The dim palace meeting room. Only the emperor's closest ministers, even princes and brothers, can come here to discuss the really important things.

"They will take revenge, now in the huts of those wilderness villagers. They are plotting!!" An older woman in a pure black elegant evening dress spoke anxiously.

She sat very dignifiedly on a classical and gorgeous chair, without any trace of impoliteness.

Her expression was excited, and her face was full of disgust. It was as if she was talking about the bedbugs in the toilet.

She looked out the window with contempt on her arrogant face, and then looked at the ruler of the Hutt Empire-Kafka XI.

Catherine de Elizabeth Kafka. Queen Catherine. Kafka XI's mother.

"I need to investigate. Things should not be what you say. I need to find the real enemy behind the scenes. I need to find the murderer!!" Kafka XI was half lying on a sofa, but he didn't seem to have many rules.

He was not as old as the outside world said, and he died immediately. His black half-long hair was draped over his shoulders, and he had two mustaches on his lips. His body still looked strong and powerful. But his posture was quite indecent.

In addition to a group of mothers and children, there were two sons that Kafka XI valued the most, and his two younger brothers.

All ministers were excluded.

In the royal system, only members of the royal family were their own people. Those ministers represented other power systems. They represented different classes and, of course, different positions. There was no room for intervention in the discussion of certain key matters.

Only members of the royal family were reliable.

The two brothers of Kafka XI stared at him and said loudly in an exaggerated voice:

"My brother. You see, they hate to the extreme. They will rush into the palace and occupy it. Become the new royal family!!"

"They will kill all of our people! They will massacre us."

Kafka XI remained silent, which made his two sons stand up and say while walking:

"Father, didn't you hear?? They have been hitting people and weapons. Come and fight us!"

"They brought what they brought from the wilderness to Damia!"

At this point, Kafka XI stood up from the sofa, regardless of royal etiquette, grabbed his eldest son's arm, and said loudly:

"We also have weapons. We also have people. And, more!!"

Queen Catherine stopped Kafka XI. Excited behavior, cold expression stating facts:

"They are under the banner of justice. They are united. Originally, they just wanted to show off to the public and celebrate the wedding of my dear sister. But now~~~"

Queen Catherine's face has a trace of loneliness, shaking her head and sighing:

"Even Grenouille is dead. He was our weapon to control public opinion. But now, our weapon is gone. And the enemy's weapons have become more~~"

"I think if your father were alive, he would know what to do."

"We can't let the weapons in our hands become sharp blades against ourselves. Nor can we let public opinion become a weapon to oppress ourselves."

"Enough. I don't want to hear him anymore. I will act impartially! I swear!!" Kafka XI waved his arms, interrupting his mother's speech, making him look crazy.

Catherine suddenly stood up, walked in front of Kafka XI, and shouted with a ferocious face:

"Then go investigate, go protect your distant cousin. Let's see what the incompetent emperor's army is doing? Be loyal to the court! Compromise with the enemy!"

"You will mess up your country! No, it's bad now! Kafka~"

"Since your father's death, I have been working day and night. It's me!! It's me!! What are you doing??"

"Have you not woken up yet? Those savages from the wilderness are robbing you of your rights. Robbing the rights of the royal family, and even the rights of the temple."

"Isn't Damia's sacrifice and bloodshed enough? Shouldn't Eaton pay the price for this?" Catherine questioned.

Kafka XI's hands were shaking with excitement. He wanted to continue to raise his voice and refute loudly, but was hugged by his brother who suddenly rushed up. The voice was slightly conciliatory:

"My dear brother. A single temple has already frustrated our rights. Do you want a more domineering temple that is kidnapped by public opinion to rule the Hutt Empire?"

"At that time, we will no longer be rulers, but servants of the people. What rights will we have left? Those special features will become history. We are trapped in the palace. This will become a prison. And we are the only prisoners."

"The rights we once proud of will become others. We will be in vain. No one will be afraid of us anymore."

"People will mobilize their so-called collective spiritual power and kidnap the will of God. What will we become then? Think about it, my brother?"

"I said, we have weapons! We also have an army!" Kafka XI shouted.

"But you put your army on the other side of the river~~" Queen Catherine said with a cold face.

"As long as we kill all those leaders, the concentrated public opinion will naturally fall apart. A group of rabble will naturally become a mess without a leader."

"That's right." His brother crossed his arms on his chest, lowered his head, and approached Kafka XI and continued:

"Now we just need to go to the end and kill all the leaders. It's just a matter of time. Then we will deal with them all at once."

"Odini, Tedini, Froone, Dubakaf, Jieshi, Miosa~~~"

"And Stanton," Queen Katherine added.

(The Archduke of Eton - Staunton Eton Pastor Silvers)

"No, you can't kill him." Kafka XI said loudly with an excited expression and some despair.

"What? Do you pity your poor daughter?" Queen Catherine's expression was extremely indifferent. He lowered his eyes and said.

Kafka XI sat down on the sofa with a ferocious expression and messy hair as he explained:

"We, we still need their strength to guard Qilanxi~~Qilanxi~~"

"If you want his life, the Hutt Empire will be buried with him~~"

"He is dead, so we can naturally take over his army. Don't forget, we are the royal family." His brother stood behind him, hunched over and lying in Kafka XI's ear, and said.

Kafka XI suddenly fell into a state of silence, his expression a little dazed.

Seeing this, his brother stood up, walked to Queen Catherine, and asked softly:

"So, how many should we kill?"

"Seven?" he asked nonchalantly.

No one said anything, but another prince suddenly walked up to the side. He is Kafka XI's other biological brother and the third son of Empress Catherine.

He Shunzhuo was wearing an off-white dress with a round collar. His expression had the standard indifference of a royal member. His voice was not loud but it shocked the audience:

"No, eight. Caterina must be counted."

Queen Catherine glanced at her son in surprise, but there was a complicated expression in her eyes. Happy? Shock?

"She is not one of ours now. She will join the Axiom Temple."

"No~~~Katerina~~" Kafka XI's expression collapsed and he collapsed on the sofa. He shouted in despair:

"Kill them all. All, all!! Everyone in Damia should be buried with him!! Everyone in the empire should die!!"

Queen Catherine looked at the collapsed Kafka XI expressionlessly, then turned to look at the others and said:

"Did you hear that? Our emperor said, all. Eight~~"

"Of course, my mother. But we still need an opportunity." The prince who spoke last, standing opposite Catherine, smiled slightly and replied.

Queen Catherine sat in the original position, picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and said slowly:

"The opportunity will appear. It's just a matter of time. We have to clear Axiom out of Damia~~~"

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