Field trips? ?

He glanced at Alok and felt that he had underestimated the Lord Bilke in front of him. His strength may be higher than he expected.

After listening to Elok's words, Fowles couldn't calm down for a long time. He stood motionless with his pipe in the corner of his mouth for a long time before he came out of his trance.

His expression was calm, but his eyes looked at Alok with a little shock.

After a while, he slowly said:

"Who knows?? Maybe it belongs to the empire~~~"

He took out his pocket watch and looked at it again, sighed helplessly and said:

"I'm really sorry. I have another case~~"

Alok interrupted Fowles and replied with a smile: "Thank you for your answer. This enlightened me. Although I still have some doubts, I will continue to explore."

"I'm really bothering you for a long time. I'm wasting your time on my little personal matter. I don't know how to settle the fee??"

"No need. Just think of it as a chat between friends. Lord Birk. I hope the Earl will recover soon." Detective Fowles said calmly. He bowed slightly, appearing sincere.

"Then thank you for your kindness. I won't bother you anymore." Alok said with a smile.

After saying that, he stood up, nodded slightly, put on his hat, and slowly walked out of the office with Sebas.

After Alok left, Fowles couldn't calm down for a long time.

He was actually able to go to Planck Asylum and come out safely with no problems at all?

Really powerful strength. Even stronger than himself.

But he still could not understand the purpose of Mr. Bierke's visit.

To say that he was seeking help for Count Otto was not his original intention.

Moreover, with such a strong strength, the probability of success in chasing the murderer will be much higher.

And judging from his attitude and tone, he must know more.

It was definitely not his intention to ask me to help with the investigation.

But to say that the original intention was to sign autographs and discuss the contents of the book with me, it always felt that it was not so simple.

The last question he asked was also quite strange.

Did he understand it? Did you learn more about the hidden information in the book? ?

If he was a really good detective and a super person with powerful abilities and extensive knowledge, he might be able to connect everything.

He didn't know if the secrets in his book could be seen through. I don’t know if seeing through it will be good or bad. I don’t even know where Lord Bilke stands.

If it were any official agency of the empire, they might not let him go after knowing this secret.

Hope he is a friend. .


On the way, Sebas looked at Alok with some confusion.

Although his mind had flown elsewhere, it had not completely flown away.

"Captain? Are we leaving now??" Sebas was very confused. "We haven't asked any real questions yet..."

"But I already know the answer. Why are you still staying there?" Alok replied nonchalantly.

Walking on the street, basking in the morning sun, the hazy weather for many days seemed to be swept away in one fell swoop. He took a deep breath, feeling somewhat relieved.

"What's the answer??" Sebas followed Alok and asked.

"Of course it's the answer in that book." Alok replied casually.

"Huh???" Sebas looked confused.

Alok patted Sebas on the shoulder and continued:

"Didn't Detective Fowles say? It belongs to the Empire..."

"Whether it's the Lunatic Asylum or Pier 10, they are all officially owned by the empire. No matter who they belong to, or which domestic force they belong to, they all belong to the empire."

He looked at Sebas, who was still confused, and said with a smile: "It's time for me to go back to bed. If you like it, come to Night Rose for drinks often. I'll treat you!!"

"Uh~~Okay. Captain." Sebas still looked confused.

Apart from marveling at the profoundness of Elok's ideas and his inability to figure them out, he couldn't do anything else.

He was just about to turn around and ask Billie if she went there every day, but he had already noticed that Alok had disappeared beside him. I could only shake my head helplessly, and secretly decided to go to Dark Night Rose for a drink tonight.


Elok, who returned to Dark Night Rose, endured his sleepiness and glanced at the book in his hand again. It feels more and more interesting.

This book actually writes about the dark history of the Hutt Empire, which is really unexpected.

Judging from the two legends, it should be similar to what I imagined. The remaining legends are mostly similar.

Whether it is the evil experiments in the asylum or Pier 10, they are officially owned by the Empire.

This is not a problem of one person, but a problem of the system.

Problems with the hidden rules system.

But, I don’t know what Detective Fowles meant by writing this out?

Could it be to cover up? ?

Or on the contrary, for revelation? ?

Alok didn't know, but now that the doubts in his heart had been answered, let this matter come to an end.


"What are you thinking about? Wales?" Lilith approached Prince Wales from behind who was sitting by the window looking at the garden.

His expression was calm, but there was a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Hearing Lilith's voice, he smiled, stood up and turned his head and said, "Nothing. Dear Lilith. It looks like the garden outside has changed."

Lilith looked through the window at the strange garden. In the garden, Ir was wearing a gardener's uniform and holding a small shovel, struggling with a blood-red vine.

The little bear was tied up in it, looking a little pitiful.

"Oh, damn it. I must remove all these damn vines~~ and plant pink daisy..." Ir's exasperated voice came into Lilith's ears through the window.

"If it weren't for the stupid Elok's little bear, I would have burned this place down right now."

Rona stood behind Ir and watched the show, with her hands in her arms, attacking Ir:

"Don't be childish, Miss Witch. These vines were originally just green ivy. Who knows what kind of mutations will occur if you plant pink daisy? This is the Witch Manor."

Lilith, standing at the window, smiled and said to Walsh:

"Sister is taking good care of it. She loves those plants."

Walsh glanced awkwardly at Ir, who was operating wildly outside the window, and replied helplessly:

"Well~~~I can see~~"

He looked out the window in silence for a moment, then turned to look at Lilith, Asked with some doubt:

"Miss Evel looks cute and not bad. Why does she know Captain Jack?"

Lilith did not answer this question, but asked her own question. She really wanted to know the answer:

"Captain Jack is indeed a little fierce. In your eyes, is he a bad guy?"

Walsh recalled Alok, whom he had met twice in the Witch Manor, and said calmly:

"I think so. He is similar to my father, my uncle, and my brothers and sisters."

He has let it go. Although Jack is the initiator of his imprisonment here, he also allowed him to meet Lilith and keep himself away from the royal disputes.

It would be nice if it could always be like this.

Well~~It would be better if I could go to the garden often.

This place is too small.

"Then in the eyes of Moonlight Princess Lilith, is Captain Jack a bad guy?" Walsh asked back.

Lilith thought of the journey she had spent with Alok, and said as she recalled:

"He seldom spoke to me, and always had a gloomy face. But he was very good to my sister. It is said that most of my sister's materials were provided by him. It is said that some of this also belongs to him."

"The cute little bear is his pet. No, my friend. I think he must not be a bad person."

Walsh smiled after listening to Lilith's analysis, and said:

"Is this Captain Jack in your eyes?"

"That's right!" Lilith answered affirmatively.

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