The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 541: On and Behind the Scenes (Part 2)

A new moon suddenly appeared above his head, indicating that he had entered the state of the new moon.

Then, he turned into moonlight and counterattacked Florian.

"Guard~~!!" The knight's majestic voice appeared again in Florian's mouth.

A pure white protective light shield suddenly appeared beside him.

After the moonlight transformed by Alok touched this absolute defense, it only made a crisp "ding~~".

Then, he hurried away from Florian, looking at the absolute defense in shock, and shouted:

"How is this possible?? Impossible!! The crescent mark has additional damage to the shield, how can it not even break the guard??"

"Hahaha~~~ There is nothing impossible, Jack. If you can break it, it means that my momentum is not enough. There is nothing that a knight with strong momentum can't do." Florian laughed and explained.

"I don't believe it!!" Alok shouted loudly.

Then, he raided Florian's back again, drawing a ray of the crescent moon.

With another "ding~" sound, the light of the crescent moon shattered like glass. Only a few spots of light remained.

"Damn, the villain who attacked from behind!! The real battle should be from the front." Florian suddenly said angrily.

He turned his head instantly, raised the giant sword in his hand, jumped up suddenly, and formed a large windmill-shaped attack in the air. Shouting in the air:

"For glory!!"

A sense of irresistibility rose in Alok's heart, but he stood in place and raised the crescent mark to resist Florian's new round of attacks.

His body was blown away again and crashed into the outside of the lighthouse.

He stood up with difficulty holding the wall, looked at Florian, and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The blood turned into light spots in the air and dissipated in the air.

"This is impossible, I will not fail. I still have one last trick." Alok muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a puff of smoke appeared under the lighthouse, blocking Florian's sight and isolating Florian from the sea of ​​spiritual power.

But he sneered and shouted in his heart:

"For glory, sacrifice!!"

Instantly, he sacrificed part of his vitality, achieving the effect of ignoring silence. Then, he looked directly in the direction of Alok, breaking through the sound isolation effect brought by the fog and shouted:

"For glory, justice is judged!!!"

He raised the sword in his hand to the sky, and then threw it up fiercely.

In the sky, the sword aimed at Alok's position, with a strong golden light, and slashed it fiercely.

"No~~~!!" Alok dragged his staggering body and shouted desperately.

The voice stopped abruptly, and the fog finally dissipated.

When the fog dissipated, Florian slowly walked to Alok, looked down at him who was dying and said:

"When you have done those things, you must be prepared to have such an end one day. Justice will never be absent."

Alok's eyes were full of confusion, and the giant sword pierced his chest and nailed it under the lighthouse.

He looked at the sky with his eyes blank.

Florian did not act immediately, but waited for Alok's "corpse" to dissipate so that he could "precipitate crystals".

Five minutes later, the golden light on his body dissipated, he pulled out the big sword stuck in the ground and put it behind his back, and kicked open the door of the lighthouse.


"Your Highness~~~I'm late!" A strange voice made Prince Wales look up.

He didn't know what happened, and didn't want to know.

He didn't say a word, just stayed in the corner, looking very lonely.

It was a tall knight in golden armor, followed by a journalist wearing glasses, and a professional painter who recorded the scene in front of him.

The tall knight half-knelt on the ground, lowered his head, as if asking for his forgiveness.

He recalled Captain Jack's letter.

"Heroes are ready to welcome your return."

Is that so~~~

He looked at Florian for a long time, until he looked up at himself, and then he said in a low and calm voice:

"Let's go~~"

He was greeted by countless reporters, and the tall knight cut a path for him to go down the mountain.

He looked back at the place where he was imprisoned.

A lighthouse.

If only it was the Witch Manor.

That's what he thought at this moment.

The reporters around him were like flies, asking him questions frantically.

But he turned a deaf ear to them and didn't want to say a word.

He followed the tall knight to a white carriage and walked up obediently, like a puppet.

"Sorry, everyone, His Royal Highness has just been rescued and is not in good condition. I think he needs enough rest." Florian stood in front of the carriage and shouted loudly to the reporters.

He gave an order to the coachman and rode on an extremely tall warhorse.

The carriage carrying Prince Walsh was heading towards the villa of Count Otto in the Benjamin District.

Looking at the scene that was rapidly receding on the roadside, Prince Walsh's mood was indescribably low.

He did not feel the excitement of being rescued at all.

He was left with only endless loneliness.

It was just from one prison to another.

His heart was like a cold winter night, without even a flame.

After an unknown amount of time, the carriage stopped in front of a manor, and he looked into the manor mechanically.

A middle-aged noble in formal attire had been waiting for him.

He did not get off the carriage, but the noble boarded it. After giving the order, he set off again.

"Your Highness. I am glad that you are free again. I am~~" Count Otto said respectfully.

"It doesn't matter who you are. Are we going to the palace?" Prince Wales interrupted Count Otto's self-introduction.

Count Otto didn't care, smiled and continued respectfully:

"Of course, Your Highness. Your father and uncle are very anxious about your disappearance. Don't worry, the evil Captain Jack has been executed. Damia will return to glory."

"The pain you have suffered during this period will eventually fade. A bright future awaits you." Count Otto said to Prince Wales in the tone of an elder.

"Really? I hope so." Prince Wales asked expressionlessly.

Captain Jack is dead? ?

How is it possible? ?

He left me a letter before he died? ?

It's just a show. I don't know what political capital I got in exchange. .

This unknown nobleman in front of me is no different from Captain Jack.

He is no different from my relatives. .

I don't know when Lilith will appear in my sight again.

If I want to find her, maybe I can find her in the Dark Night Rose? ?


In the magnificent palace, Count Otto half-knelt in front of Kafka XI, reporting his achievements tonight in a low voice:

"Under the heroic struggle of the hero Florian, the evil and terrifying Captain Jack was finally killed. The imprisoned Prince Wales was finally rescued. Your Majesty..."

Kafka XI's face showed no expression, but he slightly raised his head, looked down at Count Otto, and said:

"Well done. The glory of the royal family is no longer disgraced. You are worthy of being a noble of the empire, guarding the glory of Hutt."

"I wonder if you have any other requests. I can satisfy you..."

Count Otto lowered his head even lower. Of course, he knew that he could not make any requests now. He could only wait until today was over, and then put forward his idea of ​​establishing an executive agency for the "Protection Law" in written form.

Even if he made a request, it could only be a private matter such as asking for money or marriage. It was definitely not a request for an official position.

This is the way to deal with the superiors.

So he raised his voice and said:

"It is my honor to share the worries of the Empire. It is my heart's desire to see the Empire become stronger and stronger. Only with the Empire can there be nobles like me. The glory of the nobility has always been fought for. I am willing to serve the Empire until the last moment of my life."

"To be honest, I am only the Earl of Naveste, but I am still willing to serve Damia. The Empire is the Empire. There is no regional distinction."

Kafka XI's somewhat old face still had no expression, just waved his hand and said:

"This is what a noble should think. You go back."

"Yes~~Then I won't disturb your father and son reunion." Count Otto lowered his head and said respectfully as he stepped back.

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