Law of Attraction.

A familiar name.

Combined with the theory of mutual repulsion of different species from the Elf King Seslik, it merged into the third principle of transcendence.

Although it is the third principle, its importance is consistent with the second principle - the principle of will selection, and the first principle - the principle of will independence.

This principle will gradually appear and become more and more obvious as your level increases.

The profession of pirate is quite special, and the attraction it generates mostly comes from the skills learned, rather than the profession itself.

For example, Alok will have a strong attraction to assassins, historians, magic binders, and traitors. But the attraction to the profession of undead scholars who have few learning skills is not strong.

Most other professions have a strong attraction to the same profession.

Alok has a deep understanding of this knowledge.

For example, the attraction generated by the North Star Necklace attracted Miss Feng to the Dark Night Rose. It also attracted Sebastian. In terms of fate, it attracted Grenouille, the strongest artist in Damia.

Thus, it indirectly promoted the assassination plan of the Temple.

The influence of the law of attraction is in the dark, extremely hidden, but extremely powerful. If Alok didn't say it, no one would know.

He accidentally used the law of attraction, but Alok had no experience and never thought about actively using it.

But since Namu Sha proposed this term, she must have some ideas. Alok looked at Namu Sha with great interest, hoping to listen to her specific plan.

People who don't understand the high-end knowledge in the extraordinary field are a little confused when they hear this term.

For example, Sebastian and Rona looked confused.

"Law of attraction? What is this?" Rona asked Sebastian's question.

Regarding this, Alok did not hide it, but patiently looked at Rona and explained:

"There will be mutual attraction between people and objects of the same profession and all the extraordinary fields. It causes them to unconsciously attract each other until they meet."

"To put it in a mysterious way, the meeting of destiny actually has a sign in the dark."

After saying that, it seems that Rona and Sebastian have not fully understood it, but Alok did not continue to explain, letting them think about it themselves. He smiled, looked at Namu Sha, and raised his questions in detail:

"Using the law of attraction is indeed an invisible method that will not expose us and can kill people with a borrowed knife. But how to ensure that the law of attraction, which is not clearly targeted, works?"

"Especially in a chaotic spiritual power environment like Damia. How can we make the law of attraction successful?"

"The second question is, what do we use as the source of attraction for the law of attraction? What is the bait?"

Namu Sha crossed his legs, half leaning on the back of the chair, unable to see the expression on his face, and said easily under the eyes of everyone:

"Mr. Chief, this is actually a problem."

"Oh? Do you mean to use a powerful, at least high-level item as the source of attraction? To ensure the effect of the law of attraction?" Alok suddenly realized.

"So~~~what is it?"

Just at this moment, Boyka suddenly said:

"I think there is something that can accomplish this."

He turned his head expressionlessly to look at Alok, and continued slowly:

"Remember the blood moon night in Nablistler?"

Hearing this, Alok instantly recalled the night of killing. Nablistler staged a scene of purgatory on earth. Vampires and werewolves chased and bit each other in the city for a whole night.

In the end, the werewolves won. But they paid a terrible price.

But what impressed Alok the most was a necklace.

A high-level necklace in the artist's field.

At that time, Alok didn't know about the field skill. But now recalling the introduction of the werewolf leader Gran to the necklace:

A high-level artist equipment. It has no other use. The only use is to summon a blood moon, change the rules within a range, and form a field. It is useless for werewolves, it will only make us lose our minds, but for vampires, it will double their combat effectiveness.

Change the rules and form a domain.

This is obviously a high-level extraordinary item with domain skills. And domain skills are the core of every profession. No wonder the Wolf family attaches great importance to this necklace.

He turned his head to look at Boyka, with an enlightened expression on his face. Slowly said:

"If it is that, it is indeed possible. But, is it in Damia now?"

"In my hand." Boyka replied calmly.

"In that case, there is no problem." Alok nodded and replied.

"What riddles are you guessing?" Medea frowned and looked at Alok.

Alok smiled, did not answer, but looked at Namu Sha and said:

"I think. Our problem is solved. The plan is basically finalized."

"That's good. It seems that I don't need to make any more suggestions." Namu Sha replied with a smile.

Alok tapped the table lightly, making everyone who was still in a state of confusion look at him. Then he said:

"We will hold another meeting before launching this plan. If there are no problems in the preparation process, we will handle it in this way. We will let you know when the time comes."

He coughed lightly and said: "The next topic is the second one."

"I am ready to take action against Ken Bock, the leader of the Anti-Will in Dalmea. But according to my observation, Ken Bock is very careful. Basically he will not give anyone a chance."

He looked at Florian, saw Florian's serious look, and asked:

"Florian. Have you seen Ken Bock these days."

"Of course. The committee is now in its infancy, and he will sometimes appear in the committee." Florian nodded. "However, he appeared with Bishop Robert. He never acted alone."

"As expected." Alok nodded slightly.

He looked around again, especially Namusha and Medea, and asked:

"I wonder if you two have any good suggestions?"

"It's better to wait for the fish to take the bait than to take action simply and crudely. Just like the plan just now, why don't we make a trap for anti-will?" Namu Sha suddenly said.

Alok thought for a moment and asked the key question:

"So, where's the bait?"

Namu Sha chuckled, looked at Alok and said:

"Do you still need to ask? Of course it's Captain Jack~~"

Hearing this, Alok shook his head slightly and replied:

"The primary target of Anti-Will is no longer me, Nam Sha. They are planning something with Heaven. Moreover, Captain Jack is dead~~~"

"Really? What a poor Jack~" Namu Sha said with a sad voice.

"Poor Jack~~" Medea also joined in the fun. He hugged his face and agreed.

It didn't look like she was crying, but rather she was trying to hold back a laugh. But then, Medea put down her hands and said:

"However, speaking of fish, fishing in troubled waters is the correct way to catch fish. If Damiya becomes a mess, the target will naturally lose cover."

Airok looked at Medea seriously and asked: "What do you want to say? To disturb Medea?"

"No, no, no, Damia is already messy enough without us stirring it up. Heaven will help us." Medea replied with a strange and sinister smile on her face.

Hearing this, Alok's face looked a little solemn, and he said in a low but urgent voice:

"But we don't know what the chaos will be like. To be a fisherman instead of a fish, you have to understand the situation. What we lack now is intelligence. We have no idea about Paradise's plan."

"No, at least we know. Heaven wants Kafka XI to die~~" Namu Shah said immediately.

"Are you sure? Are you sure it's not the Duke of Eton?" Alok retorted immediately.

Namu Shah answered with great certainty:

"Of course I am sure. Even if the Grand Duke of Eton wanted Kafka XI to die, he would not do it before or after his wedding. He has to consider the impact of doing so. It can only be heaven."

Alok was suddenly stunned and fell into deep thought for a long time.

The venue was silent and the atmosphere was depressing.

After a long time, Alok came back to his senses, looked at Nam Sha and said slowly:

"Tell me, is it possible that Heaven hopes to put the blame on the Duke of Eton?"

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