The face of the Chief Judge Augustus was a little serious.

He did not feel like a subordinate treating his superior when facing the Pope. He was the only one in the entire Order Temple who could do this.

To some extent, the Chief Judge and the Pope were of the same level, not only in terms of low position, but also in terms of strength.

It was just that they were responsible for different areas, and it took them different lengths of time to become strong. The special attributes of their strength were different.

Just like witches, some witches focus on transformation spells, some witches focus on divination, and some witches focus on curses.

Augustus and Austin were like this.

But now they both represent the top power of the Order Temple.

That is, the legendary God of Justice, Augustus, who represents justice and judgment, and Austin Hammurabi, the God of Law, who represents law.

In addition, there is also the rarely seen God of Contract, Yax. Responsible for contracts and contracts.

Although they are not gods or demigods, and only have the strength of level eight, they are given privileges within the Hutt Empire by the God of Order, Ozer. They can exert the strength of a ninth-level demigod in the kingdom of order.

This is another major advantage of the new gods.

It is difficult to find an opponent in the kingdom of God. The believers in it can also exert stronger strength.

But because of this, they must also be restricted by the gods, and this is the price.

It was late at night, and there were only Pope Austin in pure white uniform and Augustus in silver-white armor in the dark church hall.

The presiding judge Augustus moaned lowly, with a serious face:

"The cultists are ready to move, Your Majesty Austin."

And Pope Austin stood on the steps, with his back to Augustus, lowered his head slightly, closed his eyes, stood under the scale representing order, and prayed for something.

After a moment.

He opened his eyes, moved his lips slightly, and made a weak voice:

"Don't worry, Augustus. We have witnessed countless such things in endless years."

"This time is different." Augustus' face was a little solemn.

Austin paused, turned around and faced Augustus, lowered his head and turned his back to the Scale of Order, and said:

"We are not afraid of those challenges. But in order to deal with them, I asked you to come here."

He walked down the steps slowly, his steps were very regular, and the standard way made it impossible to find the slightest mistake. He said:

"When we face a choice, we should choose! Left or right?"

"Now it is not a question of our choice. It is a question of their choice. Your Majesty Austin. We are the center." Augustus's eyes followed Austin's movement.

"But if we become the host, it is also a question of our choice." Austin had a different opinion.

He looked at Augustus and continued:

"Heaven? Or elves. This is the focus of the dispute. Not us~~"

"We should know which side to choose. One side is the other races that once betrayed, and the other side is the native gods who feed humans."

"One side is responsible for the mission of revival and has been gathering strength for thousands of years. The other side can manipulate the human world."

He put on a smile, which made some wrinkles appear on his face. He paused for a moment, looked at Augustus very seriously and said:

"Of course, for order, for humans, for you and me, neither side is the best choice."

"What is that? There are cliffs on both sides." Augustus was a little anxious.

His age and experience are still a little shallow compared to Austin, and he is not as experienced as Austin in dealing with enemies. Especially enemies at the level of gods. Austin was already as strong as he is now before Ozer became a god.

He did not seem to be in a hurry, but looked at Augustus and said slowly:

"This is both a choice, a crisis, and an opportunity. Order will not sink. Neither will we. We must drive them out of the Hutt Empire. Only here can it become a true country of order."

Augustus stared at Austin for a long time, and finally said:

"I know what you mean. Order needs to be purified now. The cultists are no longer afraid of the majesty of order. They wantonly destroy the country of order in Damia, showing their power with their fangs and claws."

"This makes the majesty of order gone. People will think that we can't protect our believers."

"As long as the law is still there, the majesty is still there. Augustus. But we do need to purify Damia now." Austin's eyes suddenly flashed with a golden light.

Augustus gritted his teeth, frowned slightly, stared at Austin, and said:

"Is this our choice?"

"It is God's choice!" Austin immediately answered devoutly.

"It's not just the cultists. The loopholes in order also need to be filled. Order cannot be controlled by justice, nor by the majority. The mob will only make order worse. Democracy is the biggest lie and the biggest danger to a country."

"I agree. Order does not need to be controlled by the majority. They don't understand order at all. They will only become tools of dictators. They have been brainwashed and can no longer be used by us. We must eliminate them." Augustus folded his hands and said meaningfully.

After speaking, he looked at the starlight outside the window, his eyes seemed to penetrate the space and shoot into the distance. That was the West.

Then, he said with some worry:

"But the pagans are watching us. We can't ignore them. Nor can we let our strength weaken."

(The pagans refer to the sun god believers of the Khepri Empire.)

Austin looked at the direction Augustus had just looked at, then smiled and said:

"So, we can't use brute force. We have to make Stanton a part of us. We are all citizens of order and part of order. Order and justice can coexist, but the premise is that justice must obey order. Because order cannot be in the hands of the public."

"The glory of God will shine on Stanton's head and on Catalina's head. They will become the most pious citizens of order."

The silence lasted for a while, and Augustus nodded with difficulty and asked:

"Is this also God's choice?"

Austin did not answer, but smiled and looked at Augustus.

After a while, Augustus lowered his head and said:

"I understand!"

Austin walked up to Augustus with a smile, and said with a comforting tone:

"I know what you think. Those lunatics who believe in justice and believe that their ideas can dominate the empire are indeed incomparable to us. They are brainwashed tools and ignorant people kidnapped by public opinion."

"But this is the gap between us and the gods. To us, they are enemies and pagans who cannot be purified. But to God, they are just differentiated forces. Once they are taken back, they are the power of God."

"As for those cultists, we will start cleaning them up after the wedding. But not now. We can't let the cleaning plan destroy God's most important decision. I believe they can't jump around in Damia for much longer."

"We have to be patient. We have waited for hundreds of years, just three more days." Austin seemed to be indifferent.

Augustus just nodded slightly, expressing his disappointment, and said:

"I hope they won't do anything during this period. I now doubt that Stanton's wedding will be sabotaged by cultists."

"It's only three days away."

"How can there be loopholes in a place where God shines?" Austin laughed and replied.


However, just as his voice fell, a series of rumbling sounds suddenly came from outside the auditorium.

It was not the sound of thunder rolling in the sky, nor was it a violent explosion. It was just a series of rumbling sounds coming from a distance.

The sound was not close, but it was not far from the temple.

Not only in the material world, but also on the sea of ​​spiritual power, there was a violent wave surging, leaving a trace. Austin and Augustus' faces were not good.

The smile on Austin's face disappeared, but his expression was calm. Augustus, as the presiding judge, gritted his teeth, frowned, and looked in the direction of the sound.


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