The statue of Prometheus? ?

The statue of Prometheus is different from the current statue of the God of Order.

The current God of Order does not have a statue. There is only a cross that is long and short horizontally to represent the scale of order.

Perhaps the image of the current God of Order Ozer can be seen in the mural, but it is not the same as the current statue.

On the contrary, it was the image of Prometheus that left a deep impression on Alok when he was studying the history of the temple.

He has a pair of eyes without pupils, and his pure white eyeballs show no emotion at all, which in itself represents justice.

He has a thick white beard and white hair, and his arms are spread out as if embracing the sky.

This is the one in front of Alok now.

As a great god in the early stages of mankind, Airok still has a positive attitude towards Prometheus's contribution to mankind.

But the elves obviously don't think so.

Therefore, Airok also brought a little emotion of his own towards this god.

History will always be hidden, especially the secrets of the gods.

What exactly happened during this period, Elok had no way of knowing.

But the death of Elf King Thesric should be related to Prometheus.

Alok can't pay attention to this now. He is thinking about the significance of the appearance of this statue now.

There are already three idols.

And the current one obviously has more powerful divine power.

It can perform miracles.

Alok doesn't know what this means?

Is Prometheus not dead?

Or maybe someone is using this body to do things.

Believed to be the second one, Prometheus is confirmed dead.

That must be heaven~~~

Arrange all these strange things that happened in Damia to heaven. Believe it or not.

Besides, Alok had met the other two before.

If you think about it this way, the purpose of this one must be to control these barbarians from Eton.

They have well-developed limbs and simple minds, and they blindly believe in the Axiom Temple.

If you use a "justice" sign, it will be very tempting indeed.

Gather this group of rude Etonians, guide them in the name of justice, and use this group of people to cause trouble during the Grand Duke's wedding.

Tsk tsk tsk~~

He paused the playback of the memory for a moment, and then continued reading when he was done thinking.

"Praise the great axioms. The voice of the people deserves our attention. Only axioms recognized by the majority of people are the most correct truth!!"

The man who looked like a priest began to shout loudly again. This led everyone to start worshiping devoutly.

After a while, he opened his arms and walked around on the platform, letting everyone see what he looked like.

"The great, right and glorious people of Eton should unite. Let our wills be twisted into one."

"Damia, full of filth, needs justice!!"

"Only justice can save the Hutt Empire!!"


Countless impassioned words came out of his mouth, and the emotions of the people in the audience became more and more passionate.

But this did not resonate with Alok at all.

In his eyes, this is just a way to gather spiritual power to form a joint force. A method used to deceive those fanatics and control those who do not have free will.

This is the method of reborn gods.

If things continue like this and the ocean of spiritual power directly forms a small ocean, a new God of Order might be born.

Of course, this is almost impossible now.

At this point, the Etonians can gather to the level of a mid-level transcendent. Moreover, there is too little time.

It is said that the new gods themselves are invented by human beings based on their own characteristics. The inventor is of course Prometheus.

"Long live Justice!!!"

A sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami appeared. Everyone began to open their arms and close their eyes, as if they were waiting for something or hugging something.

The entire hall began to glow with brilliance, and countless water droplets sprayed out from the position of the statue, as if it were raining down.

Tiny water droplets gently hit people's faces and fall on their bodies.

Judging from the feelings of the parties involved, it was quite comfortable. It seems that the whole body is full of power and can crush people's heads.

The people in the front row received more "sweet rain", and their faces seemed to be filled with happy smiles, enjoying everything.

The people in the back row also had a hint of enjoyment on their faces. But it's obviously not as comfortable as the front row.

When everything was over, they looked at the priests on the stage and looked at the believers in the front row who were more devout than them with a hint of envy.

Is this a cult? ?

Sure enough, it’s not groundless!

Elok knows something about cults.

Most of the churches and ascetic societies that engage in murder and arson have their own meanings. It was completely opposite to what Alok saw now.

This is the true cult's way of controlling people's hearts.

Well, actually the same is true for genuine churches.

To put it bluntly, the method is similar.

It's just that the purpose of doing so is different.

The temple does this for its own rule, and a little bit for the people of the empire.

The purpose of this cult is not simple. Maybe it's to make money, maybe it's to kill someone, or more likely it's to gather faith or do some big things.

Elok carefully considered the priest's words. Most of them are impassioned, in order to arouse the emotions of the crowd in the audience and create empathy.

From the perspective of the sea of ​​spiritual power, it is to collect this specific spiritual power, that is, faith.

But from the perspective of the material world, perhaps it is to arouse their confrontation with the Temple of Order.

What is Heaven doing? ?

Want to rely on these people to fight against the Temple of Order?

Are you kidding me?

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out, so Alok simply continued to watch.

After all this, the light in the entire hall dimmed, and the man who looked like a priest began to speak:

"Our team is not strong enough. I know that everyone present has relatives and friends who were forced to come to Damia. They are oppressed here. We can't eat in Eton, and we still can't eat in Damia. We can't wear warm clothes and live well in Eton, and it's still the same in Damia."

"Such a favorable environment in Damia is occupied by locals. This is their advantage as landlords. But they shouldn't be so hostile to us who are also citizens of the Hutt Empire. "

"They oppress us, they deceive us. They have the best conditions, countless bread and wine, but they are unwilling to share even a little with us."

"They have countless lands, but they make us squeeze into such a small basement, and darkness is our companion."

"They have warm cotton clothes, and the wardrobe is full of gorgeous coats, but they have no mercy."

"Darkness, hunger, cold. The heroic people of Eton are not afraid of these. Because everything should be fought for by ourselves!!!"

When he said this, his face was flushed, and he raised his right hand as if he was indignant.

This made everyone make the same gesture, raising their right arms and clenching their fists, as if they were going to pierce the sky.

Although what he said was indeed infuriating, it was not difficult to find loopholes.

All he said was based on the premise that the people of Damia supported them.

He boasted that Damia had endless wine and food, countless lands, and endless cotton clothes.

In Alok's view, that was just the treatment of noble lords. As for the vast majority of people in Damia, they had the same predicament.

I have no money to buy a house, and now I have to queue up to buy food. It is too cold in winter and there is no heating equipment.

Moreover, since everyone is like this, why must I help you? ?

Look at the people in the slums, aren't they the same as you? ?

This is indeed a means of brainwashing, obliterating the facts, all false, just like the newspapers in Damia.

"We are not strong enough. We must unite. As long as we unite, the Axiom will lead us to victory."

"People of Eton, people of justice. I hope that all the people of Eton can join our "Axiom" and let everyone unite. Only then can we strive for more benefits. More food, more spacious housing, and warmer cotton clothes."

"Everyone go back and mobilize the people around you, one person tells ten, ten people tell a hundred. I believe that the Axiom will continue to grow!!"

"Long live justice!!"

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