"So her name is Billie?" Alok turned around and asked in surprise. Then, he patted Sebastian's shoulder, woke him up, and said:

"Okay. Don't look at it. If you want to see her, come to Dark Night Rose to drink from time to time at night, and you will see her."

"Business is important. Where is the Fowles Detective Agency?" There was a hint of humor and a sigh in his eyebrows.

Fate is really a bit confusing.

"Ah~~~~ Oh~~" Sebastian seemed a little dazed.

He shook his head and looked at Feng, that is, Billie. As if he didn't believe it.

Thinking of Alok's words, he answered in a trance:

"It's on the edge of Kafka District. I will take you there now, Captain."

Alok didn't make any excessive comments on this matter, but decided to let Sebastian deal with it himself.

But he couldn't let go of his own affairs.

He smiled and walked out of the door of Dark Night Rose first.

On the way, Sebastian was still immersed in what happened just now, and his mood was very complicated. There are expectations, fears, and nostalgia.

But no matter what, he still remembered what Alok said.

If you want to see Billie, go to Dark Night Rose for a drink from time to time at night.

It seems that she is a regular customer.

He secretly decided something in his heart, and walked towards Kafka District absent-mindedly.

Not long after, he looked up at the not-so-strong sunlight, pointed to the three-story white stone building and said to Alok:

"It's here."

From a geographical point of view, this place is located on the southern edge of Kafka District, very close to Elizabeth District, and not far from Rose Street.

It can be regarded as a pretty good location.

The stone building is very impressive, although it seems a bit shabby compared to the luxurious buildings in the central area. But for a detective agency, it is more than enough.

Alok did not comment, but directly turned on the astral vision to observe.

A soft milky white light group entered his field of vision. In addition, there were two smaller astral bodies flashing.

He was slightly stunned.

Historian? ?

About level 5.

This was unexpected. He thought detectives should be judges.

However, historians do have a natural advantage in detectives.

Then, he took a big step and strode into the office.

There were some other detectives in the office, but the level 5 forehead light group was the most eye-catching. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of space to set up an office like this?

There was a pretty girl at the front desk, wearing a winter suit and yawning. Seeing Alok come in, she quickly stood up and greeted the first customer of the day.

"Welcome, is there anything I can help you with?" She asked in a crisp voice.

Alok nodded casually, with a slightly anxious expression, and then said politely:

"Oh~~Hello. I hope to consult Detective Fowles. There is a tricky matter."

With her signature smile on her face, she bowed slightly and guided Alok to the side, saying:

"I don't know what you want to consult? Maybe I can help you make an appointment. I can also introduce you to the fee standard."

"If you make an appointment, how long will it take? I'm afraid I can't wait too long." Alok asked politely.

"It will take about a week. New Year's Day has just passed, and there are a number of cases piled up." She continued to explain in a calm tone but with apology.

Alok patted his forehead and said with some annoyance: "Oh~~I may not be able to wait so long. This is a very urgent matter. I have been waiting for several days. I can't stand those black skins. I don't know if I can jump the queue. Money is not a problem."

"Uh~~Black skin.. Can you tell me about the incident? Maybe I can recommend some other famous detectives for you." She refused very tactfully.

"But I still prefer Detective Fowles. Could you please inform him for me? My name is Bill, Lord Bill." Alok said politely.

She looked embarrassed, then looked at the gold coin tip Alok gave her and reluctantly nodded and agreed: "Okay. I'll ask Detective Fowles for you. He should be very busy."

Her words revealed euphemism, reminding Lord Bill not to hold too much hope.

Then, she put the gold coin into her pocket, smiled and nodded, turned around and left, and walked to the third floor, to Detective Fowles' office.

Knocked on the door.

And Detective Fowles seemed to know who was outside the door, and said softly:

"Come in. Nellie."

She gently opened the door, nodded and greeted: "Good morning, Detective Fowles."

Then, she closed the door and did not stay for too long, because all concealments could not hide from Detective Fowles' eyes. She said bluntly:

"A guest came downstairs and said he has a very urgent commission and wants to see you. His name is Lord Birk."

Fowles is an old detective with gray hair. He wears a dark suit lining and a bow tie. There are some wrinkles on his face and a dark brown pipe in his mouth. White smoke rises from the pipe.

Hearing Nellie's words, he stopped the work at hand, exhaled a puff of smoke from the corner of his mouth, held the pipe in his right hand, looked at Nellie, and muttered to himself in confusion:

"Lord Birk?"

As if he remembered something, Detective Fowles frowned slightly, but his expression did not change. After a while, he told Nellie:

"Let him come up. I'll wait for him here."

Nellie did not interrupt Detective Fowles's thinking. He hated it most when others interrupted him when he was thinking. After Detective Fowles finished his instructions, she bowed politely, then backed out of the room. Only Fowles was left alone.

After listening to Nellie's report, Fowles recalled the assassination case a few days ago based on his memory.

The assassination case of Count Botu's manor.

It is said that the murderer assassinated Count Otto from Naveste from a long distance away, but the murderer failed for some reason, and the bullet hit Count Botu's shoulder. It did not kill him, but only seriously injured the Count.

And this Lord Bilke was one of the parties involved.

At the time of the incident, he quickly pursued the enemy, but it is said that he did not gain anything.

Now he came to me, it should be for this assassination case.

He should be an extraordinary person, and his level is not low.

According to what I know a little bit, Lord Bilke is not a nobleman of Damea. I have never heard of such a nobleman in Damea before. So he should be a baron or viscount canonized by Count Otto or Grand Duke Drol.

Combined with the relationship and tense situation between Count Otto, the royal family, the temple, and Grand Duke Eaton.

In addition to the internal information he knew, a historian in the Extraordinary Events Department was corroded to death on the spot.

He made a quick judgment.

This pool of water is very muddy and too deep. Try not to get involved.

Paying attention to current affairs is a qualified quality of an excellent detective, and Detective Fowles is one of the best.

But even if you don't get involved, you can't offend a powerful nobleman. He still decided to meet Lord Bilke, but he had to reasonably refuse this commission.

This is completely different from Alok's purpose. Alok just used this matter as a lead.

The lead to meet Detective Fowles.

Nellie walked downstairs slowly and came to Alok with a smile. She had never expected that Detective Fowles would meet someone without an appointment today.

So she smiled and said:

"Luckily, Detective Fowles is not busy now. If it were a little later, it would be busy. Detective Fowles, please go up. Please follow me."

"Then I'll trouble you." Alok got up from the sofa and replied politely.

He glanced at Sebastian and showed an expression of 'Look, I was right. He will meet us.'

And Sebastian also responded with an expression of 'You are the boss and you are awesome'.

The two followed Nellie to the third floor one after the other, and came to the door of the fifth-level historian as Alok expected.

Nellie knocked on the door gently, reported it, and turned to leave, while Alok walked in naturally with Sebastian. After a slight nod, he took off his hat to show politeness and said:

"Detective Fowles, I have heard of your name for a long time. I am Bill."

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