The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 530: Dameier’s Strange Tales (VI) Ghost Pier

Chapter 530: Legends of Dameia (VI) - Ghost Pier

It snowed a little last night, and the moon appeared immediately tonight.

It was really a strange and changeable weather. It was out of character.

Under the moonlight, Sebastian brought Alok to the slums.

The intricate and huge slums are a great place to hide.

The roads here are not only crisscrossed but also extremely narrow. Countless forks lead to every corner of the slums. There are many places where even horses can't enter, let alone carriages.

The wooden buildings may collapse at any time. But they are crowded with the largest population in Dameia.

In fact, the population of the slums is more than the other four areas of Dameia combined. But no one has counted them.

In theory, the slums are under the jurisdiction of the government's peripheral police and management personnel, but in fact they are the territory of the gangs.

The government's customs officers are just accomplices of the gangs. They make money with the gangs and collect some management fees, which are the legendary protection fees.

The drug dealers were originally the biggest gang here. But since Captain Jack wiped out all three gangs of drug dealers in Damia, the situation here has fallen into chaos again, with countless forces intertwined. The situation is extremely complicated. It is even more complicated than the international situation.

The government doesn't want to take care of this place at all, it costs money and energy. This has led to the order here being in the dark.

Every morning, there are many bodies lying in the sewers, but there are more and more people in the slums.

Most of them are people who come to Damia from all over the country hoping to fulfill their dreams, or people who have to come to Damia for a living. The most of them should be the Celanese, followed by the Etonians.

Unfortunately, these people have been in the slums for generations, and it is difficult to achieve a leap in identity and class.

The slums around Damia are becoming more and more bloated and huge, and are expanding every year.

Alok raised his head, looked at the narrow space around him, and continued to follow Sebastian into an even narrower alley.

"It's just in front." Sebastian said as if recalling.

He knocked on a very ordinary wooden door, which was still wrapped in a metal-textured outer skin, but many parts were rusted and looked very old.

He knocked on the door rhythmically with three long and two short knocks, and then two long and three short knocks.

After a moment, the door opened by itself, revealing the dark space inside.

Sebastian took Alok into this room made of unknown materials, fumbled to find an oil lamp, lit it, and continued to walk back with Alok without saying a word.

The dim light of the oil lamp allowed Alok to see here clearly, and it could be seen that there was another room behind.

"Second mate. I'm back." Sebastian's voice appeared in the room in a low voice.

Alok followed Sebastian's footsteps and walked towards the room behind.

However, when he walked in, the situation was slightly beyond his expectations.

"Medea?" Alok said in surprise.

"Oh~~ Chief. How come you are in this dirty place? I'm sorry~~~" Medea recognized Alok instantly, and her voice full of temptation and discomfort was also a little surprised.

Alok responded to her calmly, folded his arms, and said as a matter of course:

"Is it unreasonable for me to come to my second mate?"

He looked at Medea and understood why she came to Roger, and it was not for the cleaning plan of the indulgent family. So he stopped asking and looked at Roger. He looked around and asked with a click of his tongue:

"Is this the place of the Ascetic Order?"

Roger saw Alok coming here, and hurriedly stood up and laughed and answered:

"Ah, haha~~ Captain. It's just borrowed. There is no place safer than here. And it's close to the dock, which is more convenient for surveillance."

"I don't blame you. After all, everyone is in the same group now." Alok said in a calm tone.

"Hehe. Of course, thank you for your understanding, Captain. I wonder what the Captain wants to do this time?" Roger was a little scared, bowed slightly, and asked in confusion.

"It seems that you moved well and quickly. Have you dealt with the crew?" Alok asked with his arms folded.

"Crew? What crew? Captain. When did our ghost ship have crew?" Roger asked in surprise.

Alok was stunned at first, then looked at Roger, and finally showed a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, saying:

"Well done. My second mate."

He really didn't expect Roger to be so cruel. Kill all the crew.

"Don't worry, Captain. I will deal with everything you told me." Roger showed a sincere smile.

Alok smiled and walked around this not-so-big room leisurely, looking at Roger and Medea who was very interested in him. Finally decided not to hide it from Medea, but asked directly:

"I want to ask you a question today."

"I know everything, Captain." Roger replied respectfully.

"How do I get to Pier 10?" Alok asked bluntly.

Hearing this, Roger suddenly fell into a daze. Medea, however, was obviously very interested in this matter. She sat up straight from half lying on a worn-out sofa, looked at Alok with a light in her eyes, and said:

"Pier 10? I want to hear it too."

Roger's expression was slightly solemn, and after thinking for a while, he replied:

"Pier 10 is not a fixed place. It is more like an organization. Or a mobile dock."

"Oh?" Such a situation was beyond Alok's imagination. He looked at Roger in surprise and sighed in confusion.

Roger nodded and continued to explain:

"Pier 10 is an underground organization that is a convenient door for smugglers and pirates. They deal with the "goods" through the black market or other means. They also sell the "guests" to owners in need through their own channels. Almost no matter what it is, they can find a buyer."

"If you want to find Pier 10, you just need to find the head of the porters on the dock and tell him "I'm going to Pier 10". Then someone will naturally help you deal with the goods on the ship."

"I don't know what the captain wants to do with Pier 10?"

After hearing Roger's detailed explanation, Alok was in trouble again.

Needless to say, the so-called goods are naturally those smuggled parallel imports, and the guests are naturally those slaves.

This is completely different from what I imagined. . .

I just want to find a place. Why is it so difficult?

He resisted the urge to scratch his head in front of Medea, and continued to ask with a frown:

"Have you heard of the undead pirate Hugo Buck?"

Roger shook his head and said, "Hugo Buck?? Never heard of him."

Hearing this, Alok nodded calmly. He glanced at Medea, then at Roger, and said expressionlessly:

"I know. It's okay now. You continue."

After that, he patted Sebastian's shoulder and disappeared in a flash.


Sitting on the sofa of Dark Night Rose again, the "Damia Tales" in Alok's hand seemed to become mysterious suddenly.

He was sure that there were definitely many secrets hidden in this book.

Whether it was the legend of the lunatic asylum or the legend of the ghost dock. It was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

And he could see it from just a little experience that Fowles, as the author, would definitely not be unaware of it.

The ghost dock suddenly reminded him of the unloading of cargo at the dock that he had seen at night.

He encountered it twice in a short period of time. The first time, he encountered two patrolling policemen. He solved it in a few moves.

At that time, Alok thought that it was the policemen bribed by smugglers, but now it seems that it may be related to Pier 10.

According to this speculation, Pier 10 is definitely connected with government agencies.

The government cannot be unaware of the existence of such a ghost dock, nor can it allow such a situation to happen.

If there is no interest relationship, who would believe it if it is told to others? ?

In this case, all of this is suddenly related to the agency that governs import and export trade. The noble Ken Bock, who is currently in charge of this aspect, is definitely related.

In other words, the anti-will is likely to be involved.

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