Clear Moonlight.

As its name suggests, the liquid with a faint fluorescent light is like the cool moonlight.

Reflecting the huge moon in the sky, it looks extremely mysterious.

"Drink one more cup, so as not to have any problems with the astral body." Alok muttered to himself.


After placing the drunk Florian in the second-floor room of the Dark Night Rose, Alok went up to the third floor alone.

He felt that the time for his upgrade had come.

In order to cope with the more severe challenges that may be faced later, it is urgent to improve his strength.

There were some concerns before, but now they are all solved. I feel relaxed and it is the best time to upgrade.

Florian was rescued and immediately transformed into a committee member.

The conspiracy of heaven was destroyed.

Jack died.

Anti-will was messed up by him again. The only regret is that Ken Bock is not dead yet.

The strength of mental power has long reached the standard, and the astral body is even more so with the blessing of the North Star.

The only problem is that the skill of "mental power network" is a bit abrupt.

Drinking another cup of clear moonlight and praying to the queen for shelter should be enough to deal with it.

He thought so.

Close your eyes, and praise the queen in your heart with Elvish and North Star. Sing the hymn of the moon and stars.

Pour the liquid in the cup that emits long fluorescent light.

The cool feeling swept through his whole body, will body, and star body.

Familiarly entered a deep meditation state. He felt that his state had never been as good as today.

The spiritual power sea of ​​the third layer of the Dark Night Rose is an extension of the body of the Son of Nature-Mafak, which is different from the manic sea around. It is quite quiet.

Occasionally, silvery moonlight will appear on the calm sea, and the sky of the star world is also hung with a bright moon.

That is the shadow of the queen.

After silently reciting "Praise the Queen" again. He took a deep breath and looked deeper into the spiritual power sea.

Dive into the spiritual power sea and fearlessly go to the fifth layer of the sea under the sea surface.

Because he took the legendary route, he could upgrade forcibly without reciting the upgrade mantra. He didn't need to look for the hard-to-obtain mantra.

But also because he took the legendary route, there was no protection of the mantra during the upgrade process, which made the endless spiritual sea water in the sea of ​​spiritual power begin to impact Alok's fragile will.

For every legend, the most dangerous time is the upgrade.

Every time he upgrades, one-third of the extraordinary people who take the legendary route will be eroded during the upgrade process. Eventually become a monster.

Even if they are not eroded, it is easy to leave disasters.

This is the advantage of the legendary route, but also the price of the legendary route.

Facing the sea of ​​spiritual power made him feel that he was about to be swallowed up, and countless information torrents impacted his will. It made his consciousness confused and mentally abnormal.

Fortunately, the free will core played its role.

He retracted all his spiritual power into the will core, leaving only a singularity shining with endless light, sinking into the sea like a star.

Amid the erosion of countless seawater, the free will core is like an eternal reef, or a lighthouse that has stood for thousands of years. The waves hit the rock-hard core of will, but only a few ripples appeared.

In essence, the sea of ​​spiritual power is the collection of all spiritual power in the world, and also the collection of all information.

And free pirates, of course, are not afraid of those meaningless spiritual powers. Free pirates only value themselves. Legends exist only for themselves. .

When you learn to ignore the gossip around you, when you learn to ignore the information that has nothing to do with you, when you learn to respect only your own heart.

Erosion will no longer be a danger.

When the erosion began, he also exerted the power of the core of will to the extreme, forming a space independent of the sea of ​​spiritual power around him. Isolating the sea water that kept hitting him.

The pale white light shield protected Alok like an eggshell, resisting the impact of spiritual power.

Those malicious spiritual powers melted like ice when they touched the eggshell, until Alok really stepped into the fifth layer of the sea of ​​spiritual power.

However, at this time, a trace of crisis also occurred in his star spirit body.

In the process of upgrading, not only the will body is eroded, but the star spirit body will also encounter risks.

Of course, under the protection of the Queen, the danger outside is much smaller. But there is a source of danger inside the spirit body of Alok.

