The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 528: Legends of Damia (IV) - Legends of the Madhouse

Planck Lunatic Asylum.

Records of Planck Lunatic Asylum began in 840 AD and was abandoned in 932 AD. It has never been renovated in the 92 years. Until now.

It was originally funded by a psychiatrist named Planck. It is a public hospital under government control.

However, the legends about Planck Lunatic Asylum have been constantly updated and more mysterious in the past 100 years.


In the first few years after the establishment of the Lunatic Asylum, a large number of mentally ill people were imprisoned in the Lunatic Asylum.

At first, it was normal, and people only thought it was a place to "imprison" those crazy people. But as time went on, according to people living around the Lunatic Asylum, there would be crazy roars and crazy howls every night.

Later, even during the day, there would occasionally be beast-like sounds.

But surprisingly, even the nearest residents have never seen any doctor enter or leave the hospital gate. It seems that there are no doctors here at all, and it is not a hospital at all. Only the black and white striped hospital gowns of the "prisoners" who were occasionally released to bask in the sun were slightly convincing.

They were extremely thin, with thick iron chains on their hands and feet, some of which were even thicker than their arms.

Their eyes were full of bloodshot, and thick dark circles seemed to grow on their eye sockets.

They were hunched over, with messy hair, trembling as they swept the fallen leaves on the ground, and looked around helplessly.


More than ten years after the establishment of the lunatic asylum, something unexpected happened.

Someone went crazy!!

On a moonless night.

A middle-aged man living near the lunatic asylum suddenly picked up the scissors in his hand. He slaughtered his wife and children crazily.

His eyes revealed madness, his expression was hideous and terrifying, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. The scissors in his hand killed a pair of children and his beloved wife who were sleeping on the bed.

Countless blood flowed on the bed and the floor. Even the ceiling was smeared with blood.

When the neighbors found out, they were all stunned.

How could a normal person do this?

He knelt in a pool of blood with a look of horror, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and his ferocious expression seemed to tell the world his madness.

Like a demon.

People didn't dare to get too close, even though he didn't seem to be moving now.

When the police arrived, everything was over.


Nightmares haunted the residents living near the asylum.

They couldn't sleep at night, their minds were full of the endless blood of the mother and daughter.

What was disturbing was that the murderer appeared in the asylum.

This made the nearby residents very dissatisfied. They went to knock on the door of the asylum, hoping that someone in charge would come out and deal with the madman, and let him go to hell to find his wife.

But unfortunately, it was just a useless effort.

The murderous madman still occasionally appeared in the courtyard of the asylum.

He often smiled foolishly at the outside, but his eyes revealed madness.

His hands and feet were tied with the thickest chains, but the dangerous smile he occasionally showed made the residents more and more uneasy.


Twenty years after the asylum appeared.

The previous events seemed to be forgotten by people. The murderer had not appeared in the yard for a long time.

The mentally ill patients in the asylum seemed to have changed. But no doctor was seen.

However, strange things continued to happen near the asylum.

Another case made people realize the seriousness of the problem again.

People began to believe that mental illness can be contagious.

Because the man who witnessed the madman torturing his wife and children ten years ago was also crazy.

He used the same method, picked up the scissors, and turned his wife and children into a hornet's nest.

The scene was even worse than before. The bloody and terrifying scene suddenly reminded people of the case ten years ago.

People moved away from here frantically, fearing that they would become the next person to be infected.

Since then, there has been no more news from the inside of the asylum.


This place seems to have become a rare no-man's land in Damia.

The only people who dared to live here were those who couldn't afford to buy a house and wanted to get a bargain.

Anyone who knew about Planck Lunatic Asylum didn't dare to live here.

Without exception.

Ten years later, the case happened again.

This time it was a middle-aged man from another place.

He had a beautiful ten-year-old daughter and a beautiful wife.

He bought the house from a wealthy businessman at a price of about one-tenth of the price of the block.

On a moonless night, blood swept here again.


This incident seemed to have attracted the attention of the authorities.

All the people who had lived nearby were investigated. Even if they moved to distant Eton, they were not spared.

But what was terrifying was.

All the residents who had lived near the Lunatic Asylum.

Thirty years later.

All died!!!

And there was no news of their wives and children in the world.

We have reason to suspect that they killed their wives and children in the same way, and the blood has taken root in their hearts.


Planck Lunatic Asylum is getting more and more gloomy.

Even on a clear summer day, walking there would send chills down one's spine. The sky seemed to be covered with a layer of gray, and everything became gray.

It had become a real no-man's land.

No one dares to live here. Only those children who are not afraid of death dare to explore nearby.

Of course, there are also some detectives who are not afraid of death.

In 932, Planck Lunatic Asylum was abandoned due to "poor management". But the legend of the Lunatic Asylum is still circulating among the people.


In 956.

A team of young people prepared to explore the abandoned site of Planck Lunatic Asylum to prove their courage and prove that it was just a rumor.

They originally lived in Damia, liked detectives and adventures. They had heard about the legend of the Lunatic Asylum since they were young. But they were skeptical about it.

There were five people in the team, led by a young man named George.

He strode into Planck Lunatic Asylum with four teammates, two men and two women.

The ending of the story was a bit unexpected.

Except for George, the remaining two men and two women successfully walked out of the abandoned Lunatic Asylum.

But they kept silent about George.

Due to George's disappearance, the police intervened in the investigation. I also learned the truth of some cases.

The following is the transcript:

Police officer: You five young people went in, how come only four came out?

Male 1: There were only four of us in? Where did the fifth person come from?

Police officer: George, your friend, George.

Male 2: What? When did we have a friend named George? ?

Police officer: What happened inside?

Female 1: I don’t remember! I seemed to have slept and had a dream. But I forgot it.

Police officer: You stayed there for three days. What happened in these three days? ?

Female 2: Three days? Impossible. We only stayed for a while. .

Strange transcript, they forgot everything.

The police suspected that the four men and women had murdered George together. But in the end, the four men and women were acquitted due to insufficient evidence.

Three years later. The four men and women got married.

Five years later, they had their children at the same time.

Ten years later. They were found dead at home. The scene was roughly the same as the previous legend. The difference was that the man also died in bed.

This is the most real case of all the cases, and I am most convinced of it. He recorded it on ******.


Eilok sat in the corner of the Dark Night Rose, next to him was a night lamp illuminating the book, and opposite him was Sebastian holding a glass of Dark Moon Night beer.

He finished reading the legend of the lunatic asylum in "Damia's Tales of Strange Tales", stroking his chin, not knowing what to think.

He looked at the last asterisk, which should be the name of the book or record that was deliberately erased. It is probably a historical record of the government or black leather.

Although the whole article is divided into several small paragraphs, they can be connected. Most of them are related to the mental illness with a contagious interest.

The incubation period is ten years, and the longest is thirty years. In the end, they all brutally killed their wives and children with scissors, making them look evil and terrifying.

But if you look at it with an extraordinary eye, it's a bit like being eroded.

It should be said that it's very much like erosion.

But he still has some questions, so he asked Sebastian:

"Who is this Fowles? Is what he wrote fabricated? Or did it really happen?"

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