The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 525: Legends of Damian Strange Tales (I)

"Okay. I'm going out with Sebas tonight. You continue to pay attention to the situation at the pier. Be careful not to just focus on Pier 6. Where are the intelligence officers you trained?" Alok ordered.

"I understand, Captain." Roger lowered his head and agreed.

When he realized that there was no sound in front of him, he dared to raise his head and look at Alok's original position. He breathed a long sigh of relief when he found that he was gone.

"Huh~~~~Looks like we have to move!"


In the messy cabin, only a few oil lamps were still lighting up. Walking through the cold alley, Alok knocked on Sebas' door.


The crisp sound echoed in the empty cabin, and the mice hidden in the bottom of the boat made panicked squeaks.

"Who is it?" Sebastian's voice came from inside the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Alok in formal attire.

Because Alok changed his appearance, Sebas couldn't recognize it, but after a moment, he looked at the silver cane in Alok's hand and suddenly realized:

"Captain? You~~~"

"I have something to do with you tonight. Come with me." Alok said in a low voice.

"No problem, Captain." Sebas nodded in response.

He turned back to the house, picked up the coat hanging behind the door, and walked out of the hatch.

"I don't know what it is?" he asked doubtfully.

"Talking as we walk." Alok pressed the brim of his hat and held his cane in his left arm.

They walked off the Ghost Pirate Ship in silence, and Alok used a reappearance of yesterday to cover their whereabouts and voices. He walked slowly on the pier, paying attention to the ice under his feet, and whispered:

"I remember you are familiar with Damiya, right?"

Sebas followed Alok half a step behind. After hearing the words, he nodded and replied:

"That's right. I spent some time in Dalmea when I was in high school. I've been everywhere."

"I need to find a place." Alok said casually.

"Where? If I had been there, I would know it." Sebas asked.

"It's not a certain location, but I hope to find a place that meets the conditions." Elok continued to explain.

"It must be a building that can hide people. It is relatively open around. It is best to have residents, but not too many. It cannot be too close to the Kafka District. It is best that this place is uninhabited and has been idle for a long time."

Sebas frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said:

"It's empty, and there are a few residents around. It's far away from Kafka District, no one lives in it, and it's been restricted for a long time. There are many such places in Benjamin District. Many villas are idle there."

Elok crossed his arms over his chest, thought for a moment, and said, "It would be best to be in the Garosan District or the slums."

"There is no open space in the slums. They are crowded with people. And it is difficult to have idle spaces. In the Garosan District, there are few such places." Sebas looked at Alok sideways and replied.

"So. I want you to take me to find it." Alok said looking at Sebas.

"Captain, are you anxious? This may take a few days. Damia is too big. The Garosan area is long enough for us to wander around." Sebas shook his head slightly and said.

Alok waved his hand and replied:

"I'm not in a hurry. You and I will take a look around the Garosan District these days. Do you have any problems with traveling at night?"

"Of course not. It might be a problem if we move during the day. I've been having trouble sleeping lately." Sebas shrugged and spread his arms.

He glanced at Alok again, and felt that there was a strange sparkle about Alok, which was very eye-catching.

Seeing that Alok didn't respond, he thought about what he had seen before and said:

"To narrow down the scope, we might start with some supernatural incidents and horror cases. Because most of the houses that have been idle for a long time are haunted houses. Others don't dare to get too close, which makes the nearby area prone to emptiness."

Alok looked back at Sebas, nodded and said: "The idea is good. But now, after becoming a transcendent, there will be no supernatural events. They are just extraordinary events."

"You used to like detectives, so you should have accumulated a lot of knowledge in this area." Alok asked again.

Sebas nodded confidently and replied:

"Yes. The most attractive part of being a detective is solving mysteries and finding out the truth. And many supernatural incidents are simply magical crimes."

"Coupled with the influence of extraordinary factors, some weird spiritual power remains there. The sea of ​​spiritual power changes there, leading to some supernatural events. For example, seeing ghosts. In essence, it is a naturally formed will body life. ”

"There are a lot of places like this in Damia."

"Are there many places like this?" Alok asked in surprise.

"Not many are famous, but there are actually many cases in the detective circle." Sebastian replied with a smile.

This time it was Alok's turn to be really surprised.

I really haven’t heard of it myself. This may be because the circles are different.

Moreover, Dalmea serves as the capital of order. It's surprising that violent crimes like this are so common.

Although I feel relieved when I think about what Heipi did.

"Okay. Let's look for famous places first." Alok patted Sebas on the shoulder and said helplessly.


"To be honest. I can't quite remember where I am. I haven't studied detective work recently." Sebas looked at the dark street and became increasingly unable to find his way around.

He touched his head, looking a little distressed.

Mr. Phasma's affairs were not done well, which made him feel a little guilty.

Before, I joined the detective club and studied those weird cases just for the sake of being extraordinary.

He knew there were secrets hidden there.

But now that the goal has been achieved, I have lost interest in this aspect.

I only relied on memory to search for them, plus there were no street lights in the Garosan area, and those places were in remote locations.

He can really only look for places that are impressive.

After walking in the dark for a while, he raised his arm and pointed ahead and said:

"There is a well-known hospital ahead. It should meet your requirements, captain."

"Very famous? What? The doctor's level is very high?" Alok asked in surprise.

Sebas shook his hand and denied:

"Of course not. It was abandoned because it was often haunted. Nowadays, there are occasionally children who don't know whether to live or die and go on adventures. Some are safe, and some never return."

"Now it seems that there is a high probability that some confused will-body beings are causing trouble."

Getting closer and closer, relying on the improved night vision brought by the elves, the entire hospital appeared in Alok's field of vision.

This is a two-story building, which is not considered tall in the Garosan District. The dilapidated exterior walls can no longer be made out of material.

Surrounding the hospital is a small courtyard, which also meets Aylock's requirements. It's just that no one lives around here. They were probably all frightened by this hospital.

There wasn't even a single plant around, and there seemed to be no life around the yard.

Occasionally, a faint green will-o'-the-wisp flickered suddenly around the congressman, and a weak but very strange cold wind blew in the air, bringing a chill to Alok's spine.

Something seems wrong.

He motioned for Sebas to stop. Squint your eyes, turn on your astral vision and start observing.

"Open the will body vision." Alok whispered to Sebas. "Is this far from the Leavitt River?"

Hearing this, Sebas followed the instructions and turned on his will body vision, and because of the environment, he also replied in a low voice:

"It's not that far. But it takes twenty minutes to walk."

Alok nodded slightly and paid attention to the will bodies appearing under his astral vision.

The pale white was mixed with a hint of gray. They stared at Alok and Sebas from a distance, their indifferent faces making people's hair stand on end.

The broken will is their body. Wandering in every corner of the hospital. But it seems to be stuck here.

Most of their heads were mutilated. Either their foreheads were missing or their entire skulls were lifted up to reveal their terrifying brains. Or a thick iron needle inserted into the brain from the eye socket.

Even someone like Alok, who has seen the "big world", was almost frightened by such a scene and took a breath.

There is no need to mention Sebas. Although he couldn't see as far away as Alok, he still saw the vision of the will body closest to him, and he almost took a few steps back in fright.

"It doesn't work here." Alok quickly waved his hand and said to Sebas.

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