The runes of the ‘spiritual power net’ began to expand continuously, beating like a heart.

The spider web-like structure began to bulge like blood vessels.

Plop~~ Plop~~

“Hold on for a while~~” He kept saying to himself in his heart.

The inscriptions beat again, and his spirit body began to expand.

He became anxious. Looking at the fifth layer of spiritual power sea close at hand, he silently chanted:

“North Star~~~~”

The singing suddenly stopped, and a star suddenly shone in the sky opposite the bright moon.

A beam of light shot down, shining on Alok who was on the road ahead.

His spirit body suddenly became solid. Countless inscriptions began to flash. Suppress the spiritual power net.

After a moment, he smiled, his will body unfolded again, and his spiritual power was released again. He saw the fifth layer, which was more manic and more dangerous.

The starry sky became even more brilliant, with endless brilliance hanging from the edge of the sky; that was the power of the starry world being vented.

His astral body also became more solid. With the help of the North Star, the ‘spiritual net’ on the fourth layer was as quiet as a ‘baby’.

But in his opinion, this was not a threat.

He was not in a hurry, but began to condense the fifth-level skills on the spot, making the astral body more solid and the ‘spiritual net’ quiet.

“Binding Soul~~~” The mysterious Elven words that could communicate sounded from his will body.

The moon suddenly shone brightly.

A deep purple light suddenly dropped from the sky of the star realm, shooting directly at Alok’s astral body.

He was fearless and accepted the gift of the starry sky calmly.

On the fifth layer of the astral body, a deep purple spider web-shaped mark woven by tentacles gradually became clear, and finally suddenly flashed and took shape.

As soon as the mark appeared on Alok’s astral body, the mark of the ‘spiritual net’ on the fourth layer immediately began to quiet down.

The rune that was originally beating and expanding like a heart now became calm under the comfort of the ‘binding soul’.

This made Alok breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I had prepared a way to suppress the "spiritual net". Otherwise, I would have died without a trace this time.

Now that I have the fifth-level "soul binding" as a prerequisite skill for the "spiritual net", my astral body problem has been solved again.

Of course, to solve it perfectly, at least I have to become a high-level extraordinary person.

Well~~ the road is difficult.

But it's not a big problem!

Then, he let out a long sigh, and a feeling of relaxation appeared in his heart.

So he began to recite the spell again: "Shadow-kill"

A shadow suddenly appeared next to the astral body of Elok, and drilled into his astral body like smoke, and finally settled on the fifth floor, forming a cross-shaped spell.

After a moment, he nodded with satisfaction. I muttered to myself and analyzed it.

The ultimate kill, a skill that walks on the edge of danger. A weapon for counter-killing.

Shadow slash, a terrifying attack that ignores defense using the power of shadows, even I can only fight against Shadow slash with Shadow slash.

Mist, silence control, control skills that block the connection with the sea of ​​spiritual power. You can only use physical strength to get out of the range of the mist, or use extraordinary weapons to restrain it.

Of course, skills that do not need to connect to the sea of ​​spiritual power can also be released, such as the hunter's retreat, the knight's sacrifice, and the pirate's tenacity. But these require a lot of mental power or some cost to release.

The assassin's skills are really useful. There are magical skills at each level.

What I haven't learned is backstab or throat slitting, which can be used as flash. And it can be used at level 2.

The pirate's flash is still level 4.

The level 1 skill of hiding in the shadow can directly enter the world of shadows, and there is almost no weakness except fear of light. If the level is higher, I guess I won't be afraid of light. .

I have learned a lot of assassin skills, and the only difference is the skill of mist.

The skill of mist can only be learned through the way of "inheritance". If I wasn't originally the favored of the goddess Del Sha, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to learn it.

And I don't know how to pass it on to the next person.

I guess only the temple has mastered this skill.

But logically speaking, shouldn't the skills of a profession be the same? ?

How can those wild assassins upgrade to the mid-level without this skill? ?

Is it forced? ?

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