"Tomorrow?" Alok was slightly surprised.

He felt that this time was a bit early. .

Because the wedding of Grand Duke Eton and the Sixth Princess was still some time away.

Although the specific time was not mentioned, it was definitely impossible within a month.

It would take at least a month to prepare for the wedding. Two or three months would not be too much. This is the wedding of a Grand Duke and a Princess. No matter how grand it is, it would not be too much.

But the paratrooper came to Damia so long in advance, and no one would believe that he did not have any purpose.

He glanced at Medea and then at Namu Sha. He did not see any doubt or reminder in Namu Sha's eyes. He realized that the news might be true.

But he was still a little skeptical, and he touched his chin and looked at Medea and asked:

"Where did you get it from?"

"The male indulgent caught in the operation that day. He turned out to be a lover of the 'paratrooper'. Interesting~~ Hehehe~~ The lover of the indulgent is the indulgent. I really don't understand what this 'paratrooper' is like." Medea smiled strangely and reminded.

Of course, Alok remembered this incident, but didn't Roger say that he didn't get any information about the 'paratroopers'? ?

Could it be that he just got it recently? Or did Medea hide it from Roger. .

Both are possible.

But since he knew the news, it's not impossible to make an emergency plan based on this news.

"Do you have detailed information?" Alok asked.

Medea smiled, leaned forward slightly, and replied:

"Of course. Tomorrow night, the 'paratroopers' will come to Damia through a bridge on the Levit River east of Damia. It is the only large bridge on the Levit River near Damia. It is also the only way for Eaton and the Kingdom Alliance in the north to come to Damia by land."

"Oh?? Go by land?? It's really rare~~ I thought that people from the north came to Damia by water~~" Alok was really surprised this time.

You know, there are very few bridges on the Levit River. Damia is also on the south bank of the Levit River, and there is no bridge inside the city of Damia, which is completely separated from Levit and the north bank.

If you want to come from the north by land, you have to pass a bridge on the east side of Damia. The bridge is not close to Damia, and there are strict guards on the bridge. It can be said that it is quite inconvenient to go by land.

People coming from the north often come to Damia by water through the Levit River. There are many such ships, and it is almost unnecessary to go by land. It is time-consuming and laborious, and more troublesome.

Only some diplomatic envoys and residents in the inland area of ​​Eaton close to Damia will choose to cross the Levit River by land.

"Hahaha, doing the opposite ~~may have extra benefits~~" Medea laughed and replied, "To be honest, I didn't believe it when I got this information."

"Do you know why there is no bridge on the Levit River in Damia, but only one in the east?"

"It is to protect Damia from invasion from the north. Of course, it also includes Eaton~~"

"And according to the intelligence, she will definitely go there! Levit Bridge!" Medea said affirmatively.

Elok nodded casually, spread his hands and said:

"In that case~~The problem is very simple. We just need to intercept it~~"

"Hehe~~Captain. How can our action be so simple?? I also want to strike Heaven deeply~~Wouldn't it be better to catch them all in one fell swoop?? This is the consistent style of our Singularity, isn't it?? How can it be our goal to simply kill a leader?" Medea said in a tempting voice.

Hearing this, Elok looked at Medea in surprise, and didn't expect her to have such an idea. In Alok's opinion, isn't Medea a lunatic? ?

I didn't expect that she has some brains~~

But he smiled and continued to ask:

"What do you think? How to attack?"

"We track the 'paratroopers', find the people she contacts, and then catch them all in one fell swoop. Simple, but effective." Medea said with a smile.

She crossed her legs again and said:

"According to intelligence, the Paratrooper came here not only for the wedding of Grand Duke Eaton, but also to replace Dragonfly as the agent of Pink Heaven in Damia. She is also the official contact person of the Heaven Organization."

"Her official identity is a diplomatic envoy of the Semitic Kingdom. But she must not come to Damia alone. After arriving in Damia, she will definitely have contact with people from Heaven. We are here to fight them together."

Alok touched his chin and asked:

"What if she doesn't meet others at the first time, but hides? How to be sure that the contact person is someone from Heaven? What if it's just a diplomat?"

"Then just catch her. We have plenty of ways to make her talk~~" Medea said simply. "But since we can solve it this way, why wait for the next time?"

"As for how to judge, do we need to judge? All the contacts are treated as members of Heaven~ She came to Damia in the middle of the night, which is suspicious in itself."

"I learned this from the chief. Hehe~~~" Medea finally looked at Alok and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Alok looked at Medea blankly. I don't know what to say.

It's true that you don't learn the good things, but learn the bad things. You learn very quickly~~~

He shook his head helplessly, turned his head and looked at Namu Sha, and asked:

"What's your opinion? Namu Sha?"

There was no expression on Namu Sha's cold face, the murderous intent in her eyes was hidden, and her slender figure was hidden in the shadows. She was holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, which looked like clear leaves. She sipped it mouthful by mouthful.

After hearing this, her expression did not change, and she replied:

"I agree. Moreover, the Holy Temple will also launch another action against Heaven on the same day."

Hearing this, Alok was a little surprised again. But then, he looked at the large shadow behind the astral vision, and instantly understood what was going on, so he asked directly:

"Are you going to take action against Grenouille tomorrow?"

Namu Sha nodded and replied expressionlessly:

"I heard that he will meet his lover tomorrow, which is a good opportunity."

"Is the news confirmed?" Alok asked in surprise.

Namu Sha shook his head slightly and replied: "Grenouille is very careful and there is no accurate information."

Eroque pondered for a while, nodded, and said:

"In this case. We can hold a singularity meeting. Seek help from others. I agree with this plan, but it must be carried out carefully and not make too much noise."

"The current situation is a bit tense. We should make as little moves as possible."

Hearing this, Namu Sha nodded, turned to look at Medea, and said:

"I think so too. I just hope Medea won't be too ostentatious. Even now that the black skin is gone, our pressure is much less, and we must be careful of the temple."

"Don't worry. I know the importance~~~" Medea said with a weird smile on her face, as if the plan had succeeded.

"Then start the meeting on time at 12 o'clock tonight." Elok looked at his pocket watch and made a decision.

Soon, he stood up and continued:

"I have to inform others, let's meet at the venue."

He ignored the two women, opened a mysterious door out of thin air, and disappeared in front of Medea and Namu Sha in an instant.

Namu Sha looked calm, but Medea looked at this scene in shock, and suddenly turned to look at Namu Sha with her mouth open, and asked:

"He upgraded~?? When did it happen~?"

"After Captain Jack died~~" Namu Sha replied expressionlessly.


Back to the third floor of the Dark Night Rose again, Alok found Il who was in "Witch Manor", and Rona happened to be there too.

So Alok said to the two people who were chatting outside the villa:

"Singularity will hold a meeting at 12 o'clock tonight. Medea brought new information. Ir, please inform Boyka. I will go to inform Florian and Roger."

Ir stood up to greet Alok and asked:

"Information? What's the situation?"

"Regarding Heaven, there will be an operation tomorrow. The opponent may be up to level six, so be careful to protect yourself at that time." Alok answered simply.

"I understand. You have to be careful too." Ir nodded and replied.

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