The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 571 Behind the Light is Darkness

Alok nodded with understanding, and then said:

"The living space in a world is limited. If you want to develop in a limited space, of course you must eradicate dissidents."

"Yes, the world is already so big. What's more, it's getting smaller and smaller because of the war." Richie replied with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Alok asked in surprise.

Richie took a sip of the beer that was just served and said nonchalantly:

"It means literally. Due to various wars, the land area is getting smaller and smaller. Originally, the world was connected into one piece. Unfortunately, it was broken into many pieces by the wars between gods."

"Don't interrupt, continue to listen to me." Rich glanced at Alok. continued.

"In the third era, the elves were the most powerful race among the three races. The giants and dragons combined could only surpass the elves. Human beings were also able to survive because of the protection of the elves. They are developing well in the current Damia region. . Equivalent to a subsidiary relationship.”

"Prometheus was not a god at that time. He just had a very good relationship with the elves. He even married an elf wife named Char. It is also for this reason that the elves are quite friendly to humans."

"But at the same time, humans will not be satisfied with being subordinates. What they want is to become stronger and stronger, the kind that can be on par with the elves. They even hope to be more powerful than the elves. At this time, another powerful The gods have taken a liking to the human race."

Richie looked at Alok, paused and said calmly:

"The God of Desire~"

"As a native god, the stronger the desire in the sea of ​​spiritual power, the more powerful he is. Human beings' strong desires allow him to see powerful opportunities."

"He secretly helped humans. He also secretly opposed the elves. He also provoked the war between the three races at the end of the Third Age."

"At the end of the war, Prometheus obtained a key item. A piece of Jax's magic crystal called the 'Sin Stone'."

"Jacks Demon, you should know better." Richie looked at Alok.

"I know a little bit. A powerful extraordinary species on the same level as the Lapras demon. His profession is a thief. An ancient species, something that existed before the era." Elokk answered seriously with a slight frown.

Richie nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"That's right. The Jacks Magic Crystal and the Laplace Magic Crystal have the same incredible magic power. If used properly, it can steal the power of the gods. Of course, it is weirder and more powerful than the methods of the legendary God Thief family. "

"So, Prometheus made the most despicable decision that allowed mankind to become strong."

"He took advantage of the Elf King Thesric's trust in him and stole the Elf King's power about the authority of the sun and the authority of order. He became a powerful god with the authority of the sun and the authority of order."

"And the Elf King, who lost most of his divine power, fell as expected in the great war at the end of the Third Age. Even so, he still tried his best to kill the Giant King."

"In the final battle, He fought with the Giant King for three days and three nights, and finally died together in the Gulf of Destruction. That bay was punched out by the Giant King with a mighty punch. As a result, the Eastern Continent separated from the main continent and went out independently. "

"The Giant King at that time had the power of destruction, which was the devil profession."

"You know why I said the land becomes less and less as we fight."

The corners of Elok's mouth twitched, and he looked in the direction of the Destruction Bay in disbelief, shaking his head slightly and sighing:

"The great power of the gods!!! It's all used in destruction."

Richie's expression looked like he didn't know what he was thinking, and he looked a little depressed. He took a sip of beer and said:

"If it weren't for Prometheus's despicableness, the elves would still be ruling the continent now. Human beings are truly born out of desire and become powerful out of despicability."

Alok lowered his head with a wry smile on his face.

Sometimes the truth is so satisfying to accept. Beneath the bright surface is a deep darkness.

He let out a long sigh, looked up at the ceiling, and sighed:

"No wonder the elves are so wary of humans now, even after thousands of years. No wonder the elves define Prometheus as a traitor and a sinner."

"But from a human perspective. Or from the perspective of humans now ruling the world, Prometheus did the right thing." Rich said with a wry smile.

"Although I cannot confirm some details. But I can make some guesses based on the development of things."

"Who gave Prometheus such a forbidden thing as the Jax Magic Crystal? Where did it end up? And who gave Prometheus the method of using the Jax Magic Crystal?"

"I don't know. But I think there must be traces of the God of Desire among them!"

"The Mother Goddess of Desire hopes that human beings will be strong, but she also hopes that desire will last forever. She can be considered a hero to humans."

"However, the God of Desire is not the same species as us. He is just like keeping humans in captivity. It just provides him with a steady stream of desire power. Just make him strong."

"So, he is the evil god!" Ailok defined him.

Richie waved his hand, showed the short memory that Alok had just brought to him, and then said:

"This statue does belong to Prometheus. But since Prometheus suffered betrayal and fell, his statues have been scattered everywhere. It's not surprising that one appears. It's just that it's not this statue that interests me, but This ceremony."

"Ritual? You mean, this meeting is an extraordinary ritual?" Alok asked in surprise. This was totally unexpected for him.

"Yes. This is a rather hidden extraordinary ritual." Richie first confirmed Alok's guess. Then he explained:

"This reminds me of those thieves."

Alok understood who the thieves Richie was talking about were. It was none other than the God Thief family. The Elijah family, and the exile Mordor.

I remember Richie said a few months ago that he knew a very famous thief who was very good at "unlocking". So he got a one-time key.

So Richie should know a lot about the profession of thief.

After thinking for a moment, Alok continued to speculate and asked:

"You mean, this is a God Stealing Ritual? Stealing the power of the gods? Who is the object of the theft? Ozer??"

"It should be, the God of Justice - Ozer." Richie explained.

"Huh??" Alok was even more confused.

"In the realm of order, Ozer has already split a little. It's like schizophrenia, do you understand?" Richie didn't know how to tell Alok, and didn't know if he understood.

But when he said this, Alok suddenly realized it. He immediately connected it to the situation in the Hutt Empire and said in surprise:

"You mean, Ozer split into two godheads?? One is the God of Order believed in by the Temple of Order, and the other is the God of Order believed in by the Temple of Justice. So there is a split within the Temple of Order?"

"This~~~~ is really incredible." Alok shook his head slightly in shock.

"Yes and no. The Temple of Justice does not believe in the God of Order, but the axiom itself. It's more like a natural god. Do you understand? I call him the God of Justice." Richie half-denied Alok.

"That means the conflict between the natural gods and the new gods caused the God of Order Ozer to split?" Alok said again.

"It's not a complete split, but there are two godheads... This is a precursor to the split within the Hutt Empire." Richie continued to explain.

"And I guess that the object of this ritual to steal power is the God of Justice, who is not yet powerful. So, this reminds me of those thieves who stole gods."

"And this split gives me a hunch that every new god has such a disaster. At first, they confidently collected beliefs and ruled a huge empire. Later, they felt that they were somewhat powerless and not enough to rule such a vast divine domain. Later, for the sake of power, they began to engage in dictatorship in various ways."

"In the end, they will be kidnapped by public opinion, kidnapped by believers, and kidnapped by the rules they set for themselves. They are a group of poor creatures without independent will."

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