?" Count Otto was emotional again. refused.

Go to the hospital? ? What's the difference between that and going to jail? ? Are you kidding me?

Lloyd quickly waved his hands and said:

"Don't worry. The hospital is right next to the temple and the Supernatural Affairs Committee. There is no safer place in the whole of Damia."

"Small injury. We must find the murderer!!" Count Otto waved his right hand and said loudly.

"Oh~~Damn it. It's just some blood." Soon he covered his left shoulder and said in a trembling voice.

"Lord Earl, please don't move. The wound cannot be touched now." The doctor next to him came forward eagerly and said worriedly while checking the injury.

At this moment, a black man knocked on the door from outside the restaurant and walked in. His face was very young, and he was the new force of black men. He has short dark brown hair and deep-set blue eyes.

Somewhat thin. But quite handsome.

Professor Palmer recognized him immediately as a historian.

He has the temperament of a historian. There is a little erosion in the will body.

Unlike the erosion of heaven and counter-will. There is a smell of death in this dormitory.

Few black-skinned historians live past thirty. This is determined by professional characteristics. There are far more dangers in history than in the present.

But the niggas will never tell. Only his heroic deeds will be reported.

The historian whispered something to Lloyd. and handed him something. Then he quickly turned around and left to continue his investigation.

Lloyd looked a little solemn, and immediately put the thing on the dining table to show Lord Otto, and said:

"This is the bullet that struck the Count. It was a horrific attack, to be sure. Thanks to Professor Palmer and Inspector Florian, sir."

He almost said nonsense, but Count Otto also cooperated with him.

I saw Count Otto holding up the bullet and looking at it carefully for a while, then holding it firmly in his hand, with a ferocious expression, and said:

“Can we find the murderer through this??”

Lloyd shook his head slightly and replied: "This alone is not enough, but we still have a lot to investigate. I believe the murderer will always leave evidence."

In fact, Count Otto didn't want them to continue investigating at all. Of course he knows who the murderer is? Maybe it's related to these black men.

Maybe this is to warn myself, and then investigate what shameful things there are in this place, and use them as political capital. Resist your own threats.

"I think the most important thing for you now is to go out and find the murderer. It's useless to investigate in my house for so long. Are you going to wait for the murderer to run out of Damia?" He looked very irritated and shouted at Lloyd. It seems that he doesn't care about the position of police chief at all.

Before Count Otto finished speaking. A terrifying roar suddenly came from the reception room.

Followed by the sound of panic outside.

"Crackling" sound.

The four people in the restaurant looked at each other. They all stood up and planned to go out to see what happened. Only Count Otto didn't seem to care much, but sat calmly in his seat.

"Quick. Sheriff Lloyd. Come here quickly. Yakuri is crazy." A shout completely made Lloyd lose his patience. He walked outside in a hurry.

Professor Palmer also followed at the same time, leaving Florian and Count Otto in the restaurant.

There was another sound. Then there was a violent explosion, and there was a long silence after the roar.

Until the sound completely disappeared, Count Otto stood up firmly and walked towards the reception room.

The scene here made his eyelids jump.

In the center of the reception room, in the cage made of holy light, countless pieces of meat that were crushed into thumb-sized pieces were scattered on the ground. Blood leaked out from the cracks of the cage. The walls turned completely bright red, as if they were soaked in blood.

In the house, pieces of meat that were crushed into slag were everywhere, and occasionally through the blood red, you could see the white stained with blood red.

Count Otto resisted the urge to vomit, supported the wall with his right hand, closed his eyes and refused to look at it again.

Florian knew that the bloody horror of the extraordinary world was not so disgusting, but he had never seen such a scene. But he supported Count Otto and seemed to be doing his best.

Count Otto returned to the restaurant with a pale face and turned back and said:

"Sheriff Lloyd. Things are beyond your imagination. I think we should let the temple come."

Compared with Heipi, Professor Palmer and Count Otto are more willing to believe in the temple. At least, there is no obvious conflict of interest between the temple's judgment hall and themselves at present.

Moreover, the current situation is indeed beyond his imagination.

But Heipi is different.

They are definitely unwilling to give up such an opportunity. It was not easy to get the opportunity to enter Count Otto's house.

Once the temple intervenes, they will have nothing to do.

But the temple must prove the cultists and pagans.

And in this case, even if there is a clear direction, they will never say that there are pagans.

Moreover, problems like Yakuri are common in Heipi. But such horror is the only one he has ever seen in his life.

But Yakuri's death at this time is the worst time. He died here, what a stupid pig.

Lloyd cursed Yakuri crazily in his heart. He didn't feel any sadness or guilt for his sacrifice.

He died, and no historical evidence was found. If the temple intervened, where would the information come from?

Damn idiot!!!

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