The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 509: Death of Yakuri (Part 2)

Eilok looked at the manor of Grand Duke Dror from a distance, and under the astral vision, the astral spirits were all flickering.

The lights outside the manor were also bright, and many policemen were standing guard. They looked quite nervous.

He didn't want to go in again, but he wanted to understand the situation on the scene. He didn't choose to pass the information to Professor Palmer at this time. Instead, he looked for other ways.

Knowing the investigation methods of Heipi well, he naturally knew how to hide himself and how to make the investigation fail.

A small fragment of memory appeared in his hand.

It was a small fragment of memory that he had sealed for a long time. There was no one else in the memory, only a burning flame and a ghostly child. Staring with scary eyes. Extremely terrifying.

He didn't dare to think too much, and hurriedly put this small piece of memory accurately into the sea of ​​mental power not long ago, but it was not the part where he appeared in Count Otto's house, but a little before, when he hadn't arrived.

After waiting for a while, he tidied his manners to make himself look a little embarrassed. With the look of Bill, he strode towards Count Otto's manor.

Soon, he was stopped by the police guarding the scene and asked for his identity.

"Who are you! Stay away from me. Hand over your ID!!"

This was all planned.

He frowned and shouted loudly:

"Is this how you greet a noble? I am the person involved. Come on, take me in to see the Count. You are such a tactless guy."

Three or five policemen soon gathered around, one of whom looked like the supervisor of the periphery.

He stared at Alok's clothes for a long time before finally saying:

"Please wait a moment. I'm going to ask the sheriff."

"Then hurry up. A lot of time has been wasted. Do you want to delay more?" Alok looked very irritable. He shouted madly.

A roar appeared at the scene. Then there was a sound of glass breaking. Alok turned his head and saw that several pieces of meat in the reception room were thrown out of the window under the cover of night, and the glass mixed with blood was broken all over the floor.

Although the sheriff at the scene was also a man who had seen the world, he did not have a deep understanding of the supernatural realm. He was obviously a little sluggish.

"Go quickly. What are you waiting for?" Alok yelled.

The sheriff quickly rushed into the manor, while Alok stood there waiting, not choosing to rush in.

After a long time, the sheriff looked extremely frightened but had to put on a calm look, returned to Alok and said:

"The Earl asked why you came back. Let you go in."

Alok pretended to be full, with a trace of disdain and disgust in his eyebrows, and glanced at the policeman. Without saying a word, he turned around and walked into the manor.

Under the scrutiny of several black skins, Alok walked into the house with a frown.

When he passed by the reception room, he glanced at it, and his eyebrows also revealed some solemnity.

Some underestimated the power.


It was a bit self-defeating.

But this trace of solemnity changed in the eyes of the black skin. I think this person is not an attacker.

Under the guidance of a black man, Alok came to the destination of this time - the restaurant.

"Mr. Earl. Professor Palmer. What happened? I'll see outside~~~" Alok asked directly.

"Lord Bilke, what about you?" Earl Otto did not answer this question, but said simply.

Alok knew that this was Earl Otto telling his identity.

So, Alok showed deep disappointment on his face. He sighed and said:

"I didn't catch up with the enemy. He is a cunning hunter."

Earl Otto's face flashed with disappointment, but soon, he nodded, indicating that he knew.

Then he turned his head and shouted at Sheriff Lloyd:

"This is the consequence of you not chasing the enemy quickly. The hunter ran away a long time ago. How do you explain it? ? The investigation here is not clear now. Let the temple come."

"Even if we chase, there may not be any results." Lloyd still wanted to quibble.

But before he could say more, he was interrupted by Count Otto:

"Is this the reason for your inaction? Just because you may not get results even if you do it?? Is this the Extraordinary Affairs Committee??"

Now, it was indeed Count Otto who caught the mistakes of the blacks, which gave Count Otto a considerable advantage in the confrontation.

"I can't order you, but I will complain to the Extraordinary Affairs Committee! And you have to compensate me for my losses!!" Count Otto performed angrily.

And Alok also added fuel to the fire and said:

"You didn't meet a single black along the way, and you just surrounded the scene? This is far worse than the Extraordinary Events Handling Department of Navester! There is no sense of security at all. How dare I, a lord, continue to stay in Damea?"

Lloyd's temples bulged, and he seemed extremely angry, but he always suppressed his emotions. After all, he really had no reason to refute now.

But in his heart, he looked down on the country bumpkins from Navester.

Moreover, a worthless lord who is relying on the power of others and bullying others is nothing!

But he dared not say anything, and could only firmly assure again:

"My Lord Earl, Your Excellency Lord. Please rest assured. The Dameiyan Extraordinary Incident Handling Department will definitely give an extremely good answer. We will also bear the losses at the scene. This also includes cleaning up the scene."

"But this is also our official business. Please cooperate with the Count. After all, no one can tell what hidden dangers there are. We cannot relax."

Count Otto rarely listened to Lloyd's words, stared and said:

"Of course I know. But I have three companions who are stronger than you, and you can't give me a sense of security. I wonder how your investigation is going now? I hope it's not fruitless. Or just that one bullet!"

The disdain and contempt in Count Otto's tone deeply hurt Lloyd's self-esteem.

But he is also a character, gritting his teeth and persisting. After all, those who reach this position did not get there because of scolding. It was just the first time I was scolded by two country bumpkins.

He took a deep breath and continued to say firmly:

"One bullet is already a very important clue in the eyes of experts. This alone is enough for us to find the assassin."

"Then I look forward to good news from you." Count Otto treated him coldly.

At this moment, a hazy female voice slowly echoed in the scene.

Alok rolled his eyes and looked back.


"What happened? Dad?" Lorna was wearing blue plush pajamas and a thick coat. He asked in confusion as he rubbed his eyes.

"Ah~~~Dear Lorna. I woke you up. I'm so sorry." Count Otto's face change speed was definitely unprecedented in Alok's life.

He used his fur coat to cover the gunshot wound on his shoulder, and continued softly:

"It's a small thing. It's all the fault of the Department of Extraordinary Events. It's okay now."

"Really? I heard a loud noise downstairs." Lorna looked sleepy and confused.

"That's right." Count Otto smiled and nodded.

He seemed to realize something, then pointed his right hand at Alok and introduced:

"This is Lord Bilke. Next to him is Florian. You should have seen him. When he was in Dror City."

Hearing this, Lorna customarily curtsied to Alok and Florian.

She was a little confused about the situation at the scene. She had just come out of the laboratory. I was studying that extraction device just now.

As soon as she came out, she heard her father yelling. This is unusual.

So she quickly pretended to be woken up and hurriedly walked down.

But when I came down, it was different.

Lord Bilke.

Damn it, stupid Elok pretended. Even if you change your appearance, I can still tell you that you smell like a pirate.

As for Florian.

Hmm~~ I have indeed seen it, but unfortunately it was not in Dror City, but at the Singularity Point.

She scanned it once, and then her eyes focused on Count Otto again.


"Dad, your hand is injured? How did it happen?" She hurried to Count Otto's side and stared at his shoulder seriously.

"It's just a minor injury. It's okay. It'll be fine in a few days." Count Otto avoided Lorna's gaze, looking a little embarrassed.

Such tenderness made Lloyd unable to stand or sit down, and he was so embarrassed that he exploded.

The count did not introduce him.

It was extremely embarrassing.

Therefore, he said simply:

"In that case, Lord Earl, let's leave first. Don't move on the scene yet. We will send people to continue the investigation."

"Clean it up by the way." Count Otto's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately grimaced. "That's right, steward. Give me a pension of 100 gold coins."

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