The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 549 Those who oppose the will must die


The moment he heard the name, Alok's first reaction was, I am not dreaming.

Ken Bock? ?

Huh? ? There is such a good thing? ?

Last time he ran away, this time he appeared directly in front of me? ?

He widened his eyes and looked in the direction of Count Otto.

The man with a bowler hat and a mustache is Ken Bock.

He held a short cane in his right hand, very energetic.

Those who don't know him will definitely think he is a capable and energetic young man. But those who know him also know that his ability and ability are all used in betrayal.

Alok's mouth corners slightly raised, and he had a strange feeling that he was looking for him in a thousand places, but he was in the dim light.

Then, he turned on the astral vision to observe.

Surprisingly, Ken Bock's level has improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the standard of level five. This makes Alok a little incredible.

It's only been a few months since I last saw him, and he has gone from level three to level five? ?

Isn't this about the same speed as my upgrade? ?

I'm kidding. I'm cheating. .

But thinking about it, Alok was relieved.

The cornerstone of Anti-Will in Damia is Ken Bock, and most of the Anti-Will members were cleared out by me and Namu Sha. The Fallen God can only pin his hopes on Ken Bock.

On the other hand, Ken Bock has the support of the Temple. It is reasonable that he can upgrade quickly.

I can cheat, and he can also cheat with the help of the gods behind him.

However, Alok doesn't care about this kind of strength.

He is confident that he can get rid of Ken Bock in a short time.

This is the confidence from a free pirate, and also from the confidence of a legend.

At the same level, I haven't met an opponent yet.

However, Alok doesn't dare to take action now.

On the one hand, he is concerned about the impact on Count Otto, Rona and Florian. If he takes action now or waits until the end of the banquet, it will definitely make the Temple have a bad association. It will have a negative impact on Florian and Count Otto.

To put it bluntly, it means that all his achievements during this period may be wasted.

On the other hand, he was also concerned about Bishop Robert. A high-level strong man.

This was the first time that Alok had seen a high-level strong man at such a close distance. Richie didn't count.

He couldn't be sure of Bishop Robert's level. But from Alok's limited understanding, it was definitely not the strength that a mid-level person could achieve.

His eyes were stinging. He didn't even dare to look directly at it.

Is this the pressure brought by the high level? ?

And Count Ken Bock came down the stairs and quickly started chatting with Bishop Robert.

If I make trouble during the banquet, I'm not sure I can survive at the hands of a high-level extraordinary person.

In a moment, after making a decision, Alok turned his head gently and continued to taste the red wine on the table.

He glanced at Il, but found that Il was also staring at Ken Bock.

So, he stroked his left hand and whispered to Il in his will:

"The time is not right."

After a short time, Alok's eyes and Il's eyes collided in the air. Then, Il smiled lightly and continued to chat with Rona beside him.

Seeing this scene, Alok's heart was relieved.

He looked at Ken Bock again. Unexpectedly, his eyes met with Bishop Robert beside him.

He smiled slightly, raised the wine glass in his hand, and nodded politely.

Bishop Robert returned the salute lightly and turned to look at Count Otto on the stage.

"Next, it is the special commissioner specially appointed by the temple, the hero of Damia, Florian!! Responsible for the supervision of the committee. Everyone must be supervised by fair and honorable knights. So as not to make mistakes... We must learn from history."

After speaking, Count Otto pointed to the back.

Florian's tall figure appeared on the stairs.

He smiled a little unnaturally, honest and cute.

But it was obvious that the people present did not pay special attention to him because he was a star. Only a few younger women could not suppress their short screams.

Florian looked around the crowd and saw several familiar faces, Alok, Miss Riel, and Miss Rona.

He walked down the stairs, but he still couldn't fit in with the circle of those committee members. He could only stand nearby, looking a little dull. No matter how you look at him, he looks more like a bodyguard.

Only Alok stood up and came forward, ignoring the gazes of others, and talked to him familiarly, which eased his embarrassment.

"Hi, my old friend. It seems that you still need to adapt to this occasion and get familiar with your future work." Alok joked.

Florian made a bitter face and shrugged helplessly.

"Most of these government agencies are like this. You still lack friends. Maybe you will get used to it after a while." Alok continued to comfort him.

He smiled, tugged at Florian's clothes, asked him to step aside, and said as he walked:

"I listened to the projects assigned by the committee. It seems that you have the greatest power and can supervise everyone, but in fact you are isolated and marginalized."

He pointed to where he was sitting, pulled out a chair for Florian, asked him to sit down, and continued:

"You have to have friends among them."

He pointed to Count Otto and said:

"Bishop Robert is neutral. He is in a high position and will definitely not be wooed and form his own faction. Count Ken Bock, the leader of the anti-will, is a member of the temple here, but he will not be wholeheartedly for the good of the temple."

"The relationship between Viscount Rominet, the representative of the royal family, and Bishop Robert should be just acquaintances. It is definitely not as good as Ken Bock. But the characteristic of the royal family is probably to look down on people. I can see it from the way he looks at you. He is not your cup of tea."

"From this point of view, you can only ally with Count Otto at present. And he also nominated you. You must ally with him."

"You'd better get to know Bishop Robert as well, and it's best to get familiar with him."

"As for Ken Bock, he won't live for a few days." Alok finally said with a low laugh.

He patted Florian on the shoulder, looked at Count Otto, and signaled to him.

Coincidentally, Count Otto's eyes also looked at Alok and Florian sitting in the corner.

Elok smiled and raised his glass to Count Otto, then looked at Florian.

Florian was relatively familiar with Count Otto. At Elok's suggestion, he raised his glass and walked towards Count Otto, which was considered to be integrated into the circle of committee members.

Elok tilted his mouth, and I don't know what he was thinking in his calm heart.

This is the composition of the committee.

Each committee member has responsibilities, but some major issues need to be voted.

Even though Florian, the committee member, is now sidelined, he still has one vote.

This represents the greatest power of the committee.

Forming cliques is the most important thing in a committee.

At this stage, the situation in the Animal and Plant Committee is still unclear.

Bishop Robert will inevitably only pay attention to the interests of the temple, while Ken Bock needs to pay more attention to the interests of the anti-will and heaven. They are originally different in mind and path.

Count Otto's wish is to control the trade of extraordinary materials and achieve a monopoly. Now most of the goals have been achieved, and he can have the final say in the right to operate, but part of the rights of the trade part are still divided on Ken Bock.

Rominet's attitude is still unclear, and his choice of side is also of utmost importance. It determines who has the final say in the committee.

But Alok does not have much hope.

It is certain that Rominet despises Florian. Another point is that Florian rescued the Sixth Prince, and everyone knows what the relationship between the royal family is like. It would be strange if Rominet could have a good face for Florian.

As for Florian, he is one of them.

In this way, the greatest power on the committee is mostly given to the royal family and the temple. They control personnel and finances.

Of course, Alok does not hope to fully control this part of the power.

He hopes to just protect precious animals and plants, rather than hypocritically become a political tool.

Whether it is to let Count Otto take power, let the temple take power, or let the royal family dominate, it is not Alok's intention.

The current situation has become the best situation.

Of course, Ken Bock is not the best part.

He must die! !

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