The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 507 The moonlight is so beautiful tonight

As if he could feel the sharp edge behind him. He instantly entered the bullet time.

He didn't dare to waste any time and quickly put on a deflection shield for energy transfer.

The shield of energy transfer is completely transparent in appearance, but it protects Alok in a position similar to a magnetic field.

Only a small force is needed to deflect the direction of ballistic skills.

And now Alok has almost turned on his maximum mental output to maximize the intensity of energy transfer.

In an instant, the bullet has reached less than two meters behind Alok, facing his heart. At this time, he just heard the sound of glass breaking.

Unfortunately, the bullet without any light seemed to be attracted by something at this moment. It began to deflect direction with difficulty and very small amplitude.

Finally, it passed by its prey.

A blood flower suddenly bloomed, and a few drops of blood splashed on Alok's black dress.

At this time, the bullet time was lifted. Alok turned his head suddenly and looked in the direction where the bullet came from.

There was a blank there. Even the range of the star vision was out of sight.

But then, a shining heart of perseverance suddenly flickered at that position.

Flames rose in Alok's eyes, and he disappeared in the reception room in a flash.

At this time, everyone just reacted.

The bullet hit the shoulder of Count Otto in front of Alok, and a splash of blood made Professor Palmer and Florian very nervous.

Florian took out his sword directly and transformed into a giant sword. The golden light on his body was shining, and he raised his momentum to the maximum, and shouted loudly:


Then, he stared at the surroundings with concentration, as a qualified knight.

Professor Palmer quickly took out a small scepter and said in an extremely majestic voice:

"Orders must be obeyed. Flying is prohibited here!"

This is the best way to deal with long-range assassinations. Bullets and arrows cannot fly into here at all, and any long-range attack skills will fall out of range. Even skills like fireball are the same. The scope specified by Professor Palmer is this reception room.

With Florian's protection, they are basically not afraid of assassinations below level five.

Now Professor Palmer has time to check on Count Otto's injuries.

I saw a small gunshot wound on Count Otto's shoulder, which directly penetrated the entire left shoulder.

Count Otto himself had already squatted on the ground and covered his shoulder.

His left hand was hanging down, and his right hand was trembling a little, but he still endured the severe pain and did not make a sound.

"Quick, find a shelter. I believe the Extraordinary Events Handling Department will arrive soon. We have made a lot of noise." Professor Palmer whispered.

The three of them quickly found two sofas as shelters, which was not to block bullets, but to block the enemy's sight.

"Mr. Count. Please be patient. Elok should have chased out."

Count Otto closed his mouth tightly, his lips were a little pale.

But he didn't say a word, just waved his right hand, signaling Professor Palmer to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Palmer nodded after searching, knowing that it was an emergency. The Earl's injury was serious but not life-threatening.

The next time was the most critical and the most difficult.

The enemy seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

This made Professor Palmer extremely nervous. He had to be careful of everything around him.

The attack happened too suddenly.

Count Otto was targeted as soon as he appeared. If the sniper's aiming seemed to be flawed, the Earl might have died.

None of the three realized that the real target of the assassination was not Count Otto, but Alok. The bullet was not off target at all, but was not aimed at Count Otto. It was just because of the deflection of energy transfer that the bullet turned to the Earl.

After all, in the bullet time, only Alok could move normally, and others could not see Alok's movements and skills at all.

And the shield of energy transfer was transparent, and ordinary people could not see it at all.

Therefore, the assassin could only take the blame.


On the other side.

The guidance of the North Star is indeed a level 7 skill.

He even marked the attacker outside of Alok's field of vision.

The star was as dazzling as the sun in Alok's sight. From a distance, Alok felt malicious.

Have you forgotten the lesson from last time? Anti-will? Or heaven?

Who cares.

Fight violence with violence, tooth for tooth.

His flash exceeded the limit of the distance of the mental tentacles and appeared directly in front of the shining star.

The moment he opened his eyes.

A burst of moonlight had already flowed on the water tower.

He took a quick step back to avoid Alok's sudden attack.

With a "bang", he fell on the solid ground below the water tower.

And Alok stood on the water tower, looking at the hunter in front of him who dodged his attack.

A level 5 hunter.

And to which organization he belongs, there is no need to say more.

"Cappadocia? Have you forgotten your lesson? Or are you willing to be someone else's slave?" Alok stared at the figure under the water tower, and the contempt in his tone was like a sharp knife.

And the vampire obviously didn't have the urge to talk nonsense with Alok. Or maybe Alok's sarcasm hurt his heart.

A fierce expression flashed across his face, and he opened his hands. A pair of huge wings stretched out from his back.

Just as he was about to fly into the sky.

But suddenly I felt something was wrong in my heart.

In an instant, a ray of moonlight passed by his wings, and the huge bat wings were broken at the roots.

Standing on the water tower, Alok's lips curled up into an appreciative smile, as if he was an artist sighing at the moon.

Beside Cappadocia, another Elok slowly walked out of the moonlight. He held the "Crescent Scar" in his hand, and the blade was flashing with stars.

Of course I won't talk nonsense. hunter!

A sharp roar sounded in their ears.


And Elok has already released the mist.

Of course the purpose is not to stop the roar.

However, this Cappadocia is also obviously very experienced in combat.

In the fog, he didn't just stay put and take a defensive stance. Instead, he once again used the skill of retreat to retreat a large distance and escape the fog range.

The skill of retreat does not need to connect to the star world and the sea of ​​spiritual power. It only needs to rely on one's own will body to cooperate with the astral body, plus one's own strength to cast it. It’s similar to the pirate’s ‘solution’.

And Alok was not discouraged.

A vampire who has lost his air superiority becomes less scary on the ground even though he is physically powerful.

Airok transformed into moonlight again and slashed at the Cappadocia.

He learned the lesson from last time and did not dare to take a direct attack. He dodged Ai Luoke's attack.

The body turned around in an extremely twisted posture in the air. I don't know where I borrowed the strength to turn around at a right angle in the air. After landing, I used my lower limbs to jump and fly towards Alok at the top of the water tower.

The corner of Alok's mouth raised at a strange angle.

The second before Cappadocia approached, it suddenly transformed into countless vines.

A huge net grew rapidly from Elok's body. In a moment, it enveloped the area.

At the same time, Elok's figure appeared on the outside of the net.

He opened his mouth and gasped for air.

He also knew that he could not fight for long. The main reason is that the consumption of mental energy is too great.

Level eight skills. He simply couldn't support the consumption of mental energy. But thanks to the help of ‘Polaris’. He could barely use part of his skill power.

But it's impossible to perform this skill as well as it did that day. That time it was the Queen's help.

As soon as the mental power net appeared, the situation on the field quickly came under control. Countless vines surround the entire water tower. The scene on the spiritual sea is even more terrifying.

Countless spiritual power networks tightly surround the entire venue. Forming a spider web-like structure.

Any object with a will will be restricted within the field.

Even pirates, who were known for their freedom, were not immune.

Cappadocia's movements became more and more sluggish, and Airok finally transformed into moonlight.

The dazzling sunlight lights up everything in the "net". But not a shred of light came through.

The shadow is reflected on the "net", and a struggling human figure appears.

With a flash of moonlight. The shadow was cut in two pieces from top to bottom.

Elokde's figure slowly emerged on the top of the water tower. Looking at the body lying on the ground, he chuckled. Looking at the bright moon in the sky, he sighed:

"The moonlight is so beautiful tonight~"

"Yes, it's suitable for stabbing." Alok, who was standing on the ground, put away the knife and sighed slowly.

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