"Namu Sha, how was the situation at your place last night~~" Alok sat on the comfortable sofa, looking very serious.

And Namu Shah was not surprised by Alok's arrival. She had expected that Alok would ask after taking action. The figure half lying on the sofa looked very relaxed. The hand holding the tea cup is also extremely steady.

She half-closed her eyes, looking as if nothing had happened, and said:

"If what you want to ask is how is Feng? Then you should go to that room now. If you are late, you have to go to the Judgment Hall to save her."

"So, Grenouille is dead??" Alok frowned slightly and continued to speculate.

"The plan was successful, thanks to the intelligence of your subordinate. What's his name? Sebas?" Nam Sha looked at Alok and asked.

"Yes. My third mate." Alok admitted frankly.

The expression on Namu Sha's face was quite wonderful, and some of it made Alok think it was rich in connotation. He just heard her say:

"The relationship between Mr. Sebastian and Miss Feng is unpredictable. Although I have this doubt, I still want to advise him that it is better to give up as soon as possible."

"This should be his own business. I don't want to ask." Elok replied expressionlessly.

He looked at his watch. It now read nine o'clock in the morning. To him it was "staying up late". But now he clearly has something else on his hands to deal with.

So, he asked:

"What would happen to Kaede if I didn't go to room 1403 of the Santorini Hotel??"

Namu Sha said ruthlessly:

"She will die~~but she won't reveal anything about us."

"If it were left before, he would be caught by Heipi, but now, he might be caught by the Judgment Hall."

"I actually don't recommend that anyone show up at a crime scene. Especially people with secrets." Nam Shah warned.

This is the basic training of a suspect. Don't show up at the crime scene again. The same applies to people who know the truth.

She looked at Alok and asked meaningfully:

"But it seems like you have some~~~um~~~ feelings for her... What, do you want to have sex with her?"

Alok said nothing silently, thinking about something in his heart.

Indeed, the risk of going to rescue Maple was too high. Especially in such a tense situation now.

And now the management of extraordinary things has become a temple organization like the Judgment Hall. Not only is it more strict, but it also has more loopholes.

The death of a figure as important as Grenouille would surely attract the attention of the temple. I wonder if the temple knows that Grenouille is a member of Paradise?

If one knew that Grenouille was still alive and well, it would mean that the temple's attitude towards him was laissez-faire. If you don’t know, then I don’t know if you can find out the relationship between Grenouille and Heaven.

Everything is unknown.

And now I am caught in the cracks, not knowing how to move forward.

If it were Sebas, I think he would definitely save her, but from my personal perspective, Kaede is not worthy of being saved.

If I go to save Feng, my existence will be exposed and I will be put in danger.

If the people from the Judgment Hall are already there when we go, it will be over.

But if he doesn't save him, he doesn't know how to comfort Sebas.

I just want him to break away from what he is now. He was a little stunned. .

After being conflicted for a long time, Alok asked solemnly again:

"If Kaede is caught by the temple, will any information about us be exposed, even about Sebas?"

Namu Sha suddenly laughed, looked at Alok and said: "It seems you have made a decision. Very smart! She has no use value anymore. Alok."

"Don't worry, a dead person can tell others very little. If he hides in the shadows, he won't even be a dead person~~"

Alok suddenly raised his head and looked at Namu Sha, with a hint of shock on his expression. After a long time, he slowly said:

"Will she go to the world of shadows?"

"That's right, there won't be any trace of her left in the world. She will disappear from the world, and only the excess of the goddess will have her place." Namu Sha said with a smile on her face, looking at Elokke ruthlessly .

After another long silence, Alok said slowly:

"Were you testing me just now?"

Namu Sha was lying to him and testing him at first, and he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

Nam Sha ignored Alok's mood, just looked into his eyes and said seriously:

"I'm looking to see if the great Chief Master is the material to achieve great things. If you want to achieve great things, you have to be ruthless~~ If you can't even let go of this little thing about women, how can you achieve great things?"

"Singularity still needs to grow. Even the goddess hopes that Singularity can form a big alliance to fight against heaven. During the confrontation, don't let emotions affect your judgment~~" Nam Sha looked very solemn.

"Is this a test from the goddess? I understand~~" Alok said expressionlessly.

Namu Sha easily kicked up her legs and said nonchalantly:

"That's right. The goddess hopes that you can improve your strength as soon as possible, otherwise the Singularity organization will not be able to become a powerful organization against heaven. Otherwise, do you think you can choose the skills of the temple?"

"Also, the goddess gave a vague hint. The situation in Damia is about to change recently. We have consciously asked us to evacuate Damia temporarily and wait for the situation to change. It seems to be a contest between gods, but it should have nothing to do with the goddess."

A few words contain a lot of information. Let Alok's brain start to work quickly.

The goddess hopes that the singularity will become stronger. This means that the singularity will really become an organization covered by gods in the future. And it may not be a god.

And the next sentence, plus the previous intelligence, the people of heaven began to add people to Damia, and even filmed the high-level to enter Damia.

The pink heaven's "paratroopers", and the count of the Cappadocia family. They must be very important people.

Even at the cost of giving up a statue of the god of war, they also want to let the "paratroopers" enter Damia. What to do must be very important.

It must be related to the big move of heaven. But what to do?

They entered Damia under the pretext of the wedding of Grand Duke Eaton. Why?

I can't figure it out~~~

But no matter what, Grenouille's death will definitely bring them great trouble.

No wonder the goddess wants the temple to assassinate Grenouille, even if the intelligence is inaccurate.

And after the assassination is successful, the goddess is ready to let Namu Sha evacuate Damia.

Indeed~~Damiya seems to be calmer than when the war just started, but the undercurrents in the extraordinary world are turbulent!

But if only the people in heaven were secretly making trouble, they would not have to evacuate. I am afraid that the temple will also start to make big moves.

He thought a lot, but did not say it out loud, after all, these are just speculations. He just nodded and said:

"I know. I will be careful."

"We will have another meeting tonight. I heard that the Wolf family has some intelligence, maybe we will have another action."

"Also. I will start to prepare to deal with Ken Bock."

Namu Sha laughed softly and replied:

"I roughly know what the Wolf family is about. It's nothing more than that Count Shawnte. He should have come to Damia with the "paratroopers."

"About Count Shawnte. This is also a werewolf with some reputation."

"Werewolf?" Alok asked in astonishment.

Namu Sha's mouth curled up slightly and replied:

"Yes, he is a well-known traitor in the Kingdom Alliance. He was originally a werewolf of the Wolf family. Later he defected to Cappadocia."

"Is he a traitor?" Alok asked doubtfully.

"Yes~!" Namu Sha answered affirmatively.

Alok touched his chin in surprise and said:

"No wonder I remember that Boyka made some rare movements when he heard this name. It turns out there is this relationship. I guess the Wolf family hates this traitor so much."

"So they will seek our help." Namu Sha replied with a smile. "This person is also a member of Heaven. He is also a member of the Anti-Will. There is no conflict between this and our plan. In fact, this is what we should do."

"Don't worry, I will do something about this." Alok frowned slightly and said.

"As for Ken Bock's matter, it is indeed time to prepare." Namu Sha nodded and continued.

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