The Axiom Temple is different from the Order Temple. The power of the Axiom Temple is more concentrated.

It even achieved the unification of politics and religion.

Grand Duke Eaton is the ruler of Eaton on the one hand, and the Pope of the Axiom Temple on the other hand.

It can be said that Grand Duke Eaton completely rules Eaton. Unlike Navest, the power is distributed in the hands of the Temple and Grand Duke Dror.

But from the propaganda of the Axiom Temple.

The Axiom Temple adheres to the principle of "where the people's will is, that is where the will of God is." "Justice is justice."

Grand Duke Eaton is just the agent of public opinion.

But if the extraordinary factors are integrated, this is actually not a good way to rule.

Although the support of a large number of people can be obtained, the new gods will become more powerful. But the gods will also be kidnapped by the large amount of spiritual power generated by public opinion.

This is the source of the power of the new gods and the inevitable defects.

But from the perspective of the people, such a rule is undoubtedly much better than the current system.

On the surface, they are no longer in the identity of a ruled, but have become the masters of the country.

In fact, it was just a different way.

A gentler, but more cruel way!

Dictatorship! And being secretly controlled!


Feng hurriedly got off the white carriage, and her evening dress made her eye-catching.

She walked in through the majestic gate of the palace, and informed the guard of her name with a hint of apology on her face.

She took out the gold-plated invitation letter and handed it to the guard at the door, saying apologetically:

"Sorry, I'm late."

She stroked her hair, and her face flushed.

"The Grand Duke has already started his speech. Go in quickly." The guard did not embarrass the artist who was in the limelight. He just cursed Feng in his heart for being a big shot.

Feng knelt slightly and saluted, then walked into the banquet hall with a slightly faster pace.

The dinner had begun, and Grand Duke Eaton began his passionate speech as the guard said.

The nobles under the podium stared at the majestic figure on the stage.

Feng got a glass of champagne from the waiter and naturally stood in the middle of the crowd.

She listened to the general meaning of Grand Duke Eaton's speech.

He probably said thank you to the royal family and the temple, and thank you to his fiancée, the Sixth Princess.

He wanted to bring happiness to the Sixth Princess. He shouldered the responsibility of a man and the responsibility of defending the family and the country.

However, at the end of the speech, a term surprised and puzzled him.

It was called "internal cooperation in the temple."

His original words were:

"The temples should strengthen internal cooperation and jointly fight against challenges from inside and outside the empire. The invaders of the Kebli Empire are eyeing us covetously, and the soldiers on the front line are bleeding. We must combine all our strengths, put aside our grudges, and jointly resist the evil invaders."

"In addition to Kebli in the west, we are facing more hidden threats. The Kingdom Alliance and the two countries in the East Continent have long coveted the Hutt Empire. We can't let our guard down. Only by uniting can we defeat them."

"Long live the Hutt Empire! Long live the temples!! The great order will last forever!!!"

Warm applause broke out at the scene. Feng also put the champagne on the table beside her and applauded.

Although she spoke passionately, she didn't know much about the mess between the Axiom Temple and the Order Temple.

This confused her.

After clapping her hands a few times, she held the wine glass and began to look for acquaintances in the venue. She couldn't stand alone.

And she had things to do. One of the projects was that she would go on stage to play a dance for everyone. It should be the third one.


The next day.

The Temple of Order and the Temple of Justice put aside their past grudges and started to cooperate!!

The impact of such news on Alok was no less than the news of the merger of the Extraordinary Committee and the Temple of Order yesterday.

Although this was very abrupt, Alok thought about it and it seemed reasonable. There were signs long ago.

Grand Duke Eaton's visit to Damia for marriage and the dispatch of troops to Cherancy were all signs.

This was a newspaper that had been vigorously promoting the Temple of Order and belittling the Temple of Justice for the past few days. Suddenly, it made a 180-degree turn, which made Alok feel like watching a farce.

Isn't this funny? ?

As soon as they heard that the wind direction had changed, they immediately began to "turn their faces and disown people". In a blink of an eye, they began to praise the Temple of Justice.

It really brought out the characteristics of "dog" to the fullest.

No, this is a bit insulting to such a lovely animal as dog.

Alok had a different expression on his face, looking at the newspaper in his hand and not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Interesting, a little interesting.

Could it be that the front line is tight and can only resist with cooperation? ?

In just two days, two big news suddenly changed the situation in Damia.

The original mess began to become somewhat orderly.

At least there is no internal strife. The domestic atmosphere has become better. The extraordinary world is also slightly peaceful.

It must be said that the Temple of Order is still the most powerful organization in the Hutt Empire and the organization with the most power. Compared with Alok's small fights, the Temple of Order is the real boss.

Alok drank a glass of clear moonlight and stabilized the star body. Cleaning up the large amount of tides around the star body due to the overly strong gravitational effect.

This is already his daily must-do. Even more frequent than meditation.

The best time to do this is while drinking clear moonshine. Not only can you protect your astral body and will body with clear moonlight, but it can also speed up cleanup.

Suddenly a tall figure sat down in front of him. Alok put down his wine glass and looked up, but it was the big man Florian.

He patted the table with some joy, shouted Nolanders' name loudly, and said:

"Nolanders, five large glasses of Dalmea beer."

Looking at Florian, he put down the newspaper in his hand and leaned on the sofa, looking a little calm and relaxed. Looking at Florian he said:

"I asked you to come for a drink yesterday but you didn't come. Now you're a day late and happy."

"I was in bed yesterday. What? What are you so happy about?" Florian asked in surprise.

Alok gave it a try, threw the newspaper to Florian first, and said:

"This is today's newspaper. The front page headline is the Duke of Eton's speech."

"Is this what makes you happy? Didn't you say yesterday?" Florian held the newspaper in his big hands as if reading a children's book. asked in confusion.

"I haven't said anything about yesterday yet." Alok shrugged.

The beer was quickly served by Noranders, and Alok also released a mental power net to block the transmission of information in the mental power sea.

Then, while taking a sip of beer, he said:

"There are two pieces of good news. The first is that I plan to take action. Jack deserves to die... Tomorrow night, the lighthouse at Pier 6, we will contact you then."

He threw a leather bag on the table and continued to Florian:

"The equipment is inside and it belongs to you. When the time comes, put it on and do crazy output."

Florian picked up the leather bag, took a look inside, and said with some surprise:

"Are you finally planning to take action? I don't know what news made you make this plan."

"Hahaha~~" Alok laughed a few times, realizing that Florian understood that he was preparing to take action because of the second piece of good news. So he continued:

"It depends on the second piece of good news."

He gathered Florian and asked softly:

"Don't you think today's black skins and temples are weird??"

"What?? I don't feel anything. I haven't met Heipi for a long time. Is this good thing related to Heipi??" Florian asked.

Alok raised his voice, leaned on the sofa, and said with a smile:

"Of course. According to reliable information, the Committee of Extraordinary Things has been annexed by the Temple of Order. The blackskins are currently under review. That's why you can't see a single blackskin. Even the few blackskins near Count Otto's home have been Withdrew. Replaced by people from the Judgment Hall."

"I guess the black men will have a hard time in the future. Hahaha~~~"

"Is this good news? Is it worth a drink?" Alok laughed loudly and raised the beer glass in his hand.

"Isn't this fake?" Florian asked in shock.

"How is that possible? Would I lie to you?? Just cheers..." Alok said loudly.

"Cheers, Alok. If it's true, that's the best news I've heard recently..."

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