"Where? Eaton?" Alok speculated.

Roger nodded and replied:

"Yes. Most of them are from Eaton in the north, and a small part is from Cherancy~~"

"I won't say much about Cherancy. They all came to Damia because of the war. Most of them are from towns close to Damia. They basically came from the south by land."

"As for Eaton, as far as I know, Eaton is very cold this year. Even Damia is affected. Damia was not so cold in previous years, so you can imagine how cold Eaton is this year. And Eaton's economy is not as developed as Damia's. The quality of life of the people is relatively low. "

"Therefore, this extremely cold weather has caused quite a lot of refugees in Eaton. Many of their relatives were frozen to death in Eaton, and the severe cold forced them to migrate south. "

"In addition to ships, the only passage from the north to Damia is the Levitt Bridge. Obviously, the Levitt Bridge will not be open to these refugees. They can only enter Damia through human smuggling. It is said that a ship ticket now costs ten gold coins. "

"So, many Eaton people came to Damia? ? "Elok said thoughtfully.

Roger looked around the bar, stared at a table near the door, gestured to Elok, and then whispered:

"Look, your table is from Eaton."

Hearing this, Elok looked back and saw the table Roger pointed to at a glance.

Three tall men sat at the table in a vulgar manner, speaking the dialect of Eaton, drinking and swearing.

One of them had a thick beard, which was very distinctive. The other two were younger and had high noses.

It is indeed the characteristic of Eton.

On the contrary, Sebas, who also came from Eton, is a bit out of tune with the characteristics of Eton.

Alok took a look and turned back, nodded and asked:

"What else?"

Roger also turned back, took a sip of rum, and continued:

"Most of these people from Eton are vulgar. They were originally the lowest class in Eton. They are still the lowest class here. They are not familiar with the rules and language of Damia. Now most of them have nothing to do."

"This puts a lot of pressure on the slums of Damia. They form gangs and run rampant in the slums. No one dares to provoke them. In short, it is disgusting."

Tapping the table lightly, Alok fell into a period of thinking.

After a moment, he asked softly:

"What do these people believe in?"

"What do they believe in?" Roger was stunned. Then he answered uncertainly: "Of course~~Axiom Temple."

"That's right. Axiom Temple~~" Alok murmured and repeated.

When you stand high enough, you can see more scenery. Thinking about the problem will be more in-depth.

Like Alok, he found the key to the problem at once.

A group of Eton people who believe in the Temple of Justice came to Damia, a place that believes in the Temple of Order. It would be strange if nothing happened.

Alok believes that there are some people with ulterior motives and extraordinary people among them. There is no lack of infiltration from foreign forces.

And when they began to appear in Damia in large numbers, it was when Grand Duke Eton came to Damia.

This time is too coincidental.

People have to think about the connection.

Is this Grand Duke Eton's support group? ?

Or Grand Duke Eton's enemy? ?

Is Grand Duke Eton's weapon to threaten Damia? ?

Or is it a signal to ask for help from Damia? ?

Logically speaking, Eton suffered a disaster, and it is right to ask for help from Damia. But thinking of the relationship between the Temple of Justice and the Temple of Order, Alok can't make a judgment.

The marriage of Grand Duke Eton seems to contain more and more secrets.

But the overall goal has not changed, that is, Grand Duke Eaton hopes to become emperor.

It is just unknown how much interest exchange is involved.

He thought for a while, suddenly looked at Roger, and asked again:

"Any other news?"

"A piece of news about Grand Duke Eaton. Although this is not a big secret, I think it is necessary to tell you, Captain." Roger smiled, relaxed and said casually.

"Tell me, maybe I don't know." Alok said expressionlessly.

Roger supported his face with his right hand, put his left hand on his knee, looked at Alok and said:

"The Order Temple represents the regime of Damia, the separation of theocracy, courts, and imperial government. The power of the Axiom Temple is completely in the hands of the Axiom Temple."

"The captain should know this." Roger asked casually.

"Of course." Alok nodded in response.

"But the Axiom Temple is different. Eaton's power is completely in the hands of the Axiom Temple. It can be said that the Axiom Temple is God~~~ and Grand Duke Eaton is God's spokesperson." Roger took a sip of wine and continued.

"He is both the Duke of Eaton and the Pope of the Axiom Temple. He is also the Chief Justice of the Court."

"This means that he has the highest power in Eaton and also has extremely strong strength. I heard that he is a high-level extraordinary person of at least level eight~~~"

"Level eight??" Alok was a little unbelievable.

In his opinion, as a duke, he should either be a mortal like Grand Duke Dror, or his level would not be very high.

Because the higher the strength, the more risks you have to bear. I don't know how many extraordinary people have died or lost consciousness due to erosion and become a monster.

The upgrade process is the most dangerous. The higher the level, the more dangerous it is. Alok also has a deep understanding of this.

For the sake of their own stability, people like the Duke, who are in a high position, often do not take the risk of upgrading to a particularly high position.

Moreover, after becoming a high-level extraordinary person, the form of life will undergo a qualitative change, and immortality is not difficult.

From the perspective of power replacement, order change and avoiding excessive power, the God of Order will not agree.

The most representative representative is that the emperor of Damia must not be an extraordinary person.

But this wave of operations by the Axiom Temple made Alok a little confused.

He knew what the model of the Axiom Temple was before, but he still didn't expect that Grand Duke Eaton had such strong strength.

He glanced at Roger and saw a look of confirmation in his eyes. He couldn't help but touch his chin and took the news as true.

But if this news is true, it will make him even more confused.

It's really hard to plot against a person like this. What does Heaven think of Grand Duke Eaton? ? What's the secret of Grand Duke Eaton's marriage? ?

It's really confusing~~~

He sighed helplessly, looked at Roger, and said:

"I really don't know about this news. Well done. Drink less~~~"

"No other news, my dear captain. Don't worry, I don't drink all day and do nothing. I will pay attention to the situation here~~" Roger replied with a wry smile.

"The slums now are like a bomb. More and more people are coming here. According to my estimate, the population in the slums is at least three times that of the other four areas. This winter is particularly cold, and the slums are particularly crowded."

"I was thinking of sending Sebastian out as an undercover agent. To lurk in the small group formed by Eaton and see if I can get more information. What do you think? Captain?"

Erlok raised his eyebrows slightly, thought for a moment, and said:

"Not very good~~~ I think Sebastian and Eaton are incompatible. Even if you go in, you can't blend in."

"Yeah~~~ That's true." Roger thought and answered:

"The people from Eaton are a mob, and Sebastian is more like a noble. How to say it, Sebastian doesn't look like an Eaton person, but more like a Damian."

Because he reported the intelligence and got Alok's praise, Roger, who was drunk, became more talkative. He half-closed his eyes and looked a little sleepy, saying:

"For the safety of our third mate, I won't let him go. I'm afraid he will become a gigolo... um~~ the kind with a butt pierced."

"Those Eton bastards are too rude. They are not suitable for him. I will keep an eye on them from the outside. Don't worry, Captain."

He said loudly and carelessly, but he didn't notice that Alok beside him had disappeared.

Alok didn't want to stay with a drunkard for too long. Besides, it wasn't the wine he drank with him~~

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