"What are your specific plans?" Professor Palmer suddenly asked.

"Originally, I didn't have any plans. But now the situation is becoming clearer, so I have some plans." Alok answered casually.

"Tell me about it." Count Otto continued.

Alok sorted out the ideas that just appeared in his mind and combined them with the current situation. After a pause, he began to say:

"We need to determine three elements. Time, place, and plan. The first is time. It is best to wait a few days until the domestic situation stabilizes. In this way, this news will be influential enough. Now people in the country are focusing on the war and the wedding."

"Besides, I also need this time to make full preparations."

"Second, the location. I plan to choose a bustling urban area with some spectators and preferably some reporters. That would be perfect. I will search for such a place in the next few days."

"Third. Plan. This step requires you, Florian. You don't need to use any powerful moves or simple techniques. You just need to be powerful and righteous. The more sacred and righteous, the better the effect."

"For this, I have to prepare a few more pieces of equipment for you as props. This prop will be customized by me for you." He looked at Florian and said with a smile. "Of course, if you want to give my sister money, she won't mind."

Ailok looked at Rona with a funny expression. In return, he rolled his eyes.

He didn't care, and continued to say to Florian:

"At that time, I will have a fair and just duel with you. Then I will die under your sword in front of everyone. After that, you will break into my residence and rescue Prince Wales. Bring him here. Then, Lord Otto will meet Kafka XI with you."

"A perfect drama is performed. Our purpose is not to deceive the temple or the royal family. It is just to spread the news that Captain Jack is dead to the civilians. In this way, the plan can continue to be implemented."

"We can spend a huge amount of wealth to buy the front page of the day, and it is better to buy more. Let this shocking news penetrate into the hearts of every Hutt Empire. This spiritual power will gather in the sea of ​​spiritual power, and the fake will become true."

There was something fake in his smile, which made him look a little gloomy.

And Rona on the side had a hint of helplessness and disgust in her eyes. Rolling his eyes, he said:

"Alok, how come your tactics are so similar to those of the government and the temple?"

Alok laughed immediately, stroking his hair, and continued:

"Ah~~hahaha. I was seen through. That's right. I learned it from them. They used the tactics on me, and now I give them back."

"How is it? Do you feel a sense of revenge?" Alok's eyes were filled with excitement.

"That's you, Alok. I just think it's too hypocritical." Rona couldn't help but say.

Alok shrugged indifferently. He said: "When dealing with enemies, there is no need to be realistic. Haven't you heard me say? You must do whatever it takes!"

Rona sighed softly. Indeed, Alok seemed even crazier and unscrupulous at the Singularity Conference.

But she didn't agree with this approach, but she didn't object to it.

Maybe he couldn't understand Alok's mood, nor his situation.

Just worried that there would be some problems with this mentality.

"Okay, okay. Your bickering is not good for the plan." Count Otto interrupted the conversation between Alok and Rona.

In his opinion, this is more and more like a daily quarrel between a couple. Just like he and his deceased wife.

He turned to look at Florian and asked:

"Florian, what do you think?"

"In terms of momentum, the knight deserves it." Florian nodded and replied. "As for the performance. Uh~~~ I haven't tried it."

"Uh~~ It's not a big problem. There will inevitably be a first time in life." Alok patted Florian's shoulder and comforted him.

"Okay. In terms of making plans. Of course, I am not as professional as you." Florian scratched his head and replied.

Alok smiled and nodded, saying: "Well~~ Don't worry. This is considered your agreement."

He turned to look at Count Otto and asked the Count's opinion: "Your Excellency, what do you think?"

"It's a good plan, enough to fool people." Count Otto praised.

Alok laughed a few times and continued:

"Hahaha~~Okay. In that case, we have to discuss the problems in the plan next."

"The first problem. Equipment problem. This problem will be solved by my sister. The last operation happened to have a few crystals of the knight profession. We will make them into weapons when the time comes."

"The second one is to buy newspaper reporters and buy front-page headlines. The money problem will also be solved by me. But it must be spent by the Count. Because in plain terms, Florian is a Navest, a man of the Count, and a man of Grand Duke Dror. The Grand Duke benefits from it. The Grand Duke also has to pay for it."

But everyone present understood that Florian was someone that Alok tried his best to protect, otherwise Florian would still be in prison now. The benefits generated were also accepted by Alok.

Although standing on the united front, the money should be paid by Alok.

He turned his head and looked at Count Otto, stroking his chin and asked, "I wonder how much it will cost?"

Count Otto looked at Professor Palmer and said, "I'm not sure about this. The professor should know something."

"I don't know the market in Damei. But in Navester, the price has always been high." Professor Palmer said seriously.

He tapped his fingers on the table, calculated secretly in his heart, and then said:

"There are five mainstream newspapers in Damei. There are too many second-rate newspapers. There must be at least a dozen. To achieve a sensational effect, at least half of them must be bought out. The front-page headlines of second-rate newspapers cost at least 500 gold coins. And the mainstream ones, at least 1,000. If it's the Damei Daily, the largest newspaper in Damei, I think it will cost at least 3,000 gold coins."

"Calculated in this way, it will cost at least 10,000 gold coins a day."

"Ten thousand gold coins." Alok was also frightened by this number. I didn't expect that the headlines of a newspaper in a day could directly soar to this price.

Even if I sell myself, I can only buy a day and a half.

Professor Palmer said rigorously:

"This is just an estimate. It's not accurate. Moreover, we are outsiders. We suffer discrimination in Dameia. This part of the price is also added."

Alok touched his chin, gritted his teeth, and said solemnly:

"Ten thousand is ten thousand. No problem. It's not much."

But in fact, his heart was bleeding.

Oh my god, I spent half a day to get tens of thousands of gold coins, and ten thousand went out in a flash? ?

The newspaper is really shady. Why don't I take over the newspaper? ? ? Good idea. Anyway, I don't like them.

It took a month to rob 40,000 gold coins, most of which were materials. I don't use them much. Put them in the warehouse to gather dust.

The money from selling materials was warm in my hands for a few days, and then I spent ten thousand.

After calculating, Alok now has 29,600 gold coins in his hands, as well as a lot of materials that he doesn't use much. It's a gift to Il.

After spending ten thousand, there are nearly twenty thousand left? ?

That's fine.

But I still think the newspaper is really shady~!!!

"Well~ In addition, we may have to set up an enforcement agency for the Wildlife Protection Act. It also requires money. Including employee salaries, bonuses, equipment, venues, etc." Professor Palmer continued.

"I have to pay for this money too?" Alok raised his voice.

Count Otto waved his right hand, looking a little embarrassed, and said:

"Ahem~ Don't be so stingy. You are a shareholder. When the money is divided, you will also have a share, right? Don't forget how much profit this thing has."

In fact, Count Otto's funds are a little tight. He didn't bring so many gold coins to Damia.

"Okay, okay~ Let's talk about it later." Alok waved his hand.

"Well~ No problem, you see. How about 10,000 gold coins?" Count Otto looked at Alok strangely and asked.

"What?? Another 10,000??" Alok jumped up and shouted.

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