
For most people it’s the end of another work week.

For a small number of people, there is no word for rest in the world.

"Alok, are you ready? We are going to Lorna's house for a dinner party tonight." El's attire was very Damian style.

The complicated long skirt and sleeves made El look like an aristocratic lady. The shoulders that are half exposed in winter show the unique charm of women.

Of course, the price for this is the cold.

"Of course, of course. Always ready." Alok replied nonchalantly.

Instead, he frowned after seeing El's attire and said:

"Aren't you afraid of the cold? Why aren't you afraid now??"

"Beauty and warmth cannot coexist. I will add a coat outside. Don't worry about me. My brother~~" Yi Er shivered twice, hugged his shoulders, and said calmly.

In no time, she took out a plush coat from her pocket and put it on her body to cover her exposed shoulders.

Alok shook his head helplessly, and while transforming himself into a human-like evening dress, he asked casually:

"By the way. Did Lorna tell you what the theme of tonight's dinner is??"

El recalled for a moment and replied:

"It is said to be a preparatory party for the Flora and Fauna Committee."

"Preparing for a party??" Alok repeated in surprise.

This reminded him of what Count Otto had said to him about investment at that time.

You need to invest 10,000 gold coins yourself as starting capital.

Frowning and patting his head, he said with some despair:

"Oh~~~It's actually this!! It seems like my golden little babies are leaving me."

"This is the price, Alok. How much do you want to pay?" Elle asked nonchalantly, leaning on the door frame.

"Ten thousand gold coins. Oh~~~" Alok sighed.

Immediately, El stood up straight with his eyes wide open, holding on to the door frame and asked loudly:

"What~~~Ten thousand~~Ten thousand??"

"Are you crazy, Alok~~"

Alok spread his hands helplessly and admitted:

"I think so too. I'll see what happens if I go there today."

"However, this is at least an organization at the same level as the Committee on Extraordinary Things. And it is related to money. There will never be any loss. Just treat it as the property I purchased."

"That doesn't cost 10,000 gold coins, right?~~ Do you know how many things can be sold for 10,000 gold coins? It can even buy a villa in Benjamin District." El said still puzzled.

"So we went to see it today." Alok hurriedly comforted El.

In order not to ruin El's hair, he patted El's shoulder and said softly:

"Okay~~. Il. Let's talk about it after we go. I hear Count Otto means that this business is safe and sound."

He smiled, then picked up the bowler hat on the coat rack at the door of the room and gently put it on his head.

"I hope so~~" El curled his lips and replied.

Then, he turned around and walked out of the room.

Alok shrugged helplessly, smiled at the little bear looking at him, and patted its head. Then walk out the door.

After catching up with El, who was walking in front of him, Elok raised his voice and said:

"Hey~~El. Let's go there in a different way today."

"What can I do?" El turned his head and asked angrily.

Alok chuckled.

I saw his fingertips tap lightly, and he silently recited a long spell.

"Look~" He pointed to the double-wide oval passage ahead.

El took a look, his face was startled, and he suddenly felt something familiar.

The calm sea, the passage made of stars, the endless starry sky, and another door in the distance inside the door.

Isn't this exactly the same as that pirate painting? ?

She glanced at Alok in surprise, feeling confused. asked:

"how did you do that?"

"Nothing~~ It's just a skill...I'm at level five, Elok." Elok said with a smile. It's quite a bit of a show off.

El snorted softly in dissatisfaction and said:

"Tsk~~What's so great about upgrading? I just didn't upgrade because the witch had too many skills and couldn't study them. I just want to show off~~"

"I'm not trying to show off. It's just safer to do this." Alok walked to El's side and explained with his head tilted.

"Come on, my dear sister. The dinner tonight will be wonderful."

He held El's hand and slowly walked towards the mysterious door.


Although Grand Duke Dror's manor in Damea is not too big, the banquet hall is enough to hold a banquet that is not too big.

Count Otto stood on the platform on the second floor of the stairs and was talking with a smile. Alok in the audience was tasting various wines. With relish.

There were about fifty people at the party. In addition to some nobles, there are also some young leaders who are expected to become nobles.

In fact, they are the members currently confirmed by the Flora and Fauna Committee.

Including finance department, human resources department, etc. Of course, there are also a few grassroots business leaders.

Several priests from the temple also attended, representing the temple.

After all, this is preparing for a banquet, and money is the key. The temple is not suitable for people who are too important to attend such an occasion.

Of course, the temple committee member is still coming.

Il was standing beside Rona in his coat, talking and laughing, pointing at the people in the banquet hall. I wonder what gossip they were discussing, or what the contents of the laboratory were? ?

Forget it, they were probably discussing young talents. .

Alok didn't care about that.

Florian also attended the banquet, but he hadn't appeared yet. The committee members had to appear last, which was in line with etiquette.

That's right, the temple agreed to Count Otto's recommendation and made Florian a special commissioner.

This was good news for Alok. It meant that he had someone inside.

If not, it meant that he didn't spend money in vain.

Count Otto was also one of his own to a certain extent. This time he controlled two-fifths of the Animal and Plant Committee. It feels so good to have a boss behind you~~

Count Otto was still speaking on the stage, raising his left hand and saying:

"Of course, the members will meet with their colleagues at the mobilization and preparation dinner of the 'Hutt Empire Animal and Plant Committee'. I believe everyone will get to know each other in the future."

"You should know me, so I won't introduce myself. But you may not know the specific projects I am responsible for. I am responsible for specific business work such as identification of rare wild animals and plants and confirmation of trading qualifications."

Then, he looked behind him and saw a gray-haired priest wearing the clothes of the Order God walking down the stairs. Count Otto introduced respectfully:

"The one who represents the Temple of Order as a member is Bishop Robert. The specific projects he is responsible for are personnel mobilization and temple-related affairs."

"Welcome everyone, may order last forever!" Bishop Robert said to everyone present in a low but penetrating voice.

He tapped his hands four times in front of his chest, very pious.

"May order last forever!" This is the response of all those who believe in order present. It is also a must for respect.

Only Alok and Il did not perform this etiquette. If they were to perform a salute, it should be to praise the moon.

Then, Bishop Robert glanced in the direction of Alok, slowly walked down the venue, and greeted everyone cordially. Count Otto on the staircase continued to point his hand to the back and said:

"The person who represents the royal family as a member of the committee is Viscount Rominet. He is responsible for the financial affairs of the committee. Viscount Rominet is an expert in this area."

As soon as he finished speaking, a handsome young man appeared on the stairs behind him. He wore a bowler hat and a black evening dress, with a thin figure and sharp edges on his face. He wore a monocle and looked gentle.

He did not speak, but just nodded politely to everyone and nodded to Count Otto. He walked to the banquet hall with a smile. He started chatting directly with Bishop Robert.

Rominet is a nobleman, but he is related to the royal family. His mother is the sister of Kafka XI. So he can represent the royal family.

Count Otto smiled and continued:

"The person who represents the nobles of Dameia as a member of the committee is Count Ken Bock, who is in charge of the trade of animals, plants and their products."

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