The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 534 Detective Fowles (Part 2)

Detective Fowles took off his pipe, stood up from his seat, walked out from behind his desk, pointed to the sofa for the reception and said:

"Lord Bilke. Please sit down."

As soon as the three of them sat down, Nellie brought three cups of hot tea and placed them on the coffee table, bowed slightly and left.

Alok thanked politely, then took a sip of black tea, without too much courtesy, and said straight to the point:

"I believe Detective Fowles should have heard of the assassination case. Although the Earl escaped with luck, he is in fear every day. I heard of Detective Fowles's name in Dror earlier, and I came to visit him today. I hope Detective Fowles can find out the real murderer."

His face was very sincere, but also with some helplessness and eagerness.

On the other hand, Detective Fowles had a relaxed expression, and exhaled a puff of smoke from his mouth holding the pipe. After listening to Alok's speech, he said:

"Of course. Such a vicious case has tarnished the image of Dameia outside. I heard that the Extraordinary Events Handling Department has intervened?" He asked knowingly.

Alok nodded as if to confirm, with a tone of contempt, and said:

"Yes. But unfortunately, the Extraordinary Events Handling Department is as useless as ever."

"I don't know much about the case. But since he dared to assassinate the Earl, I believe the assassin also has some means. It will take some time to track down the real murderer." Detective Fowles said tactfully.

But in fact, he has seen through some small details that the intention of the Lord Bilke in front of him is not really to hope that he can find out the truth.

For example, when talking about the case, the people around him looked a little surprised. This is obviously unaware.

For example, there is a trace of acting in his eyes. Although it is not obvious, it is not as sincere as he appears. The hand holding the teacup is too stable, and even the surface of the tea is not rippled.

This means that he is very calm inside, which is inconsistent with his emotions.

For example, even if he takes a sip of tea, the tea is not less. It seems that he does not trust himself very much.

However, when he talked about the Extraordinary Events Handling Department, the contempt on his face was not fake. Instead, it was more like hatred. It was probably just a matter of saying that name.

After hearing what Fowles said, the expression on Alok's face changed slightly, and he said:

"It's just that the Earl wants to find out the truth faster. He wants to know who secretly wants him to die.. There is only a thief who can steal for a thousand days, but there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days."

Fowles' expression was calm, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he took a puff of his pipe.

After listening to Lord Bilke's words, he suddenly became interested in this matter. A bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Who wants the Earl to die? ?

The Temple? The Royal Family? The Extraordinary Events Handling Department? Or Eaton? Or those cults?

Could it be that Lord Bilke in front of him wants Earl Botu to die?

Or the murderer's target is not Earl Otto at all. But someone else.

Or the murderer's purpose is not assassination, but there are other hidden purposes.

Otherwise, why would the foolproof assassination allow the Earl to escape and survive? This is almost impossible for a top assassin.

Lord Bilke, who knew the truth, was so calm.

Although his ideas were wild and unrealistic. But this is the imagination of an excellent detective.

But if Lord Bilke knew the truth, why did he come to me? ?

This is back to the original question. He didn't come to me for this matter, but for other things.

The most obvious manifestation was the expression of his assistant.

Although he didn't want to get involved in this deep case that could drown himself, he was also deeply attracted by this matter.

He took a puff of his pipe and asked in a low voice: "Did the Earl offend anyone in Damia?"

"The Earl has always had good connections in the aristocratic circle." Alok replied.

"Then what opponents does the Earl have in terms of interests?" Detective Fowles asked.

Alok pondered for a while and said reluctantly:

"There is probably only one. It is about the trade of those extraordinary materials. However, I don't know who the Earl's opponent is."

Fowles nodded, and then said:

"I think the scope of the investigation can probably be determined to be the competitors in the business. You know, the transaction of this kind of thing is very profitable."

Then he shook his head and said:

"But unfortunately. I can't take this case. I have an agreement with the Extraordinary Affairs Committee. If the incident touches the extraordinary, it must be approved by the Extraordinary Affairs Committee. If the case has been taken over by the Extraordinary Events Handling Department, and the Extraordinary Events Handling Department has not entrusted it to me, I can't take the initiative to intervene in the case."

"So, I'm sorry. I can only help you here." He spread his hands to express regret, looking helpless.

Hearing this, Alok nodded gently and said: "Thank you Detective Fowles for taking the time out of your busy schedule. Some guidance can solve many problems for me."

Alok had long expected that Detective Fowles would not accept this commission at all.

Unless his backing is as strong as the temple.

But obviously, it is not.

Then, he suddenly smiled, took out a book from his pocket, and said with some expectation:

"I've heard of Detective Fowles for a long time, and I've always been a fan of yours. I wonder if you can sign an autograph for me? I'm really sorry for saying this, but your wonderful reasoning in the case is refreshing to me. , it’s really wonderful.”

Fowles suddenly looked a little surprised and couldn't figure out what Lord Bilke meant.

Want your autograph? ? Is it possible that this is his true purpose? ?

Not really~~~~

But his eyes noticed the old yellow book, and he was slightly surprised.

"The Legend of Damia"?

strangeness? ? According to him, if you want an autograph, it should also be signed on "Detective Fowles"? Why the book "The Legend of Damea"?

But he did not dampen a fan's enthusiasm and replied with a smile: "Of course, no problem."

Then he asked casually:

"This book is not very famous. Nor is it one of my mystery books. Where did you find it?"

Alok smiled awkwardly, pointed at Sebas and said:

"I'm embarrassed to say it. My assistant Sebas is also a big fan of yours. He used to be a detective. I saw in his collection this book "The Legend of Dalmea" that I have never seen before. , thinking it was a collector’s edition, so I asked for it despicably.”

Sebas hurriedly waved his hands and explained: "No, no, no, I think this is what your lordship likes to give to your lordship."

Fowles walked to the table, picked up a black and white quill, looked at Sebas and Alok and said with a smile:

"It is not despicable to admit a mistake, Lord Bilke. It is noble."

He opened the book, feeling a little complicated.

Many people have read this book, but no one really understands it. .

The secret hidden inside is known only to him.

He is fighting alone. .

After carefully signing his name on the blank title page, he closed the book, stood up, and handed it to Alok.

"I'm so grateful." Alok said excitedly at first.

Then, he looked at Fowles with expectant eyes and asked:

"I wonder if I can take up a few more minutes of your time. There are several questions in this book that I really can't let go of. Compared with your other books, this book brings me more doubts than my reasoning."

Fowles looked at his pocket watch and said with a smile:

"This is a book about unsolved mysteries. The so-called legends of monsters are strange and mysterious things. I just hope that people will respect the mystery. Don't try it easily."

Alok nodded first, as if listening to the teaching, and then asked:

"It's about the most famous legend among them, the legend of the madhouse. I went to the site to investigate. But obviously, I couldn't get the answer. Whose territory does the madhouse belong to??"

"As for the legend of another ghost dock. As far as I know, Pier 10 is an underground organization. I wonder who is secretly controlling it??"

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